ANTI-AIRCRAFT ANTI-AIRCRAFT The first German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun with the official name 2 cm FlaK auf Selbstfahrlafette 38(t) or Sd.Kfz.140 on tank chassis were developed in the fall of 1943, under the personal direction of Hitler; as the chassis was used by the Pz..Kpfw.38(t). Note that these tanks are not produced in Germany, they were created and produced in Czechoslovakia by CKD company (“Czech-Moravian Kolben Danek” – SKD) in Prague and was named TNHP-LT vz.38. The first of these was made in may 1939, They were considered light tanks, had a good, time, safety, a considerable speed, carrying a semi-automatic 37,2 mm gun Skoda A7. But it so happened that none of them were in the Czechoslovak army. The fact that in September of the same year, German troops occupied the Czech Republic. Released by this time the tanks were immediately accepted them into service under the designation Pz.Kpfw.38(t). Their production at the factory in Prague and admission to the Wehrmacht continued.

All the tanks in the German divisions were used in the first stage of the Second world war during the invasion of Poland, France, the Balkans, proved to be worthy opponents. And against the Soviet Union, the Germans put them on the Eastern front in the amount of 772 units.
In may 1942 issue of the Czech-German tanks stopped. However their chassis, the Germans began to be used as self-propelled artillery Grille (Grille – “Cricket”) and tank destroyer “Marder III” (Marder – “Marten”), and later for Sol 38(t).
By the summer of 1943 the German air force at the front had already lost its former superiority in the air. Soviet pilots stepped up attacks on ground targets of the enemy. The Germans were extremely concerned about this situation, especially given armored vehicles. It took self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (ZSU), which could provide protection for tanks, including accompanying them on the March, moving in the tank column.
15 Oct 1943, Hitler participated in the discussion of projects such installations. The meeting rejected the proposal to issue four-barrel 20-mm gun mount on the T-IV, but passed the project settings with a 37-mm gun on the same chassis. However, for their development and supplies to the troops required a lot of time. Then, due to the extreme requirements ZSU, Hitler agreed to the equipment 20-mm anti-aircraft guns on tank chassis Pz.Kpfw.38(t) that can be executed in the shortest possible time. Two months later this machine was shown to him.
Serial production of the anti-aircraft tank FІакраnzеr 38(t) started in November 1944 in Prague the same plant chkd and continued to February of the following year. Only this time released 141 ZSU. In the army they called it the “Cheetah”.
Anti-aircraft tank Pz.Kpfw/38(t) Gepard Wehrmacht
Anti-aircraft tank Pz.Kpfw/38(t) Gepard Wehrmacht
Anti-aircraft tank Pz.Kpfw/38(t) Gepard Wehrmacht
The chassis and the hull of the machine does, in fact, did not differ from the prototype of the tank Pz.Kpfw.38, remaining the same.
Ahead on the house, a few stood the armored covers for the driver, izgotovleniya casting, while the case itself is collected mainly on the rivets. Combat tower was shifted aft, to maintain the necessary alignment of the machine. It had no roof, was open. The sides and back wall it was 10-mm armor plates: they protect calculation from bullets and shrapnel. The walls could, if necessary, to lean, cutting completely opened. This gave the opportunity to lead from the gun fire at maximum negative angles of decline to -5°, if necessary, defeat the enemy in front of him.
In front of the wheelhouse on a special Cabinet was installed 20-mm automatic anti-aircraft gun Flak 38 firm “Rheinmetall”. The Cabinet were allowed circular rotation in the tilted walls of the cutting sector of fire was 360° . Cannon could literally shoot vertically its maximum elevation angle was +90°. From the front she was protected by armor shield.
The crew was four.
This was the first German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun called Gepard.
In the Wehrmacht these ZSU were armed tank divisions (TD). They were United in anti-aircraft platoons, and was intended for air defense headquarters tank regiments and divisions. Each platoon had three sections for four cars.
Most of the installations were distributed in military units stationed in the West of France.
On the Eastern front, anti-aircraft tanks Sd.Kfz.140 participated in the battles in the composition of the SS Panzer divisions – the 9th TD “Hohen-Staufen” and the 10th TD “Frundsberg”.
In the open cabin of the tank was 20-mm semi-automatic anti-aircraft gun Flak 38
In the open cabin of the tank was 20-mm semi-automatic anti-aircraft gun Flak 38
Tower installation with 35 mm twin guns
Tower installation with 35 mm twin guns “Oerlikon”. Placed on the tower radar target detection
In the army they were from February of 1944 and stayed there for long. First, they suffered irreparable losses from air strikes. Recall that at this time their production was terminated and deliveries of Sd.Kfz.140 stopped. Second, they simply began to withdraw from the front lines and to translate away from the front. To replace them began to come more effective anti-aircraft installations on the basis of the Pz.Kfpw.IV, the arms of which were one 37-mm cannon, or four 20-mm cannon.
It should be noted that these anti-aircraft tanks Sd.Kfz.140 was, in the opinion of military experts, is the easiest among other machines created based on the tank Pz.Kpfw.38 (t). Because of this, they had better cross, developed the highest speed. However, the only cannon would not provide a sufficient density of fire in repelling air attacks, and the installation needed to use groups.
It took quite a few years after the war and resumed post-war Germany, now a Federal Republic, began for the creation of new weapons, including antiaircraft self-propelled installations. Already in 1955 he started to develop the new ZSU on tank chassis, but with its old name “Cheetah”. And yet from the United States for the newly created Bundeswehr was delivered 500 self-propelled anti-aircraft M42, established in 1951 on the basis of the M41 light tank “Walker Bulldog” and taken into service with the us army in 1953, they were delivered coupled 40-mm cannon, known as “Duster” (Duster). However, these ZSU, though, and had the ability to deal effectively with aircraft and helicopters with a good range, but could only be used in the daytime because of the lack of fire control systems.
The development of new ZSU continued intermittently for ten long years and only in 1966 were awarded the contract to design the system on the chassis of the tank “Leopard-1”. This tank was created on the basis of the experimental MW-70, jointly developed by experts of Germany and the United States, and adopted by the German army in 1956, becoming its main battle tank of the 1960s.
At its base were tested. One of them, ZLA – the company “Rheinmetall” – with a 30-mm twin guns, the other 5PZF-A – company “Contraves” with 35 mm also paired. Both the prototype was equipped with radar detection and tracking (radar). This was almost the main requirement for the project to allow firing at any time of the day.
After shooting the tests, the experts were inclined to the adoption of the second option. An important role is played by the larger caliber 35-mm weapons to provide greater lethality of the projectile and great range.
To continue military trials were ordered six prototypes under the symbol 5PZF-B. there was also a model 5PZF-C radar production Dutch “Signalperson”.
35-mm FlakPz Gepard
35-mm FlakPz Gepard
1 – sensor the muzzle velocity of the projectile; 2 – tracking radar “Albis”; 3 – tower installation; 4 – radar target detection MPDR-12; 5 – shutters engine-transmission compartment; 6 – driving wheel; 7 – a side of anti shaped-charge screens; 8 – the directing wheel; 9 – the place of the driver; 10 – core box guns; 11 – Luc MTO; 12 – the exit hatch towers; 13 – tower surveillance device; 14 – twin 35-mm KDA anti-aircraft gun “Oerlikon”; 15 – antenna; 16 – unit smoke grenade launchers; 17 – observation devices of the driver

The case ended with the fact that the Germans ordered his army of 420 units of new ZSU. Then the Belgians asked for 55 cars and Niderlandy – 100.
In 1976, the installation under the designation Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard was adopted by the Bundeswehr as a tank defense “Cheetah” or “Gepard-Second”.
The chassis of this anti-aircraft tank MBT “Leopard-1” was modified, though slightly, had facilitated the booking. On top of the casing placed the tower for the installation of anti-aircraft guns. Added an auxiliary unit with a capacity of 71 kilowatts, to provide power to equipment when not running the main engine.
The layout of the tank – normal type: control module – front motorostroitelnoe compartment – in the stern. The car had torsion bar suspension and seven double road wheels on Board and two supporting roller, guide wheel in the front leading back. Radar detection of raised turrets behind the tower, radar support installed in front of the tower.
The driver was right in front of the body, his left is placed the auxiliary power unit. The rest of the crew was located in the tower.
The main objective ZSU “Cheetah” was considered the fight against low-flying air targets at ranges of up to 4000 m. They were able to hit aircraft flying at speeds of 350 – 400 m/s at altitudes up to 3000 m, as well as helicopters at all angles.
The rate of fire of their anti-aircraft coaxial 35mm KDA cannon “Oerlikon” 1,100 RDS./min (550×2). However, the gunner himself can set the desired mode of fire – single shots, all on 5 or 15 cartridges, or even a continuous line. In his possession were 680 rounds of ammunition. Most of them were high-explosive, but a few dozen were and armor to defeat armored vehicles on the ground.
“Cheetah” PA maneuvers occupies the firing position. The speed of movement on flat terrain of up to 65 km/h
Projectile weight – 0.55 kg, initial velocity 1175 m/s.
The gun had a fully electric drive pickups, with backup manual, mechanism, tape supply; shot shells ejected automatically. The tower in which they were placed, had a circular rotation.
In addition to the main armament of the ZSU had a 7.62 mm MG3 machine gun and eight smoke grenade launchers.
Station target detection MPDR-12, mounted on the machine was able to detect aircraft at a distance of 15 km Indicated on the screen of the station the goal was identified, identifiable. Further connected to a tracking radar “Albis”, which started accompanied by a detected object. The fire control system (FCS) suggests a gun in the aiming point and continuously led them behind.
Upon entering goals into the affected area and receipt of an appropriate signal installation crew opened fire.
Both radars operated independently from each other, allowing you to aim and to search for new aerial objects. Antenna stations detect rotated at 60 rpm./min and had the directional diagram width in horizontal plane 6° ; the duration of her pulse was 3.3 µs, pulse and average power – 4 and 0.1 kW.
The antenna support was placed under a Radome on the front of the tower. She had the possibility of independent rotation in azimuth in a sector of 360°.
FCS setup was based on a two-channel digital computer which solved the problem of meeting the objectives and of the lead angles in both planes. Taking into account the parameters of its movement and most ZSU, and to increase the accuracy of shooting and the testimony installed on the machine sensors: a tilt angle case, the initial speed of the projectile at the muzzle sections of guns, the speed and direction of wind, etc.
In the case of enemy electronic warfare commander and gunner can use optical sights with 1.5 and 6 times magnification and a field of view of 12° and 50°.
The unit had a mechanism for automatic translation of traveling to combat, was equipped with navigational equipment, means of communication, a system of protection against weapons of mass destruction.
In the Bundeswehr in each division has anti-aircraft regiment, which had six batteries, each of them had two platoons with three ZSU. A regiment was listed as 36 units.
ZSU “Cheetah” was intended to cover the mechanized and armored units on the battlefield and on the March in open terrain in difficult terrain. Used to it the chassis of the tank “Leopard” had to perform the tasks the best way possible.
Military experts considered this second German “Cheetah” – now the Bundeswehr is the best anti-aircraft guns of the West, which stood until very recently, the basis of the air defense forces of Germany.
The PERFORMANCE characteristics of the anti-aircraft TANK Pz.Kpfw.38(t) PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS ZSU

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