Skiing on water

Skiing on water

The idea of ​​water ski floats is not new, and yet such a projectile cannot be called ordinary. On the contrary, the sight of a person literally running on the waves invariably causes surprise among those around him. Apparently, the spread of watercraft of this type is hampered by the opinion that skis are not Read more…



The “Volna” inflatable boat, popular among water recreation enthusiasts, can be easily converted into a real sailing dinghy. The drawings of the universal sailing rig published in this issue, which was awarded a 1st degree diploma at the IV competition of the best sailing and tourist vessels, can be used for any “inflatable boats” and Read more…

Cottage Traveler

Cottage Traveler

M-K has repeatedly published descriptions of car trailers. And industry produces them, for example, “Skif”. However, I decided to build it to my own taste. And since then, the traveling dacha has been reliably serving my family for many years. All its components turned out to be quite durable and efficient, and the interior provides Read more…

Bamboo dome house

Bamboo dome house

A few years ago I came across plans for creating a bamboo dome, and this idea stuck in my head. No one was building such domes at that time (and even now I have found only two examples using this principle), and I wanted to try. I started with a scale model about a meter Read more…

Georgia tourist

Georgia travelerGeorgia — the country is amazing, not just amazing, but, unfortunately, unfairly deprived of attention. Tourists in Tbilisi should visit the cable car, which immediately attracts attention, once you get into the city. Tourists often mistakenly call it a funicular. Cabin cable car will take you to one of the most popular viewpoints for a few minutes, and then you can get to the oldest landmarks of the city include the Narikala fortress.

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TO HELP THE CHIPCut or broke off and remained in the hole pin or a tap when cutting threads in cast iron or aluminum parts — it is unpleasant, but not hopeless. Rescue proven the following simple technology: the hole reams a larger diameter, allowing not only to remove the chip, but to cut a thread and screw stem nut on new stud or bolt.

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...THE RAILS ON THE TABLEFor model railroad two rail strips are made from sheet aluminum. They need to be screwed to a wooden block. They mounted on the side bars of wood that make up the profile of the mound. In the corners between the rails and the wooden blocks glued slats that allow you to save the profile rail. On top of the mound, stick the strap-sleepers. After assembling the pieces of wood with glue BF, sprinkle with a mixture of river fishing line and crushed slag. A thin layer of this mixture clinging to the tree, creates the semblance of a mound. The sizes are selected depending on the scale of the models.

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