If the electric iron has served its purpose, but the heater in it is still working, use it in a new role – a vulcanizer. It’s not at all difficult to do this. Cut a bracket from five-millimeter steel (see figure), weld a cylindrical boss to it on top, and a strip of metal 50 Read more…

The gate goes up

The gate goes up

Typically, garage doors have two heavy leaves that open outward. Every car enthusiast knows how much trouble they cause, especially in winter. Snow accumulates on the area in front of the garage, ice freezes on the doors, lock, and handles. You have to tinker a lot to get the car out. By abandoning the traditional Read more…


TWO IN ONEThe idea is to make two-cylinder engine came to us with the son, that is, from want. In times of General scarcity in the economy was necessary for some vehicles to have the house and farmstead to provide those without something to exist person in the Russian hinterland is simply impossible. This is the wood, hay, building materials, which had to bring. Plowing and treatment of the infield in the required quantities without the technology, too, was unbearable.

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Selling scooters and mopeds rental

The sale of scooters and mopeds rentBuy a scooter, even despite the fact that these machines are mostly measured not so expensive, especially in the secondary market is an important event, and not even because in any case, the money should be spent wisely. But because a scooter is a vehicle. So, the quality of the machine and its characteristics determine not only a comfort travel, but first and foremost safety on the road, and it is against this criterion, and to select a scooter. In order to purchase a quality machine, in the first place is to pay attention to its technical characteristics and the reliability of all nodes. And if possible, in the beginning it is better to take the scooter rental cost in most cases available, and the experience and knowledge will pay off.

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RACK-GUARDKrysheval the trunk will be of interest to owners of cars that do not have a garage and have to leave to spend the night steel “horse” under the open sky. Most of them equip their vehicles with security alarm. However, it often works even from a passing truck or a number of powerful peals of thunder, breaking the night’s rest of residents.

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