ELECTRONICS ON A MOTORCYCLERevved the motor, the motorcycle abruptly jumped up and rushed forward. The neighbouring village was what half a kilometer, as suddenly go haywire motor… to Prevent such surprises helps electronics. The bike is equipped with an electronic ignition system that significantly reduces the load on the breaker contacts, and the increase in spark energy allows the engine to work reliably in the lean combustible mixtures.

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CONSTRUCTION GARAGEGarage for car enthusiast is not only a roof for cars, but also a place where we have to spend a lot of time: it is necessary to embellish the body, oil change, and even to engage in serious repair. That’s why the rational layout of the premises and reasonable organization designated to carry out the necessary works are not in last place most of the owners of covered Parking spaces. The magazine discussed this topic. Thus, in the N° 2 in 1987 published an article Lazarev A. experience in the use of hand hoist during repair operations. Today, the editorial staff returns to this theme and offers its readers an article by A. Godyna from the city of Astrakhan.

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UNDER CONTROL — CAMBERInfringement of corners of forward wheels of cars leads to unpleasant consequences: increasing the load on the steering wheel, the difficult control of the car, there is an intensive unilateral wear of a protector of tires: when you increase the camber wears out faster outside, lower — inside. Therefore, as soon as the above symptoms, you should not shelving them to check and the corresponding adjustment of the camber angles.

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AVTOGROTIn the old days (but not so far) rarely does the farm did without such household storage, like a cellar or basement. The latter name reveals its structure: deep in the ground and lined on top of the ground room in which were stored grain and other supplies, and various belongings.

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START IN ANY FROSTCame to the editor, inventor raskryl map of the Soviet Union. It was marked with lines of climatic zones of the country.
— Look, — said P. I. Profatilov, even in the southern zone, the monthly average temperature of January reaches -10°. More than half of the territory belongs to the zone with average January temperatures below -20°, not to mention the Arctic, the polar regions and the subzone of very low temperature.

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FORCING Device for Dismounting of bearings is shown in figure 13. They are as follows: from the bearing, remove the separator, pushing the balls enter between the collars of the bearing lugs is rotated 90° and in this position zakanchivaut nuts. Screw compress the bearing from the trunnion of the crankshaft. The demolition is over.

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FORCING Bike engines D-5 is familiar to many designers and Amateurs. On their basis build different machines: microvesicle and motology, microaerobic and motonarty. Often readers turn to us with questions about the increase in power bike engines. We will try to describe the main methods of speeding up the engines D-5 and D-6 (to try to force the engine D-4 is not recommended, as this will require significant additional alterations, replacements, cylinders, crankshaft and other parts).

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CATCH THE TIMINGMotorists know how important it is for diesel internal combustion engines proper installation of the moment of ignition — the ignition spark of the spark fuel in the cylinder before the end of the compression stroke. In theory it should occur exactly at the end of this cycle. In practice, use a small spark advance below the maximum dissipation was carried out at the beginning of the next measure — extension. Otherwise you will not get far: the motor is getting “greedy”, but “pulls” very bad.

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FRONT AXLE GOVERN HIMSELFFRONT AXLE GOVERN HIMSELFThe car’s handling and tyre wear, as we know, primarily depends on the state of the front suspension of corners of a longitudinal inclination of axes of rotation, and angles of camber and toe. As a rule, adjustment of all these parameters produce on special stands at service stations, but in this case it is not always the adjustment will be optimal for a specific vehicle and specific conditions.

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