Many cyclists, especially in provincial cities and towns, and put “on a trick” their “two-legged horses” and in the winter time. But winter is winter. Even four-wheel vehicles are recommended to be changed to studded tires. To say nothing about the less stable two-wheeled transport. Risk of falling with him and injury increases many times.

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THYRISTOR ON On own experience made sure that there are no limits to perfection for Russian motoakademija. To bend and digest the frame, to bring forward the plug, push back car, and the front Bicycle wheel is turbulent, in General, the imagination knows no bounds! However, when it comes to alterations of electrical equipment, mater biker often he scratches the back of his head, or goes cap in hand to the garage “special”.

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THE ATMOSPHERE IN THE CARMany motorists, especially the owners of domestic vehicles has experienced all the “charms” winter operation “beloved horses”. Special “pleasure” — after frosty nights to bring to life the heart — the powerhouse. I have a giant of Russian car industry — “Eye”, so all my thoughts and efforts were directed to develop a system that allows you to quickly and efficiently prepare the engine to start, warm up underhood space. respectively, the battery and create, if possible, a comfortable environment in the vehicle. The advantages of such training are obvious: easier to start engine at any temperature; reducing consumption of gasoline at start-up and engine warming up, which is especially great in the cold season; increases battery life by reducing the starting current on a warm engine, increase the service life of the starter by reducing the wear on the bushings the armature and the life of the engine.

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The characteristic trend is clearly revealed held in the summer of 1978 the VI all-Russian meeting of young rationalizers and engineers: in many rural schools children are actively engaged in the mechanization of labor on their educational sites. At the gathering, devoted to the 60th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol young technicians from many regions and republics brought all kinds of tools and machines to facilitate agricultural labor. From motociclo and matatapos to small tractors of various schemes and designs is the range of the current Hobbies of students in rural (rural!) schools.

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WHAT IS NOT Probably, many motorists familiar with this situation: after a continuous drive for a distance of 200 — 300 km of the right leg begins to resemble what it is and what it is time for her to relax. Although it is necessary to go for a long time. For the rest of the legs during long trips propose to install in the car simple device. Conventionally, I called it “autopilot”, as it was able to maintain the set speed when driving on a flat road. Moreover, in the case of the overtaking allows you to add “gas” and then again remove the foot off the pedal the vehicle will continue moving with the same pre-set speed. Turned off the device instantly, you only slightly press the brake pedal.

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To fill the tank of a car in the field — for example, from a barrel or tank of the other vehicle drivers often use a simple hose and the so-called “sucking method”, creating a vacuum mouth, with a hit of petrol. You can avoid trouble if you make a simple mini-pump. For this elastic (flexible) hose with a diameter of 10 — 15mm in length 1 — 1,5 m at a distance of one third the length of the slot and insert the hole with a diameter of 10 mm nozzle length 50 — 70 mm from the same hose, and into it insert the tip of the medical pears (preferably the largest). In the end you will have a trouble free, simple in construction, durable pump (even if he is lying among the tools in the trunk — one piece of his there was nothing to fear).

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TIRE FOR ATVAfter the publication of “imaginative artists of Karelia” in No. 1 of 2008 “Modeller-designer” category “Panorama photos of readers ‘letters” to me began to address the readers-homebrew with a request to describe the method of manufacture of lightweight tires for the Amateur designs of all-terrain vehicles standard tyres of tractors. I understand these people — he was in this position. He remembered his ordeal in the curing chambers punctures of the tires in the cold to 30°C, the endless repair of the retaining straps of the cleats and decided on this issue to prepare the material and answer readers through the magazine, so as to write each one individually is not possible.

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IMPROVE THE CARIn a vast range of car alarms has recently introduced a good system Mongoose Duplex 3D models with the function of a pager device, remote audio message to the key FOB that the car owner of unauthorized door opening, engine start, shock the body, etc., a Distance alert in the face of massive urban development (on example of Saint-Petersburg, Russia) not less than 300 m. In the daily operation of the alarm system with a pager is convenient because the alarm comes on, the bidirectional remote control unit (RCU) is a key chain held by the owner of the car (except for a loud audible alarm in the vehicle which can be reprogrammed for quiet mode). Thus, there is no need to jump to the car or to the window each time it is triggered car alarms, worrying for his “swallow” (it is known that the set of sound signals of various alarm systems is no different variety). If it works it is “your” alarms — this will be seen by the alarm on your remote-the keychain remote, and the flash indicator LEDs will indicate a specific area of the triggered zone of protection. It agree, it is convenient.