ARC SECURITYI want to share my production version of the arcs security, which set me on a motorcycle “Java” and for more than a year of reliable service. Friends motorcyclists interested in their design: shot size, shape, etc. So I decided to offer them to the readers of the magazine.

Arcs of safety to protect the feet and the motorcycle in the fall and plates installed on them many. However, not everyone is able to choose the correct form and size of this simple protective device.
My proposed arc security are both spacious vessel where you can have a continual supply of oil (1000-1500 g).
For the manufacture of arcs needed steel pipe Ø 30— 35 mm, the best of the “steel”. To bending did not work “the accordion”, the pipe must first fill dry sand with both ends to drive wooden plugs — the plugs. After that, the curvature of the pipe need to be heated around the entire circumference to a red glow and from bending.
Flaps can be made of transparent plexiglass, vinyl plastic or thin sheet metal; shield is secured to lugs welded to the arc.
Security arc and its details
Arc security and details:
And — pipe fence, she’s capacity for storing oil, B — fuel filler neck with cap, — the drain hole with tube, G — arc safety on the frame of the motorcycle.

For plates arc used sheet steel with a thickness of 3 to 5 mm (sizes as shown).
Tube filler and oil drain are machined on a lathe, they can have a different design.
The arc consists of two identical halves, but before the welding of the plates must be divided into right and left. The arrangement of plates and tubes shown in the figure.
After the installation of the arcs on the bike start manufacturing flaps: customize them to fit the arc and the exhaust pipe. For better cooling of the engine top end flap are folded

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