The Il-102

Il-102After Sukhoi in an unspoken competition to build aircraft of the battlefield joined OKB S. V. Ilyushin. The main difference between the Il-102, su-25 table a second cockpit for the gunner. The aircraft has ejection seats K-36L pilot and K-36L-102 from air gunner. The main landing gear retracted on the fairings under the wing.

On the ventral mobile unit NU-102-1 placed a double-barreled gun of 30 mm caliber ammunition 500 rounds. Under the wing provided an additional suspension of small arms 12.7, 23 and 30 mm. For protection against enemy aircraft had the aft twin-barrel cannon GSH-23L and device for the production of passive anti-radar active jamming. Bombing and rocket arms weighing up to 7200 kg was placed on the external nodes, and within the wing compartments.
In September 1982 as a test pilot OKB of S. G Bliznyuk tested the attack in the air. During the tests made 360 flights, with the common touch 250 hours. Despite the high performance characteristics of the sludge 102 is left in the prototype. Missile weapons include SD-class “air-surface” S-25L laser semi-active guidance, the missile of class “air – air” R-60M and R-73, people’s different types.
Basic data of the Il-102 Engines, the RD — 33AND maximum thrust kgf 2×5200. The wingspan is of 16.98 m. Length — 17.754 m. in the Parking lot — 5,08 m. Maximum takeoff weight 22 000 kg payload Weight — 7200 kg Maximum speed at the ground — 950 km/h range 400 — 500 km Run 300 — 640 m. distance of 300 — 600 m.

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