BAG-CLAMSHELLBAG-CLAMSHELLThis bag is good to go in a short summer outing in the woods, on the beach. It is quite spacious, and in expanded form becomes a kind of table-cloth on which it is convenient to put all the contents of the bag. The pattern of her cloth is a circle Ø 70 — 60 cm At its edge with an interval of 15 cm sewn metallicheskaya little plastic rings. Through them is passed a thick string, is shorter than the circumference of the pattern. This string and will become the handles of the bag, if it is possible to draw two diametrically opposite sides. To bag resembled the bag, the edges of the cloth can be reinforced plywood or plastic linings. The bag will be more durable, if you make it double-layered: the outside is a dense, durable fabric, a type of Bologna, and the inside — legostarwars, canvas or linen “tablecloth”.

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