Lamp for soldering

Lamp for solderingIn practice, the repair of radio equipment and the creation of amateur radio designs are cases when it is necessary to highlight the portion of the circuit Board (PCB) to pay an additional light source, which is convenient to fix the lamp on the handpiece housing. In this light source should be small, and its direction of flow in the soldering tip.

sometimes described additional lighting with directional flow of light on the soldering equipment in the technical literature. Proposed in this paper is characterized by a device that does not need to make any changes of any soldering iron structure (as is often invited by other authors), or spend time on the device is the tip lighting. And all this thanks to a portable mini-lamps for household needs. Photo 1 shows one such local fixtures lighting. Its main advantage (in contrast to other models) in small dimensions and weight and pivotable by 360 degrees. The clip at the base of the lamp is securely fixes it to handle virtually any soldering, including those that are included with the soldering station. Located on the end of a button for convenient switching on and off the lamp movement of only one of the thumb of his right hand (which normally keep the soldering iron). The source of illumination are three superyarkih LED type L-793SRC-E white-lunar glow color (RS276-143 LED is used in some models). The LEDs are arranged in a collimator that provides a luminous flux of great strength and accuracy. The strength of the light only one LED 2800 MKD (mcd).
1. Photo lamp local lighting
Photo1. Photo lamp local lighting
Photo 2. Fixing mini lamp on the handle of the soldering iron
Photo 2. Fixing mini lamp on the handle of the soldering iron
How to fix the lamp on the handle of the soldering iron, shown in photo 2. The source of the power serve three LR-44 type cell (connected in series) with a supply voltage of 1.35 each. With continuous use of the lamp for the purpose of fresh batteries will last for 12-13 hours (this follows from the electrical parameters of the power and the LED elements). However, a rare radio amateur uses backlight for a long time continuously. In most cases, the lamp is used briefly for certain radiomontazhnyh work when element replacement is required in the circuit board. For this purpose the lamp works reliably for years, since the LED life (compared to incandescent bulbs) and huge amounts of at least 20 000 hours.
If necessary, a lamp can be removed from the handpiece easily and used for other purposes (for example, to illuminate the keyboard in the laptop in the evening).

A. Kashkarov

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