Youth and scientific-technical progress: Five-year plan – shock work, skill and search young! (2);

Petrovsky. A scientist starts in high school (4);

So Merenkov. Is your youth of Kazakhstan! (4);

Strictly following the program (7);

Instead of the blade – wedges (7);

Charging leads machine (7).

For the 50th anniversary all-Union pioneer organization: A. Katsnelbogen, E. dubicki. With the Bolshevik fire in the chest (8). Models in the world: G. Dobrov, V. Kanaev. The competition “Space” sums up the results of (10);

Olga Malyshko. “Air tourist” in miniature (12);

G. Vodenicharov. Ship modeling… in kindergarten (14);

E. Bornovolokov. The car is on the “precipice” (17);

I. Ivanov, I. Shmelev. The Feat Of “Fame” (18).

The youngest: Y. Arms. The track for two hours (25).

Is pioneer summer: G. Stepanov. Moving waves (26).

Sports and technology: A. Borunov. The electronic ignition on the boat (29);

V. Vasiliev. The machine catches the wind (30).

Ships across the Seven seas: L. Skryagin. “Golden age” of sail (32).

Create, invent, try!: M. Vysotsky. Guns young farmer (34).

Design Bureau “Mayak”: V. Pushkin. Five transistors (36).

The handyman: D. Petrovich. “Openwork” metal (41).

Advice to the modeller: V. Gorsky, V. Shevtsov. The engine responds to the questions (42).

At different latitudes: (44). Sports: G. Reznichenko. On sharp turns (46);

G. Dzenitis. The engine under the hood (48).
COVER: 1. In the open space. Drawing pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR Alexei Leonov and artist-fiction A. Sokolov. Right and bottom – exhibits of the models of space vehicles. Photo by V. Brovko; 2. – photo T. V. Merenkova and preparations; 3. – photo L. Maksimova; 4-I p. – photos Yu Nijnichenko.
TAB: 1st page – picture of V. Ivanov’s “Battleship “Slava”; 2-3 pages – photos V. Brovko on the national competition “Space”; 4-I p. – drawing R. Strelnikova the article “Assembly – two hours.”


Modelist-KONSTRUKTOR 1971-07 PDF (download)