Now the whole country covered with a network of vocational schools, with an enrollment of various professions 3.5 million boys and girls, half of them at the same time received a secondary education.
The resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and USSR Council of Ministers “On further improvement of training process of training and education of students of vocational education” indicates the need for a gradual transformation of all vocational schools in secondary technical educational institutions.
In recent years, becoming more and more secondary schools with three – and even four-year apprenticeship — this requires the latest sophisticated equipment (electronics, automation, etc.).
“My son decided to enroll in a vocational school. I must admit, until today I resisted this. But what I saw here at the exhibition works of pupils of vocational schools, has fundamentally changed my position. Didn’t think a vocational school prepares such wonderful craftsmen!”
This is one of the characteristic records in the book reviews section of technical creativity of pupils of vocational schools on held recently in Moscow, the Central exhibition NTTM-78, dedicated to the XVIII Congress of the Komsomol and the 60th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol.
Such records much. They are good evidence of the profound changes in the minds of people.
The works presented at the exhibition of such a high rank, has convincingly shown that vocational schools have become not only a place to prepare skilled workers, but also a remarkable school of real art and skill. This is one of the notable features of the current system of vocational education. The organic connection of teaching profession and creative, innovative thinking— a necessary condition for the formation of the modern worker. Today, it is important not only knowledge of the basic Sciences, but also the ability to apply them in the workplace. A new technique is developing and improving in equal measure and at the expense of intellectual efforts of engineers, scientists, and the innovation of millions of educated workers, whose work, essentially taking the nature of work technical workers.

It is gratifying that this essential feature of modern production is reflected in the system of vocational education. The first invention, the first, albeit small, was a technical experiment, the first creative joy — all for a lot of folks will forever be related to studies in vocational schools, as, for example, Eugene Lyashenko from Odessa. Studying at school, he hardly suspected in himself inclination for invention. And they were in the vocational school № 7 has shown, moreover, so bright that for the development and manufacture of devices, accelerating the cleaning of the vegetables, he was awarded the medal “For labour distinction”. Or Misha Nikulin from Dnipropetrovsk vocational school № 6. Now on his “boyish” account 12 rationalization proposals, the implementation of which gave considerable economic effect.
These examples are far from unique. Technical creativity, innovation now cover thousands and thousands of vocational school students. In many schools they are combined in the innovation and design teams to perform the important tasks of their underlying businesses, and other organizations. On NTTM-78 appreciation was expressed for the work of the group of innovators vocational school № 21 in Vilnius. Right mentoring they created for DOSAAF 70 devices for underwater communication “Dolphin”, which was recognized in the Republic.
Particularly interesting was the exposition vocational trainer in control of the truck, created in the Sevastopol school named after Yuri Gagarin. Simulator this differs from many other primarily by ease of manufacture. There are no complicated and expensive film and telepostanovki that simulates traffic situations. At the core of the simulator dump truck MAZ-503, or rather, the copy in one-fifth natural size and working remote control. The current model is also connected with a remote Intern. He repeats the exact equipment of the driver’s seat in the cockpit of this MAZ: the same bagel, same shift lever, pedals.
Commands from the remote little truck performs maneuvers posed to him by the authorities. Here he turned to the right. Stopped. Went back in, lit the lights… the Accuracy of execution is very high.
Watching the movement of the truck from the side, the future driver sees all your mistakes in driving and learn to avoid them.
Students Podolsky secondary vocational school № 27 shown at the exhibition examiner-simulator THIS-1, designed for control of students ‘ knowledge on any subject. Its feature is the removable plates with the questions and answers that may be made from any translucent material. IT-1 does not require preparation of complex answers to the question, as it is programmed for the 10 questions and several answers, of which 10 are correct.
The simulator has 8 codes, the expense of attempts and correct answers, the time control and two operation modes: “training” and “exam”. In its electrical circuit has the necessary locks, precluding the staging of multiple issues, disable trainer after you use 10 attempts.

Response time is adjustable from 30 to 20 minutes. Provide for connection of a tape recorder for advice on a given issue. IT-1 is used in math, physics, chemistry, history, foreign language.
Here stands a vocational school, can be seen milling machine, made by the students GPTU-30 from the Moscow region city of Kolomna (the second instance it was exhibited at the exhibition in Czechoslovakia), and press machine for the manufacture of badges, devoted to the 60th anniversary of the Komsomol, established in the Vilnius school No. 21, and many other memorable works.
In the guestbook there is a recording that is very true as numerous opinion about the exhibition: “Everything you see leaves a lasting impression. What are the creative possibilities of Soviet youth! NTTM-78 — a true celebration of talent and skill!”