The kids, happily folding cubes and collecting of the pyramid, and did not suspect that this so-called educational games designed to develop quickness and coordination. But they have grown and forgotten dice: they are replaced by other, more complex entertainment. One of the games for Teens offers the French magazine “System D”. It is also designed for quickness, coordination and even agility.


This kind of game can be called fishing as it actually resembles a real fly fishing: there are fishing rod, and catch. Here only there is no water — it is not necessary because all actions are performed on the table. And like in many other games that had a spirit of competition, here also involves two. And one of the advantages of this game is that all of the accessories for unusual fishing Teens can make their own.


You do not need anything the store, purchase everything you need, boys will find it easily. Round rod-type handle of a shovel and old bamboo ski poles and get to work. Take another length of wire, but it is full of this stuff in the pockets of any yard of a teenager.
Ski pole will play the role of the rod. Its length can be any if only it was comfortable to play. The only requirement is that both anglers it should be the same. To the upper end of the stick attached “fishing line” means any cord, ending in wire hook. That’s all: fishing rod ready. But how will it catch?
“Rod” for the game:
1 — bamboo stick; 2 — string-“the string”; 3 — hook wire

The game “fish” (A “roach”, B—”pike”):
1 — the case of round poles; 2 — a ring-tail; 3 — hook-“head” (“gills”)

Moment of the game:
Game of the moment: “bite”!
The role of fish will play a short segment, referred to the round core. They can be different lengths: because the fish usually caught, as in the proverb, not only large but also small. Therefore, the segments can be roughly described as “bleak”, “roach”, “perch”, “pike”, “bream” — differing not only in size but also color. Every segment-fish on the one hand there must be a ring-tail, with the other”gills” in the form of a hook. They are easy to bend out hammered in one and the other end of the nail (you can use store-bought screw rings and hooks). That’s all the equipment.
The essence of fishing is to carefully moving the rod to bring the hook on the fishing line to one lying on the table “fish” and manage to catch them with her ring: “fish” caught! Now the most clever have a hook that could catch the next “fish”: “sun” ate “the roach”.
This game is interesting by the fact that its rules you guys are free to establish themselves. You can agree, for example, that alovivi wins more than another, or, say, before all who will catch the biggest “fish”.

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