SECRETS OF THE OLD PAINTERUsually on the surface of stored paint forms a film or crust, when removed often remain in the container its particles: once on the brush, they can spoil the work. Take the time to look for an opportunity to drain the contents of the can. Please cover it with a piece of rare fabric, for example, old nylon stocking, and a little indentation its the same brush: the paint will show through an improvised sieve and be pure as strained.

When painting with oil paint to obtain a matte surface, you should paint add a solution of 40% strength soap at the rate of one piece for three quarts of paint. Soap shavings planed, filled with water (it lightly covers) and heated until it dissolves.
Then, while stirring, add the paint.
Large surface is convenient to paint with a roller. However, before you apply it. go brush wall corners, joints, Windows, doors and other places where a roller to paint uncomfortable. The width of this preparatory strip must be at least 7 — 8 inches. Painting with a roller, start with a few strokes crosswise, then RUB them. A lot of paint on the roller, however, as well as on the brush, do not type.
Cutting can opener, as shown in the figure, an emptied tin of paint or varnish and reinforcing bent edge on its wooden Foundation, you will receive the working capacity, very convenient when working with the paint roller. Taking them the paint should be applied in a thin layer. Efficiently at a time to cover the surface you will, of course, will not succeed. Paint it again (after dry first sing). Remember that two or three thin coats are always stronger than one thick.
Tools for painting
Tools for painting works:
1,2 — brushes-bench hammers; 3 — centrifugal brush; 4 — paint brush; 5 — flejts; 6,7 — spatulas; 8 — brush-trimming

Before painting window frames RUB a glass cut in half onion: then it is easy to remove from the glass stains from oil paint. Onions can be replaced with a cloth soaked in vinegar. Bindings window frames, baseboards. panels and bottom of doors, paint small fleyts (about 5 cm in diameter). Using a large brush will inevitably lead to flaws that will add work when cleaning the room after the repair.
At whitewashing of ceilings with lime mortar prepared from hydrated lime, it should be remembered that this should be done on slightly damp surfaces. The resistance of the layer will increase, if the prepared solution add sodium chloride (50-100 g per 10 l of colorant). When using a brush to wash the ceiling the mortar will be less splash and go smoother, if put on the brush in 2 — 3 layers of old nylon stocking.
After whitewashing ceilings and walls are rarely on the floor, doors and Windows, and furniture are white spots and streaks to get Rid of them will be easy with the help of a mixture of water and vinegar (1 part vinegar to 2 parts water).
Not to spoil the pot with paint or chemicals should first be placed in the used capacity plastic bag, securing it at the edges with a rubber band or clothespins, and then pour the liquid.
Paint to remove minor defects on the car convenient to hold the bottle from under the nail Polish. The vial is provided with a brush, it is convenient to have on hand in the car: the paint and brush will always be ready.
The old paint from the floor is easy to remove if you wet the surface with soda ash and cover with wet burlap or rags for 10 — 12 hours.
Techniques of painting
Techniques of painting:
And — brushes; B — sequence of painting wall; patterning waffle towel

Working with a roller and devices for naneseniya him paint
Work with a roller and devices for naneseniya him paint:
and — impromptu-cut ditch banks; b — cell mesh; in — use bucket for a large amount of work

On the surface of oil paints, enamels, lacquers, even if they are kept in airtight containers during long-term storage formed a rather thick film, which has to be removed and discarded to avoid such losses, I advise you to cut around the perimeter of the container plastic film and cover the surface of her. Instead of tape you can use a sheet of linoleum or cardboard.
Hands covered in oil paint, it is difficult to wash off even with hot water with soap and brush. Meanwhile, oil paint easily washed off the oil. RUB into stained area of the skin a little vegetable oil and then rinse with warm water. Or wipe hands with any detergent and rinse with water.
Attempt to clean with water and soap from the persistent smell of kerosene or oil paint stained hands, will not end successfully. But it is necessary to add water, a little dry mustard on — hand to quickly wash off and unpleasant smell will disappear.

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