The legacy of the red Army switched from the old army in a small number of pontoon-oared Park Tomilovskaya (floating bridge load capacity — 7 tons), metaphony Park Negovskaya (floating bridge load capacity up to 20 tons), light crossing means: bag and collapsible canvas boat M. A. Yolshina, inflatable floats Polanski. These tools were adopted as standard-issue and was used during the Civil war 1918 — 1920
Insufficient number of personnel resources was forced wide use of local and available means (fishing boats, ferries, barges, barrels, logs, etc.).
The role of local and improvised even more increased, since the use of existing slow-moving pontoon parks to provide crossings in successive overcoming of several rivers was impossible.
In the period from 1921 to 1941 was modernized floats Polanski, increased capacity pontoon rowing Park — bridge to 10 tons In 1926 — 1927 he created crossing-bridge Park inflatable boats A-2 (capacity 9 tonne). Park was transported on two wagons, horse-drawn. The experiments were carried out on the use of tug boats, outboard motors from 5 to 12 HP
In 1932, adopting a pontoon Park MPA-3 boats A-3 maximum lifting capacity of 14 T. Park IPA-3 was transported on carts, adapted for both horse and mechanical traction.
The appearance of the tanks with a mass of 32 t, and artillery systems with an axle load of 9 t determined the creation of two types of pontoon parks: heavy and light. This task was successfully solved by the Military-engineering Academy and the Military engineering ground (NIII of the red army from 12 Dec 1934) in 1934 — 1935, when the red Army was adopted heavy pontoon Park Н2П, and soon a light Park — NLP. Pontoon parks have been developed under the leadership of I. G. Popova a group of specialists: S. V. Zawadzki, and B. N. By Korchemkina, A. By I. Picinini, N. A. Trinquier, J. F. Korolev, and others. In these parks for the first time used high-quality steel for the fabrication of the top structure, and for motorization of crossings and towing boats.
The development of the domestic automotive industry has allowed to use to transport new parks first tractor and then the car.
The pontoon vehicle with the river link Park PMP.
The pontoon vehicle chassis KrAZ-255B with river link pontoon-bridge Park PMP:
1 — the hood motor; 2 — basket canisters; 3 — beeper; 4 — washer; 5 — wiper; 6 — the hinge of the windshield 7 — the door of the cabin; 8 — rail; 9 — river link pontoon-bridge Park PMP; 10 — rear platform roller; 11 — towing device; 12 — coupling head of the pneumatic system; 13 — engine exhaust pipe; 14 — handle lock finger lock-latch; 15 — main fuel tank; 16 — spare wheel mounting; 17 — additional fuel tank; 18 — battery; 19 — propeller shaft, front axle; 20 — bus VI-3 or type-201; 21 — anchor rope; 22 — the emblem of the Kremenchug automobile plant; 23 — rear view mirror; 24 transport clamp; 25 — the transport ring; 26 — rear light reflector platform; 27 — detachable reflector of the river link; 28 — a hard tug; 29 — bracket hard tugs; 30 — mount hard tug; 31 — handle lock tubular lever; 32 — pontoon arm; 33 — end latch; 34 is the pull cable of winch; 35 — Central brace; 36 platform; 37 — polaroli; 38 — arrow; 39 — lateral brace; 40 — a guy protivokashlevye; 41 — average platform roller; 42 — Fara; 43 — position; 44 — position light; 45 — gabarity; 46 — turn signal; 47 — water pump; 48 — the ladder, the 49 — oscillating unit; 50 latch pull rope; 51 — pass unit; 52 — the protective casing of the fuel line; 53 — hook; 54 — slide crookedstar; 55 — spare wheel; a 56 winch; 57 — entrenching shovel; 58 — axle-boom; 59 — housing; 60 — torsion; 61 — housing support; 62 front clip.
The carrying capacity of boats from pontoons Park Н2П 50 t In the Park Н2П included metal pontoons open type, superstructure of metal girders, gantry supports and wood deck panels. Transportation was carried out on the car ZIS-5. The main drawback of the Park identified during the subsequent operation was small survivability due undecked (open) pontoons.
For motorization of a new pontoon parks have been developed: the boat BMK-70, marine outboard engines Sz-10 and Sz-20 (for the movement of ferries from Н2П and NLP).
In 1935 for trial operation produced one set of Park Н2П with pontoons made of aluminum alloy.
Build a pontoon-bridge structures from a set of standardized elements with a wide change in the number of pontoons in a floating support, runs in the bearing structure and the length of the span of the bridge gave the opportunity to restore pontoon bridges and ferries to collect different capacity. To increase the rate of installation of the bridge from new parks was adopted semirotovschina system laying bridges by type of Park MDPA-3, in which the river part of the Park is made up of equal parts collected at the shore, and then was introduced into the bridge line and was quickly closed by means of two simple hinge locks. The inclusion of the Park’s tow-motor boats BMK-70 and application outboard outboard motors Sz-10 and Sz-20 has contributed to shortening of the bridge pickup.
These solutions NLP Н2П parks and provided them with high tacticities indicators, and their principles of education montanamontana designs have been so successful that it was subsequently used in the development of even the post-war pontoon-bridge Park chamber of Commerce, in fact, representing a deep modernization of the Park Н2П.
Kit Park Н2П originally guided pontoon bridges the hinge-console system with a lifting capacity of 12 and 24 tons and ferries with a maximum lifting capacity of 50 tons. After adopting in 1940 KV heavy tank was designed and tested bridges of continuous systems, to ensure the bridging of the elements of the Park Н2П under loads of up to 60 t at the same time the troops were given instruction on the Assembly of the kit of the Park bridges of the six: 16, 20, 30, 35, 40 and 60 tons, as samimalallah and continuous scheme. It should be noted that at this time the Wehrmacht possessed a pontoon-bridge Park with a maximum capacity up to 16 tons, and the U.S. army — up to 32 tons
The main drawback of the above — mentioned medium- low transport characteristics (capacity, permeability), did not correspond to highly maneuverable combat operations.
In 1939 he was adopted by a special pontoon Park SP-19, which had a closed, self-propelled pontoons and allowed to restore double-track bridges and ferries to collect any military goods (from 30 to 120 t) across wide water obstacles at high speeds of flow.
During the great Patriotic war moderniziriruyutsya existing and create new crossing means:
— DMP-42 developed by a major upgrade of the wooden bridge Park DMP-41;
— wooden light antonomastical Park DLP (carrying capacity of the bridge and ferry — up to 30 t);
Park Н2П-41 — modernized version Н2П;
— heavy bridge Park TMP (with metal closed polypetalae).
Pontoon-bridge parks Н2П AND TDM on the basic performance characteristics — simplicity of design, capacity, ease of operation, high rate of laying bridges were more sophisticated than similar funds of the German fascist army and the Anglo-American troops.
Funds developed motorization of curtain outboard motors and towing boats: BMK-70 (1943) and BMK-50 (1945).
Successful experience of operation of the pontoon-bridge parks, with wooden pontoons allowed to develop and to adopt in 1943 as a service products Park DLP. From cleaninig of Polupanov two types of weighing 640 kg can be assembled pontoon bridges of various capacities. Hidden polyphony could invest in one another that allowed on a normal truck to carry a few products. The frame of the pontoon was assembled from pine boards and planks and trimmed with bakelizirovannoj plywood.
Park DLP allowed to build bridges with the capacity of 10, 16 and 30 tons and ferries with carrying capacity of 6, 10, 16 and 30 tons. The maximum length of the bridge with a lifting capacity of 10 tonnes of kit Park DLP — 163 m, and 30-ton — 56 m. the rate of laying bridges Park DLP is approximately two times higher than the Park and NLP was more trudnoudalimymi in combat.
A significant disadvantage of wooden parks was the need for soaking after a long transportation or storage.
After the war, in 1945-1947 taking into account operating experience we developed a new wooden pontoon Park DMP-45 lifting capacity of 60 tonnes with improved pontoons.
Of great historical interest is the experience of overcoming water obstacles by the troops with weapons and military equipment during the Second world war. The widespread use of crossing equipment while conducting major military operations allowed a new look at their relationship in the armed forces: there was the gradual abandonment of bridge crossings in favor of the ferry and landing — due to their greater survivability and maneuverability.
In 1946-1949 he developed a heavy pontoon Park chamber of Commerce, in the construction of which partially implemented the idea of combining in a single transport unit and located on its rotating tourniquet package elements of the superstructure, and the roadway that eliminated the need for carrying the pontoon runs a mass of 220 kg and flooring 80-kg shields and significantly reduce the time of the bridge pickup. Load capacity of floating bridges — 16, 50 and 70 tons, ferries, 16, 35, 50 and 70 m. the Operation of discharge of the pontoon unit on water and its loading on the car was mechanized. Park was transported by the ZIS-151 and ZIL-157 (1961). Motorization Park on the water carried out of the towing motor boat BMK-BMK or 90-150.
Between 1949 and 1952 developed and in 1953 adopted a light pontoon Park BOB using in his design of structural elements Park chamber of Commerce, but with the decision of the principle of blocking to a greater extent.
In 1960 instead of the parks chamber of Commerce, and BOB adopted antonomastical Park PMP, has received worldwide recognition, progressive design which was used as a prototype when creating a pontoon parks of the armies of the United States and Germany.
KrAZ-255B with a boat BMK-T out of the Park PMP-L.
In the development of the Park involved a large team of specialists, including key creative initiators: yn Glazunov, M. M. Mikhailov, V. I. Aceb, S. I. Polyakov, A. I. Bondarev, I. A. Chechin, B. K. Komarov, A. S. Kriksunov, V. I. Savel’ev, and others. In 1963, work on the creation of the Park PMP was awarded the Lenin prize.
Floating bridge out of the Park PMP was different from the previous products on certain poles (TPP and LTP) for its design in the form of a continuous ribbon of joined by a metal displacement units, fold into a compact unit in the transport position.
Upload link Park PMP.
Was first carried out in practice the idea of uniting all the elements of a floating bridge — floating support carrying the superstructure and roadway.
This design of a bridge provided:
— decrease time of the bridge pickup;
— repeatedly increasing the capacity of the bridge due to the roadway width of 6.5 m;
— quick pairing bridge with the shore and eliminate the need devices of coastal marinas at the expense of good design coastal links and the presence of a steel lining is installed close to coastal management;
good visivamente floating bridge in the cross-sectional profile of water obstacles due to low rainfall and effective design of coastal links;
— high survivability floating bridge and ferries;
— quick transition from the floating bridge to the ferry at the expense of ease of decoupling components;
— reduction in the number of pontoon car Park and Park maintenance calculation;
— possibility of approach of the boats to the shore in shallow water and no need for piers for loading and unloading of the transported equipment.
In the future, the Park was redesigned and adopted in 1975 adopted under the code PMM-M Upgrade were:
— bundle the Park, hydrodynamic boards to increase the stability of the bridge on the course from 2 to 3 m/s;
— modifications to the coastal link: the deck is made straight without a break;
— change in pavement design, which increased its durability;
— introduction to set of the Park: four additional tow boats BMK-T, the reconnaissance of water obstacles, a set of tools for the commandant’s service on the ferries, handling equipment for the retention of bridge on rivers with high flow rates, tools, equipment crossings in the winter.
In the future as a result of work on the development of the design floating bridge-tape, the means of motorization and transport kit Park PMP was developed and mass produced parks PPP-84 and PP-91.
Main technical characteristics of the pontoon car chassis KrAZ-255B link with the river pontoon Park PMP
Curb weight with the river level, kg: 18 960
Overall dimensions of the vehicle with the river level, mm:
length — 9950
width — 3154
height — 3600
Curb weight, kg: 12170
Overall dimensions of vehicle mm:
length — 8850
width — 3150
height — 2880
Traction winch a car t:
normal — 8
with short-term overload — 12
The load capacity of the boom, t: 4
The boom from the rear bumper, m: 1,93
The highest vehicle speed on a horizontal section of a straight road
with improved surface, km/h: 71
The fording depth, m: 1
The reserve fuel in the summer, km: 750
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