EYE ON QUALITYCut the ribbon at the ceremonial opening of the Central exhibition NTTM-80 at ENEA USSR — a kind of finish of the third, final stage of all-Union review of scientific and technical creativity of youth, which was dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Lenin’s birth. In the halls of 20 thousand exhibits in the country — 20 million boys and girls, young innovators, making a creative contribution to the acceleration of scientific and technical progress. During the four years of the tenth five year plan participants NTTM various sectors of the economy developed more than 4 million rationalization proposals, inventions, giving a saving of over RUB 5 billion.
Reduce the way from development to production is promoted by the Komsomol Central Committee in conjunction with the armed forces of the NTO and CA VOIR “operation Implementation”, in which the number of years involved and our magazine. Today we introduce young innovators with the next selection racionalizatorov proposals for enhancing the efficiency and quality of work.
Gun cleaner
When drilling, tapping, Assembly work will often require cleaning of blind holes from the metal shavings. For this purpose, use different magnetic pencils, suction and other devices, some of which we’ve covered in this section of the magazine.
Another device for removing chips developed by participants NTTM Kolomna diesel locomotive plant. A feature of the security robots with the blowing of metal particles from blind holes and closed surfaces of parts. This contributes to a constructive solution tool.
It consists of quick-release terminal serving for connection to the pneumatic system, cylinder bushings, special cone divider, and nozzles. Built-in valve performs the role of the bypass valve, creates the necessary mode the air flow at the tool.
The main part of the fixture — divider — serves to create a protective main and air jets.
First through the Central hole and the nozzle is directed inward parts and to blow chips. A protective air screen creates a conical surface of the divider — it protects worker from flying chips and drops of coolant or oil.
1 — tubular nozzle, 2 — cone divider, 3, 4, 6 — cylindrical sleeve, 5 — valve, 7 — a fixing unit, 8 — quick change trailer.
Gun cleaner
Gun cleaner:
1 — fitting to the pneumatic system, 2 — body, 3 — barrel, 4 feed the air tube.
Similar safe device created by the innovator of Ilushina at the Kuibyshev machine-tool production Association. This gun, attached via the fitting to the network of compressed air. Short “trunk” Ø 25-35 mm has another one coming out from the inside tube Ø 8 mm through which compressed air flows into the cleaned hole. Capturing metal particles, he brings them out.
Both devices greatly increase the productivity and efficiency of cleaning of the holes, improve working conditions.
“Flexible” grip
Traditional bench vise “zamonolichivat” with a table or bed; they are by their design and attachment method is designed just to clip and hold parts in a fixed position. This is useful only when the processing of simple parts, and they have to pinch every time, to turn the other side. This unproductive operation “eats” a lot of working time reduces the performance. That’s why almost every exhibition of the work of innovators can meet upgraded or entirely new original device with improved methods of fastening parts.
Three-pivot vise created by the participants NTTM at the Moscow machine-tool plant named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, designed for clamping of workpieces when machining them on drilling and milling machines. Novelty is a kind of “flexibility”: the pinned items can be given a different position, clenched grip. This is because the base tool is made rotatable, and a clamping portion to the hinge node from the horizontal position to move to almost vertical. All this allows you to process parts in a few planes, quickly giving the necessary for the operation angle.
Durability of fixing provides a spring-hydraulic clamping unit having, besides the usual jaws, the feed rod, the hydraulic cylinder with the adjusting wheel and the handle, a fitting for connection to the hydraulic system or feed pump. With a small own dimensions (650X150X120 mm) vise develop a clamping force of up to 6 thousand kgs.
Three-pivot grip
Three-pivot grip:
1 — clamping plate, 2 — swivel base, 3 — jointed node, 4 — wheel cylinder, 5 — cylinder, 6 — an fitting to hydraulics, 7 — hydraulic clamping unit, 8 — jaws.
Bench vise
Bench vise:
1 — base 2 — front, 3 — arm stepper screw, 4 — left sponge, 5 — the right sponge, 6 frame with axles, 7 — pneumatic cylinder.

Not less universal vise created by G. Vorsanova party NTTM, innovator of the 9th State bearing factory named after V. V. Kuibyshev. Their appearance, as it happens in most cases, helped the need for production; in the manufacture of cutters required to turn them in two planes to form the front and rear corners of the tool.
The new design has a number of advantages. In addition to solving the main task — the rotation of the cutter by a specified angle in a vise laid and additional features. So, they are multiple: thanks to the support liners in them it is possible to clamp several pieces of which much accelerates the process. The tool is indispensable even for mass production. Changeovers it requires no special investment of time; after replacing the auxiliary ear remains tilting to the desired angle of the surface of the cutter. The work also facilitates pneumatic actuator to one of the jaws.
How is these high-performance vise? The basis of their plate and are fixed on her rack. Frame clamping pieces with their axles included in the hole racks: it turns out the swivel that allows to rotate the clamping unit to the desired angle, which is determined on the risks of the scale marked on the end of reception.
When setting up the vise handle screw stepper left her lips move to rapprochement with the installed parts, and the final clip is done right sponge, receiving the necessary force through the rod of the air cylinder. It also Produces pressing parts, and when they change, which accelerates and facilitates the operation. Introduction of new Vice provides an annual economic effect of about 4 thousand.

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