SHIP The appearance of the first combat aircraft was not immediately made adjustments to the fighting at sea. In world war I the sky over the sea rarely harbored a threat to warships. However, in the next world war, the aircraft were able to effectively fight with the battleships and cruisers, and submarines. And the next decade put the surface fleet of all countries faced with a tough choice — either the ships will be able to repel the aircraft and only appeared guided missiles, or they will go to the scene as an independent fighting force. Hence it is understandable the enthusiasm of the Americans, which in the 1950s they began to equip their ships a variety of anti-aircraft and first missiles.
It is considered that these works were initiated in December 1944, with research on the project “Bumblebee”, which was connected to the applied physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University. The first rocket, which became part of naval air defense system, became a “Terrier” (RIM-2), the development of which was started in 1949 by the company “Konver”. Her first test conducted in the early 1950s, a converted former depot ship testing tank are proposed seaplanes the ship “Norton Sound”, which became for the next few decades a testing ground for all us ship missiles. Two-stage solid propellant missile “Terrier” was capable of hitting targets at ranges up to 27 km and altitudes from 1.5 to 18 km.
The first is a previously built cruisers because the bulky anti-aircraft missile systems (SAMS) first generation on ships of a smaller class did not fit.
In addition, the ammunition was 144 missiles. In 1952 began the conversion under the “Terriers” of the two heavy cruisers “Boston” and “Canberra”, which for these purposes dismantled a turret and anti-aircraft guns. With a new system, they were commissioned in 1955-1956,.
After the heavy cruisers began alteration and equipping of a “Terrier”, bred after the war in the reserve, several light cruisers of the “Cleveland”, entered service with new missile systems in the late 1950s.
In the early 1960s for service with the us Navy began to flow modification of the missile “Terrier 2” with a range of up to 40 km and a range of working heights from 1 to 26 km, These missiles in the 1960s, was equipped with most of the major American ships, including several aircraft carriers, frigates and nuclear cruiser “long beach”.
In turn, to equip ships of less tonnage, like destroyers and frigates, the firm “Pomona” was created by a single-stage missile Tartar (RIM-24), which was twice smaller, but the corresponding performance characteristics — range of up to 27 km and reach heights of up to 13 km, These missiles also armed the heavy cruisers Chicago, Albany and Columbus, which dismantled practically all the artillery, replacing it with two batteries SAM “Tartar” and “Telos”.
A two-stage rocket “Telos” (RIM-8) was the first ship long-range missiles capable of hitting targets at a distance of over 100 km, and Its testing began in 1951, and in its final form it was adopted into service in 1959
In the next few years, rocket “Telos”, “Terrier” and “Tartar”, included in the so-called T-series, set the tone in the concepts of ship air defense systems. Of course, they were not the ideal weapon, there is so many problems that they are often called the “terrible T”. However, according to experts of the United States, defense systems, these missiles in conjunction with carrier-based aircraft provided adequate protection of ships against bombers flying at relatively small groups at medium and high altitudes.
However, as the beginning of the spreading of anti-ship missiles, highly maneuverable aircraft, electronic warfare, needed to significantly improve the SAM in the direction of increasing maneuverability missiles, improving noise immunity, lowering of the lower border of the affected area, reducing the time of reaction and more complete automation of the process of intercept targets. One of the first works in this direction was the creation of the rocket “Standard”, which was to replace the previously developed “Terrier” and “Tartar”.
Work on the Standard began in October 1963 Technical groundwork for their implementation have been laid in previous years, the implementation of the project “Improved Tartar” and “Homing Terrier 3”. The experience showed that the work on the ship air defense systems should focus on reducing the number of new elements entered into the composition of the management systems of SAM, for using available launchers, vehicular storage and loading.
During 1963 — 1964 the company “General dynamics” has performed a preliminary assessment and 30 December 1964, signed a contract to build a new rocket. The first option — RIM-66A, proposed by the developer, in appearance and mass-dimensional characteristics resembled a rocket ship “Tartar”. The length of the new missiles was equal to 4.3 m, weight — 485 kg (at the time of the completion of the mass increased to 617 kg, with length due to the dense layout has increased slightly).
As all further versions of “standards”, it was a missile having a modular design and is made by the normal aerodynamic scheme, with four wings of small aspect ratio and folding aerodynamic control surfaces. The design of the rocket consisted of five main sections — the head of the instrument, military equipment, hardware, motor and tail.
Equipment head compartment at the front was enclosed in a plastic fairing ogive shape. In the compartment were established semi-active radar seeker, a signal processing unit, radio controlled fuses and on-Board analog computers.
In the compartment of military equipment were placed warhead initiation which produced a radar Fuze, and some subsequent modifications for this purpose was used a contact Fuze percussion. For safe operation of the rocket the warhead is integrated with predprinimatelyam mechanism having four degree of protection.
In the hardware compartment was located the autopilot unit, a voltage Converter and electric batteries.
The first variant “Standard” was completed the same as Tartar, engine and warhead of the Mk.51. At the same time, unlike its predecessor, RIM-66A was:
— electronic equipment, executed on the micromodules;
electric actuators of the rudder control instead of hydraulic;
— silver-zinc battery single use.
American ship missiles, Standard-2MR (mod. RIM-66C)
American ship missiles, Standard-2MR (mod. RIM-66C)
American ship missiles, Standard-2MR (mod. RIM-66C).
Zour “standard-66C”:
1—radio transparent fairing of the head of the instrument compartment; 2—panel radio antenna radio controlled fuses; 3—compartment of military equipment; 4—compartment of the autopilot; 5—prong launch a solid rocket motor; 6—rear bracket; 7—the rear compartment; 8—folding wheel; 9—wing; 10—the solid propellant rocket engine; 11—the screw of fastening of the wing; 12—front clip; 13—maintenance hatches; 14—nozzle solid propellant rocket engine; 15—bar radio-antenna radio channel.
As a result of these innovations the electronic equipment of the missile was more compact, occupying approximately half the volume than the equipment of missiles, the T-series. Also it is possible to ensure higher reliability and the efficiency of the rocket due to the lack of leaks and reduce energy consumption.
As a propulsion RIM-66A was used dual-mode engine Mk.27 mod.0 of the company “Aerojet”. Starter and main charges of this engine were located concentrically. The shell of the combustion chamber against the main charge, made in the form of a cylindrical pipe, and within the starting charge.
The rocket was equipped with rod warhead weighing 62 kg, of which the explosive was 30 kg. the destruction of the target was provided by the shock wave and the ring 400 of interconnected metal rods with a radius of 15 m.
In the tail section were placed the nozzle of the engine and actuators aerodynamic rudders.
It should be noted that when creating missiles “Standard” the developers managed to achieve a significant reduction of the required volume of maintenance and increase the period between checks on vehicles. It is possible to eliminate part of the defense complex of numerous types of control and test and measurement equipment that was used to maintain the missiles, the T-number in operational condition. The Assembly and testing of fully assembled “standards” was carried out in the arsenals of the Navy, which received the individual components of the rocket with the manufacturers. After assembling the missiles were stored or transmitted to the ship. In the case of a malfunction or failure of the rocket back for inspection or repair.
Pilot production missiles, RIM-66A was started in 1965, and in the same year they were tested in the composition of ship air defense systems. Success to the creators of “Standard” came in the winter of 1966. when you first launch from the deck of the destroyer at the jet-target QF-9F. In General, as noted by developers, turned out to be successful about 70% of ground and flight tests of missiles, which allowed to do without any significant improvements in the design of the rocket. However, the first three versions of the missile (RIM-66A mod.1, mod.2 and mod.3) existed only in the development stage, and in 1967 came into service rocket “Standard-1MR” (RIM-66B mod.4), wherein the improved characteristics of the interception of aerial targets in the difficult conditions of electronic countermeasures, reduced minimum range of objectives.
As shown by the first results of operation “Standards,” the preparation for the start-up takes less than 2 because they did not need a long warming up of the apparatus, the characteristic of the missile, the T-series.
The range of the first of the options “Standard-1MR” was 32 km, and for its increase to 60 km, it was proposed to use the accelerator Mk.12 the company “Hercules” (“Standard-1ER”), which attaches to the missile, RIM-66B directly on the ship.
However, in the 1969 production of “Standard-1MR” was discontinued, and until 1974 was produced missile RIM-66B mod.5. The main difference between RIM-66B mod.5 was the use of a high-explosive warhead Mk.90 and dual-mode engine MK.27, thereby guaranteeing a large range and height of defeats the purpose. At the same time to achieve even greater range has been developed another modification of the “Standard-1ER” — RIM-67A, which in appearance and mass-dimensional characteristics were similar to the missile “Terrier”. She used a dual-mode cruise engine company “Atlantic research” and the accelerator Mk.12, and is also equipped with a faster autopilot and a new homing head (GOS). The production of this “Standard-1ER” lasted until 1973
Only specialists of the company “General dynamics” has developed six modifications RIM-66B, differing from each other by the design of a number of elements. The first modification (from Block 1 to Block 4) differed from each other only by some and anti-interference electronic devices. Ultimately this work resulted in the development of missiles “Standard-1MR” Block 6 (RIM-66E), which was used monopulse seeker (instead of the GOS with conical scanning), digital onboard computer (instead of analog computing devices), adaptive remote detonator MK.45 Unit 4 (TDD) and warhead with a double initiation, which allowed to increase the effectiveness of its actions when intercepting low-flying targets with small radar visibility. Serial production of this rocket began in 1980 and lasted until 1985
All these years, in parallel with anti-aircraft missiles options “Standard” has evolved and missiles, has a different purpose. So, in 1966 on the basis of the RIM-66B began to develop anti-ship missiles “Standard” RGM-66D, intended to engage surface targets, equipped with radar equipment. Unlike the basic version “Standard”, its targeting was carried out using the passive radar and the instrument memorize the target coordinates. This missile was accepted into service in 1970.
SAM “Standard” on the launcher.
The following year was started the development of two variants of this missile: RGM-66E, can be launched from launchers MK.112 anti-complex “Asroc”, and RGM-66F, which also became known under the designation “Standard active” due to its equip active radar seeker developed by “Raytheon”. The design of “Standard active” was identical to “Standard-1MR” and differed only new guidance section, a fairing and a computer. The length of the rocket is increased by 25 cm, and weighs 45 lbs. By the beginning of 1973, the Department “Pomona” company “General dynamics” built a few samples of “Standard active”. April 7, 1973 at the site point Mugu, the first launch vehicle to target, culminating in a direct hit. However, after the creation of the RCC “Harpoon” work on “Standard active” stop.
More successful was the fate of the anti-radar variants of missiles “Standard”, is designed to defeat radio AIDS, radar stations, SAM and anti-aircraft artillery. Rocket “Standard-АRM” (AGM-78) was developed on the basis of the RIM-66A and used passive homing, homing on radiating radar at distances up to 80 km For this missile have created several options broadband passive radar seeker with a different working frequency bands. In the head compartment, in addition to the GOS, was installed equipment that allows to memorize the target coordinates, so the guided missile would continue after her off the radar. There was also a specially designed radio-transparent fairings, providing the transmission of signals from virtually all radar stations within the operating range of the GOS. Missile AGM-78 was equipped with a powerful high-explosive warhead weighing about 150 kg, the undermining of which were made at a height of 15 — 20 m above the target, so that the radius of scattering of splinters it reached 600 m. at the same time in the intermediate compartment of the rocket, located next to the fighting part, sets the signal charge in stands after blasting a smoke-cloud that became the reference point for attacks against other aircraft.
“Standard-АRМ” was adopted in 1968 and later its various options (ADM-78A мод1-3, ADM-78В мод1-3, АGM-78С мод1-3 and АGM-78D mod 1-2) used on aircraft F-105DF, A-6A and F-4E. Until 1976, it was produced about 3,000 missiles of this type.
Made, then, estimates have shown that to defeat modern air targets could take up to three missiles “Standard-1”. At the same time on landfills and ships began testing a qualitatively new anti-aircraft missiles “Standard-2”. It should be noted that even in the early stages of work on the first “standards” for customers and developers of new types of naval anti-aircraft weapons, it was obvious that the introduction of improvements to existing naval air defense missile system, including the creation of new missiles will not be able to solve all the problems facing them. Therefore, in the early 1960s in the United States began work on the creation of multi-missile system “aegis” (so in Greek mythology it was called the shield of Zeus), designed to repel attacks, which could be typical of the 1970 — 1980s). “Aegis” was designed to intercept a variety of high-speed aircraft (airplanes, ASM) with a small effective reflecting surface when using them, and radio countermeasures and in all weather conditions.
This complex was also calculated to use as weapons to destroy ground and surface targets. Over time, “Aegis” was required and their versions of missiles “Standard”.
The characteristics of a number of ship missiles USA
Characteristics of a number of ship missiles of the United States

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