CAR FOR KINGSAmong the hundreds of companies included in the clip the global automotive industry, there are many of those who were destined to lay as the Foundation of modern automotive industry and major design and design trend of designing cars. However, only few of them became famous producers of the most prestigious cars. Among them, the French firm Bugatti, reached in his time a genuine heights in the automotive industry through design and organizational talent of its founder — Ettore Bugatti. By the way, brilliant Creator of vehicles were self-taught — for some reason, the Maestro was not able to obtain an engineering degree.

The history of the company dates back to 1909, when 28-year-old Italian avtokonstruktor who have worked by the time about ten years at the enterprises of De Dietrich, Mathis and Deutz, founded in Molsheim Alsatian town near Strasbourg (at that time it was a territory of Germany), his own company.
The basis of the first serial machines of this enterprise was an easy car Bugatti Round 10, built by Ettore on own means even when he was working in Cologne at the company Deutz. The Assembly of this cars with inline 4-cylinder: engine capacity of 1,131 l Bugatti was produced in the basement of his house. As claimed by contemporaries, the car was although outwardly unprepossessing, but its chassis claims, no one was. It was used in the first production model, Ettore Bugatti called Round 13.
Racing car with a wheelbase of 2,000 mm was equipped with a row of 15-strong “four” working volume of 1,327 liters and could reach speeds of about 100 km/h In 1910, the company produced a small series of such vehicles — one of them said to race in a Grand Prix of France held at Le Mans in July 1911. To the great surprise of experts, the second place in these competitions was won by the car Bugatti Round 13, at the time still little-known brand, second only to FIAT with a 10-horsepower engine.
The first success and the resulting demand for car Ettore Bugatti helped the company in 1914 to produce several hundred cars, many of which have won prizes in European and world races.
Jean Bugatti, the eldest son and first assistant of the great designer
Jean Bugatti, the eldest son and first assistant of the great designer
Bugatti Type 13 — the first serial car racing enterprises Ettore Bugatti (1911)
Bugatti Type 13 — the first serial car racing enterprises Ettore Bugatti (1911)
Bugatti Type 13 — the first serial car racing enterprises Ettore Bugatti (1911)
In 1913, Bugatti created a prototype 8-cylinder engine, collecting it from two row “fours” — later these engines were installed on the most prestigious and expensive models.
With the outbreak of the First world war, Ettore Bugatti had to sell the license to manufacture their racing machines the firm РЕUGЕОТ. The first postwar attempt to create a large luxury car, dubbed the Bugatti Round 28, row 90-strong “eight” working volume of 3 l was made by the designer in 1921. The car was equipped with many interesting devices and mechanisms designed to improve driving comfort and driving performance but the most important novelty that struck contemporaries, steel brakes on all four wheels with hydraulic drive.
One of the most unusual models in the beginning of 1920-ies was a racing car Round Bugatti 32 Tank, named after the original order time the body a streamlined shape. Bugatti had high hopes for this car, built specifically for racing the Grand Prix, however, of the four machines of this type the prize (alas, only the third) took place only one of the “aerodynamic” “tanks”. However, the serial model on the basis of Round 32 bought up by wealthy car enthusiasts very happy.
Ettore Bugatti — the head of the French company BUGATTI
Ettore Bugatti — the head of the French company BUGATTI
Ettore Bugatti is still not left hopes to create an “Absolute champion”, and in 1924 his work was finally crowned with success: in the second stage of the European Grand Prix four racing car Bugatti Matchday 35 took the first four places! Subsequently, six more years of this type of car was “Absolute champion of the world”, is not allowed on the prizes are the most famous rivals. The result of the many victories of the Bugatti Round of 35 (there were over 1800!) was a sharp increase in car sales that brought the company considerable profit.
Europe and America swept the fashion for sports cars. Basing on the race car, it was equipped with wings, footrests, enclosed cab and headlights — and the first high-speed tracks in vehicles of the most prestigious brands famously drove wealthy Bohemians.
So, we came close to the crown of the engineering activities of the Ettore Bugatti, realized in the car that automotive historians call the pinnacle of technical thought of the 1920-ies. The idea of creating a “Royal car” looked at Bugatti, judging by his correspondence, 1913, but the First world war and the postwar financial difficulties delayed the work until 1926. It argued that the indirect motive of creating superprestizhnogo car was impartial evaluation of one of the firm’s senior English lady: “Your limo, Mr. Bugatti is certainly good, but it’s not “rolls-Royce”.
Bugatti Round 32 Sneaker was the first attempt by Ettore Bugatti to create a racing car with
Bugatti Round 32 Sneaker was the first attempt by Ettore Bugatti to create a racing car with
Bugatti Round 32 Sneaker was the first attempt by Ettore Bugatti to create a racing car with “aerodynamic” bodywork (the beginning of 1920-ies)
Round 35 Bugatti, the legendary car racing, edition of 1924, who won over 1800 victories in European and world Championships,
Round 35 Bugatti, the legendary car racing, edition of 1924, who won over 1800 victories in European and world Championships,
Bugatti 35 Tour — the legendary racing car edition of 1924, who won over 1800 victories in European and world Championships
Bugatti Type 35
Bugatti Type 35
Bugatti Round 53 — all-wheel-drive racing car with a 140-horsepower 8-cylinder engine (1931)
Bugatti Round 53 — all-wheel-drive racing car with a 140-horsepower 8-cylinder engine (1931)
Getting started designing a new car, great designer formulated this challenge: “I wish my car was more of a Hispano-Suiza and Rolls-Roice, but had a smaller mass. So she developed a speed of 150 km/h, but it was silent. So the warranty on it was up to five years, and all knots of the car was above criticism”.
Round Bugatti 41 Royale — the name given to this car (royale — Royal), designed by Ettore Bugatti and his son Jean, and released in 1929. This huge and luxurious the craft may be called a land yacht — their length was 6400 mm wheelbase 4320 mm gauge — 1,600 mm and a weight of 3,175 tons!
It was supposed to produce 25 of these super-expensive machines that cater exclusively to members of Royal families. However, the intensity in 1929, the Great depression forced the entrepreneur to restrict the release of only six copies, three of which are acquired although millionaires, but not persons of Royal dignity.
The remaining unsold copies remained in the family of Ettore Bugatti.
Each of the six cars have individual, exclusive exterior, booked into the best body shops, and his own name. So, one of them, released in 1931, was called the Round Bugatti 41 Royale Berline de Voyager, another Bugatti Type 41 Royale Kellner Coupe, the third — Bugatti Type 41 Royale Sports, the fourth — Bugatti Type 41 Royale Weinberger Cabriolet, the fifth Bugatti Type 41 Royale Coupe Napoleon and the sixth — Bugatti Type 41 Royale Coupe de Ville.
Round Bugatti 41 Royale Weinberger Cabriolet — superprestizhnogo
Round Bugatti 41 Royale Weinberger Cabriolet — superprestizhnogo “Royal” car, manufactured by the company Ettore Bugatti in 1932. The design of the car was developed in Munich bodywork Studio Ludwig Weinberger
8-cylinder 260-HP engine for a car the
8-cylinder 260-HP engine for a car the “Royal” series
Appearance 8-cylinder 260-horsepower engines for vehicles of
Appearance 8-cylinder 260-horsepower engines for vehicles of “Royal” series
Bugatti Type 41 Royale Weinberger Cabriolet
Bugatti Type 41 Royale Weinberger Cabriolet
Interior front Round Bugatti 41 Royale Weinberger Cabriolet
Interior front Round Bugatti 41 Royale Weinberger Cabriolet

Design Round car Bugatti 41 Royale Coupe Napoleon
Car design Round Bugatti 41 Royale Coupe Napoleon
Design Round Bugatti 41 Royale Weinberger Cabriolet
Design Round Bugatti 41 Royale Weinberger Cabriolet
The chassis of the car Round Bugatti 41 Royale Weinberger Cabriolet
The chassis of the car Round Bugatti 41 Royale Weinberger Cabriolet
A brilliant representative of the car 41-series — Round Bugatti 41 Royale Coupe Napoleon
Bright representative of the car 41-series — Round Bugatti 41 Royale Coupe Napoleon
Cars Type 41 was powered by a inline 8-cylinder engines ranging from 260 to 300 HP with a giant displacement 12.7 l, made by the type already utilized in the production of racing eights. The dimensions of the motor weighing 350 kilos was under a car — its length was 1400 mm and height 1100 mm. As claimed — this engine was at that time the largest of those that were installed on passenger vehicles.
The piston stroke of the motor is 130 mm, the diameter of the cylinder — 125 mm, each of the cylinders had three valve — one exhaust and two intake. Camshaft — overhead. The engine was equipped with one or two carburetors, ignition from magneto. A three-speed gearbox was mated to the rear axle of the vehicle. It was assumed, by the way, to release a series of such motors and for the air Ministry of France, but no engine Bugatti never had a chance to climb into the sky. However, one aviation company began designing aircraft to original design with two inline 8-cylinder engines located inside the fuselage, near the center of gravity of the machine (one in front of the pilot, and the other after him), and each drives the rotation of one of two coaxially arranged propellers. Unfortunately, the job on an unusual aircraft was never completed.
It should be noted that for the proposed series of 25 cars Bugatti Round 41 was manufactured by the same engines, but after the release of six cars of nineteen engines were not in demand. However, the enterprising head of the firm was able to find for their heavy duty motors to good use by creating for them, in fact, a very promising type of rail transport — high-speed train from Motovilov, equipped with two or four internal combustion engines, and non-motorized cars. The company began to produce a series of mini-trains, consisting of two or three carriages; in appearance they resembled modern Russian “the Aeroexpress train” — trains, plying between Moscow and Metropolitan airports. The composition of the Bugatti can reach speeds of up to 196 km/h, however on the line Paris — Deauville, the average train speed was 113 km/h Just before the Second world war, Bugatti has put the railroad 88 Motovilov and five non-motorized cars. As argued by contemporaries — output high-speed trains brought the company Bugatti is substantially greater profit than the production car.
Let us, however, to the description of the construction of the “Royal” car. The engine capacity of 260 HP has an enviable “appetite” — for 100 km of run it consumed 50 litres of fuel, so the fuel tank had a capacity of about 200 liters of gasoline.
Front car suspension — semi-elliptic, rear — chetvertellipticheskih springs mounted behind the rear axle. Brakes with cast aluminum alloy brake drums with a diameter of 18 inches (457,2 mm). The drive from pedal to pads — mechanical. Inhibition was although very effective, but, nevertheless, demanded from the driver a fair amount of effort.
Bugatti 41 Royale Round (or rather, only its chassis, because the body at that time have produced specialized bodywork Studio in accordance with the wishes of the customer) were sold at a price of about $ 25000. Accordingly, the total price of the vehicle (with bodywork) amounted to $ 40000. I note that the full-bodied Rolls-Royce at that time you could buy for $ 10,000!
One of the most beautiful cars of this mini-series was Round Bugatti 41 Royale Weinberger Cabriolet built on chassis number 41121 on order famous at that time in Germany, Dr. Josef Fuchs. To finalize the creation of the car had bodywork Studio of the Munich Ludwig Weinberger who made the chassis of the Bugatti is in a perfect body type “convertible”.
After coming to power of Hitler, Dr. Fuchs was forced to move to Switzerland a year later he, along with a priceless vehicle crossed in Shanghai, and then to Canada. In the winter of 1937/38 year Fuchs Bugatti thrice crossed the North American continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific and back, traveling with about 34 000 km. However in new York the unexpected cold “frees up” the engine block (as you know, the antifreeze has spread in the automotive industry much later). To fix the giant motor was impossible, and to sell faulty convertible. Had Fuchs put the car up for auction, having received for it in the end… $ 350!
In 1943 Round Bugatti 41 Royale Weinberger Cabriolet was discovered in the junkyard, and sent for restoration, which ended in 1947. Today this car is in the Henry Ford Museum.
By the way, today in the collections of various collections and museums are all six Bugatti 41 Royale Round. However, not even six, but seven — another Round of 41 was built by the factory drawings in Belfast in 1965.
But let us return in the 30-ies of the last century and observe the further activities of Ettore Bugatti. This period can be called the heyday of the enterprise. In 1930 began the production of mass car Round 44 and almost at the same time — Round 46 Petit Royale (“the little king”), representing the reduced Round Bugatti 41 Royale. Next year, production was running Round 43 — road version racing Round 35b and the third — Round, 50, variant of Petit Royale with the new engine. The latter was produced in two versions — explore with stretch, and sport — with a shortened wheelbase and a more powerful engine with the compressor.
In 1931 started production of the most unusual cars by Bugatti — electric Baby 52 Round, representing a reduced copy of the racing Round 35. The first such machine, which developed a speed of 20 km/h was made, Bugatti only for the youngest son Roland. However, the popularity of this toy was unexpectedly quite high — many wealthy buyers of “adult” machines have expressed a desire to buy an electric car for their children and grandchildren. In the end Round 52 Baby was launched into serial production there were made about 500 of these electric cars.
From 1931 to 1934 the firm has released a powerful racing car Round 54 inline 8-cylinder engine capacity of 300 HP — in the first year of its production the car took the third place on Gran Prix. By the way, this car has set the speed record for the time — 210 km/h!
Round Bugatti 57 Atlantic
Round Bugatti 57 Atlantic
This appearance has acquired a racing car Bugatti Round 35 after you work on it in the touring Atelier
This appearance has acquired a racing car Bugatti 35 Round after work in body shops
The company Ettore Bugatti produced not only cars, but also comfortable and high-speed motorwagon. Composed of them two - and three-carriage trains, develops a speed of up to 196 km/h, equipped with two or four 8-cylinder 260-horsepower motors, designed for machines of the
The company Ettore Bugatti produced not only cars, but also comfortable and high-speed motorwagon. Composed of them two – and three-carriage trains, develops a speed of up to 196 km/h, equipped with two or four 8-cylinder 260-horsepower motors, designed for machines of the “Royal” series
In 1934 began production of the Bugatti 57 Round with a 150-horsepower engine, which successfully combines sporty dynamics and luxury prestige cars. These machines are produced in several modifications, the Type 57s with a 190-horsepower engine, the maximum speed which has reached 189 km/h, was lower and shorter than the prototype, and Round 57sc with a 200-horsepower compressor motor speeds up to 200 km/h.
In 1936, the attention of the sports community drew Round cars Bugatti 57 Tank — car with the “aerodynamic” bodywork took first place in the race Grand Prix of France at Le Mans “tanks” were the winners of the race with the best result in average speed of 137 km/h. One of the “tanks” has also set a speed record for his class of 218 km/h.
In 1939 there was an even more powerful car 57-series — Bugatti Round 57s45 with a 200-horsepower engine with a displacement of 3,257 liters, which won about 20 victories, including at Le Mans. However, they were marred by the death of Jean Bugatti, son and longtime assistant of the great designer who made a considerable contribution to the development and creation of the car company. Returning from the races at Le Mans, Jean flew off the road to avoid a collision with the drunk cyclist.
The last car built before the Second world war became a Round of the 64 — car flip-up doors — it was made in a single copy.
In the postwar years, luxury cars, production of which has specialized firm Bugatti, was the Europeans can not afford. In 1947, at the automobile exhibition in Paris was shown a new model of the Bugatti Round 73 with a 4-cylinder liter engine. However, in August of the same year the great Maestro died, and his family was not able to bring this car to the series. In the early 1950-ies was made another attempt to release the car under the famous brand is Bugatti Round was 101, representing a modified Round 57. However, the machine was outdated in design and winning design.
In 1963 the company was transferred to the company Hispano-Suiza, launched the production of aircraft equipment. Well, Bugatti…
…Bugatti continued to exist in the virtual (as they say now) the world. So, in 1964 the famous Italian firm Ghiа created a showpiece Bugatti car Round 101с. And in 1989, in Italy, a new company called Bugatti, which is the example of the great predecessor undertook the creation of super-expensive and super-fast sports cars. However, the great success of these machines had.
Today, the brand with the Bugatti brand cars are produced by Volkswagen. In pictures — 14.4 EV supercar Veyron, can reach speeds of up to 300 km/h
Today, the brand with the Bugatti brand cars are produced by Volkswagen. In pictures — 14.4 EV supercar Veyron, can reach speeds of up to 300 km/h
Today the brand with the Bugatti brand cars are produced by Volkswagen. In pictures — 14.4 supercar EB Veyron to reach speeds up to 300 km/h
In 1993, the famous trade mark enterprises acquired by Volkswagen. The first car with the Bugatti brand was fiberglass ЕВ118 with a body of type “compartment”. The development of the external appearance of the car was entrusted to Fabrizio Ju-Jaro, the well-known stylist company ItalDesign.
In 2000, Volkswagen presented to the public next supercar called the Bugatti EB 16.4 Veyron price of $ 1 400 000, equipped with 16 cylinder engine producing 1001 HP On the test car was accelerated to a quite “airplane” speed 407 km/h, and the testers claimed that this speed is not a limit for the supercar.
Serial production of the vehicle would be completed tentatively in 2010, when it will be made of 300-copy — the fact that such exclusive cars like the Veyron, it is impossible to produce in large quantities. Remember that “Royal car” Ettore Bugatti was only six…

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