MINI-TENNISIs a fun time for the big school holidays — time pioneer camps, interesting trips, sports competitions, games and entertainment. We want to acquaint our readers with one new game, the elder in recent years, popular in many countries, a mini — tennis. This game can often be seen in parks, backyards and even on the quiet streets of towns and villages. Simple and unpretentious, it quickly gained popularity among children.

It is suitable for any flat surface where you draw with chalk, and even a piece of brick, a large rectangle divided in half: each half will be one or two players, as in tennis.
As the racket can serve a variety of handy tools: small racket for table tennis, pieces of thick plywood, planks or slats, trim, plastic, processed by the children.
As unassuming and requirements for the ball: small rubber ball, and a ping-pong ball, and a real tennis ball.
Interestingly, regardless of the qualities and dimensions of the site, material and type of paddle and ball on the question of what they’re playing, guys are usually confident answer: tennis.
At the mini-tennis is another unquestionable advantage, making it accessible to children of all ages: the game, of course, goes by the rules, but they are in most cases simply by agreement between the partners.
For the organization of mini-tennis in summer camps can give a few recommendations.
Platform for mini-tennis and paddle.
Playground for mini-tennis and paddle.
This is a very mobile game that gives you good exercise, which, however, should not be excessive, should be considered. complementing the team members, spacing the platform, determining the duration of the game, or as they say in tennis, the number of sets.
As we have said, mini-tennis can play even the little guys. But it is better to pick the team according to their age: Junior group — 6-7 years, medium is 8-10 and so on.
The number of sets and the size of fields must be such as not to overwork guys, usually who play and do not notice the fatigue. The maximum dimensions of the area shown in the figure. If there is no grid, it can successfully replace the rope or cord, strung on posts with a height of 90 cm.
Over the middle of the court, the net should not SAG below 70 cm.
Racket is the easiest way to make from plywood with a thickness of 15-20 mm; depending on the thickness of the handle is oval or octagonal.
All these preparatory works are quite accessible even to younger kids. Competitions can be carried out as vnutricerepnae and everyone. Despite the simplicity of the “equipment” and conditional rules, mini tennis, as the tennis great, full of sports pitch.

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