START FROM UNDER THE WATERJapanese seaplane E14Y. The first production Е9W1 hydroplanes equipped with boats I-7 and I-8, after which in 1937 the serial production of these aircraft continued. Just released 32 Е9W1 instance, the majority of which were operated on submarines for six years or more. A submarine with a seaplane on Board participated in intelligence operations in the China sea during the blockade of China.

Before takeoff Е9W1 rolling out of the hangar and mounted on a catapult. Maintained aircraft technical team of two mechanics and the older calculation. The duties of the mechanics were preparing to start the engine, mounting brackets and installation of the machine on the catapult. Full time to floating boats before the plane took off was one hour. With experience technical staff this time was reduced to forty minutes.
After performing the flight task the plane was landing close to the submarine. taxied to it, and the onboard crane lifted it onto the deck. Then began the disassembly of the machine and its installation in the hangar. The execution time of these operations has also been reduced from one hour to forty-five minutes.
Е9W1 became the first aircraft in its class, which, after adopting has been used for a long time.
Increased secrecy in which the Japanese have adopted a new technique, has led to the fact that the allies learned about enemy submarines-aircraft carriers just before the beginning of the war in the Pacific.
In 1942, in operation remained 14 Е9W1 seaplanes that were on submarines I-7,I-8, I-10, I-15, I-17, I-19, I-21, I-23, I-25 and I-26. Е9W1 was the last biplane, which was equipped with underwater aircraft carriers. In 1940, he was replaced by a monoplane E14Y.
We should mention the interesting stage, the fate of the Kugisho E14Y1 seaplane with a crew consisting of pilot Naruto Fujita and observer (Navigator) sōji Okuda, who famously became the first foreign plane that dropped bombs on the territory of the United States during the Second world war. The history of this event is. The E14Y1 seaplane launched from a catapult aircraft carrier submarine I-25. 9 and 29 September 1942, carried out two sorties in the bombing of the Oregon coast. The armament included two 76-kg incendiary bombs.
The raids were a response to Japan’s bombing of Tokyo, the bomber crews of Colonel Jimmy Doolittle, launched from the deck of the aircraft carrier Hornel in April 1942.
E14Y1 seaplane from the submarine I-7
Bomber raids E14Y1 seaplane on the American continent was planned using maps extracted by a Vice-Consul of Japan in Seattle.
So by bombing with incendiary bombs, the Japanese expected to cause large forest fires, which strong westerly winds had spread throughout the North-West coast of America. According to the Japanese, it was bound to cause panic among the local population and distrust of the U.S. government.
Although the attack E14Y1 was not accompanied by a large damage, they affect the acceleration of developments in the Pacific. The Americans, concerned about the actions of Japan has accelerated its offensive in the region.
The creation of the E14Y1 seaplane was caused by the deployment of a third program to improve the submarine fleet of Japan, which received the designation Otsu 3 and launched in 1937.
In accordance with this program, the Navy has developed a specification 12-Shi for a seaplane reconnaissance, which was to change the Watanabe E9W1 and to enter the service of new submarines.
The plane was created on a competitive basis, and therefore, the management of the fleet, took all possible measures to ensure maximum secrecy. In the competition for the creation of a new reconnaissance aircraft by the specification 12-Shi participated firms Kugisho and Watanabe Tekkosho. But already at the initial stage, it became clear that the project Kugisho more promising.
A group of engineers Kugisho was led by Mitsuo Yamada. The problems that designers had to face when creating the plane, proved to be quite Difficult. It was necessary to create a plane with high flight characteristics, and at the same time not to go beyond the overall limits specified by the specification 12-Shi.
For his plane Mitsuo Yamada chose the monoplane scheme with a low wing and two supporting floats. When placing the machine in the hangar of the limited sizes of console wings folded along the fuselage, and the stabilizer is turning down.
In late 1938, a year after the adoption of the specification 12-Shi was completed assembling the first two prototypes of the seaplane, the designation “2-Shi experimental marine boat seaplane E14YI”.
In early 1939, the flight testing of seaplanes. Flights one of them was made in Tokyo Harbor. Ran this car the crew of p consisting of pilot Lieutenant Okan and observer Kato.
E14YI, like his predecessors, was a very compact double monoplane with folding wing panels and stabilizer.
Engine 9-cylinder GK2 Hitachi Tempu 12, air-cooled, comes with a wooden two-bladed propeller with a constant pitch.
E14Y1 aircraft in flight
The E14Y1 aircraft in flight
Power set of the fuselage consisted of a metal pipe. Plating in the bow — sheet duralumin, and the Central and aft fuselage were trimmed with cloth.
Wing of mixed construction with metal spars and wooden ribs, the wing skin is completely plain. A similar design had the tail.
All-metal floats.
The cabin crew closed the transparent canopy and had a sliding section, which provided access to her crew.
Defensive armament consisted of a single 7.7 mm machine gun mounted on the pivot mounting in the cockpit observer. The wing bomb racks on the aircraft could carry two 30 kg bombs.
The control weighting was found that the mass of the E14Y1 is 1130 kg, which exceeded the estimated amount of 180 kg. the Result was a reduction of the useful load. Thus, the seaplane could take only 200 litres of fuel, which reduced its range to 480 kilometres. With such a range of seaplane could not perform to the expectations of the combat mission, which limited the submarines of class 1-9. the weapons which he was supposed to do.
Given the overweight design of the first two machines, the third and fourth opitnie samples constructed Watanabe, was light weight 80 kg.
Lack of directional stability, manifested in the first test flights, managed to eliminate by the installation under the fuselage a little extra boiling and increase the area of the main keel. The upper part can be folded during the installation of the aircraft in the hangar.
In December 1940, after being introduced into the design changes, the seaplane was adopted under the designation E14Y1 of I-1. which later changed to E14Y1 11.
Although EI4YI was intended for use by submarines, aircraft were used to patrol the coast of the Japanese Islands, rising into the air from bases seaplanes the Japanese fleet.
Japanese seaplane E14Y1
Japanese seaplane E14Y1
Japanese E14Y1 seaplane:
1 — fixed glazing of the cockpit canopy; 2 operating handrails; 3 — the wing tip; 4 — detachable part of the wing; 5 — float; 6 — inspection cover; 7— LDPE; 8 —ANO; 9 — brace stabilizer; 10 — line folding stabilizer and rudder; 11 —trimmer of the Elevator; 12 — hang the flap-ailerons; 13 — the hinge of the flap-ailerons; 14 — bomb racks; 15 — glazing the bottom of the cab Navigator; 16, the struts of the floats; 17 — Horny compensator of the Elevator; 18 — the Elevator in folded position; 19 — visor the cockpit canopy; 20,28 — substrate; 21 — antenna; 22 — movable part of the lamp Navigator; 23 — a wooden two-bladed propeller with a constant pitch; 24 — strut stabilizer; 25 — fairings of the engine; 26 — the struts (struts) of floats; 27 connecting the crossbar floats; 29 — hood; 30 — table truck; 31 — support of the fuselage; a 32 — adjustable feet; the 33 — node mounting of the bearing; 34 — irregular bearing; 35 — bearing; 36 — struts; 37 — trimmer of the rudder; 38 — rudder; 39 — fold section of the keel; 40 — ventral keel; 41 — binding glass; 42 — dashboard (view forward); 43 — ORES

Submarine E14Y1 has been folded in a waterproof hangar oval cross section with a height of 1.4 m width 2.4 m and a length of 8.5 m, which is settled on the deck before combat logging. The floats were unlocked from the wing and fuselage, the wings were also unlocked and placed along the fuselage, fixing in this position with clamps. The tail Assembly was formed, the stabilizer wheel height unfolded up, and part of the keel down. Since surfacing submarine to launch E14YI with a pneumatic catapult took 15 minutes. Later, after the acquisition of technical personnel experience, this time was reduced to 6 minutes, 23 seconds. After completion of the flight the aircraft had landed near the boat, climbed aboard a crane, dismantled and placed in the hangar.
His first sortie E14Y1 floatplane made a reconnaissance base pearl Harbor December 17, 1941. Chain flight was photographing the results of the attack carrier-based aircraft of Admiral Nagumo committed 7 Dec
1941 . A seaplane launched from a catapult submarine I-7 and lost. Probably it was the first clash of Americans with a seaplane, they have received the code name Glen.
Following the departure E14Y1 had occurred on 1 January 1942 near Oahu. This time the flight was successful and the machine was brought back on Board the boat. Despite the presence in the area of radar, the Americans were unable to detect aircraft, and his appearance was a complete surprise.
In early January 1942 in Australian waters, successfully operated a submarine I-25, on Board of which was also E14Y1. 17 Feb
1942 year he made a reconnaissance flight over Sydney harbour, 26 Feb E14Y1 photographed the waters of the Australian port of Melbourne. Five days later, on March 1, a seaplane from I-25 carried out reconnaissance flights over Hobart in Tasmania on 8 March, the same submarine was close to Wellington in New Zealand and four days later E14Y1 took off on reconnaissance and photography Auckland. Going back to Japan submarine I-25 completed the exploration of Suva in Fiji.
Rich intelligence information about the whereabouts of the U.S. Navy, collected by boat I-25 through E14Y1 seaplane, later used by Japanese naval command in the planning of submarine attacks.
In accordance with the development plan of the Japanese Navy formed the 8-th squadron of submarines under the command of Admiral Sasaki. Coverage of the squadron was to become the Australian water. In the squadron entered the boat I-21, I-22, I-24, I-27 and I-29. The seaplane carrier was the only boat I-21. and everyone else was on Board the twin small submarines.
The evening of 29 may 1942, the E14Y1 seaplane left an aircraft carrier and submarine took a reconnaissance flight over Sydney harbour. The obtained information is immediately transferred on Board submarines. At 4.30 a.m. the pilot found two American vessel Chicago and Perkins, which he was able to bring four small submarines. However, the attack failed, the Americans were able to detect and sink them.
The 4th squadron of submarines operated in the Indian ocean and included submarines I-10 and I-30 — media E14Y1 seaplane.
2 may 1942 E14YI with I-10 performed a reconnaissance flight over Durban, and a few days later on. Elizabeth, Meanwhile E14Y1 from the Board of I-30 has carried out similar flights over the ports of Zanzibar, Aden, Djibouti and French Somalia, but none of the ports but have interest to attack.
Soon the two submarines together with the third vessel, on Board of which were two small submarines, closer to Madagascar, where the allies landed in the Bay of Diego-Suarez for the liberation of the island from the French troops of the Vichy government. 29 may at 10.30 am from the Board of I-10 started E14Y1 seaplane for reconnaissance of the coast of Madagascar. The next day, using the results of aerial reconnaissance, to the island headed Japanese two small submarines to block the port of Toamasina. Submarines sank the Japanese tanker and severely damaged English battleship Ramilles, which had to be towed for repairs in Durban. One Japanese small submarine did not return.
Meanwhile, the 1st squadron of submarines, which entered the boats I-9, I-15, I-17, I-19 and I-26. as well as the already mentioned I-25, headed for the Aleutian Islands. Task E14Y1 was the exploration of the coastal strip. Bad weather complicates this task. However, the E14Y1 still launched from the deck of I-25 in the area of Kodiak. During a reconnaissance mission the crew managed to determine the whereabouts of the cruisers of the enemy and even attack it.
In June 1942, the 1st squadron participated in operations to seize the Islands of Attu and Kiska to Japanese forces, and then returned to Japan.
August 15, 1942 I-25 under the command of captain-Lieutenant, Meiji a Gag with E14 YI on Board left the port of Yokosuka and the beginning of September came to the US West coast near Cape Blanco, Oregon.
Task E14YI (pilot observer Fujita and Okuda) was supposed to be reset 76-kg incendiary bombs on a forest region of Oregon. Incendiary bombs were filled with a special incendiary mixture, which when ignited give a temperature of over 1500 degrees in the area of 100 square meters. Within four days of bad weather does not allow flight. Only September 9, the sky brightened, and Fujita and his partner began to prepare for takeoff. Early in the morning both Aviator put a small family in a special wooden gift box in case they can’t get back on the boat and took a seat in the cockpit. The submarine was against the wind, and catapult took to the air with a seaplane, heading to Cape Blanco.
The plane went deep from the coastline to a depth of 11 — 15 km, where the crew dropped bombs on the forest. On the way back to the Japanese pilots discovered two transport vessel that had to be bypassed to avoid detection.
Catapult takeoff E14Y1 from aboard submarine
Ejection takeoff E14Y1 aboard a submarine
After landing, the seaplane was quickly dismantled. When the technical crew has put a seaplane in a hangar, on a submarine flying patrol aircraft the US coast guard A-29 Hudson, soaring from an air base located near Tacoma. To avoid anti-aircraft attack, the Japanese submarine immediately went down to a depth of 70 meters. After a while we heard the first bomb blast at a depth of 25 meters, and later two more at a depth of 30 meters.
Although the attack antisubmarine aircraft did not cause a serious podvodnoi boat damage, causing only minor disruption to the electrical system, and radio blackout, captain I-25 decided to be more careful. So the next flight I decided to exercise at night on September 29. This time the attack takes place, the area to the East of Port Orford. On the route to the destination no problem, but the crew had trouble identifying the location of their submarine, which had expected the plane to 30 miles away from the coast. After the drama of finding a boat at the oil trail, the pilots were able to detect the submarine, when in the tanks was the last drop of fuel.
These two RAID caused very little damage mainly because of the long rains in areas selected for bombing. However, these attacks had historical significance, as during occurred the Second world war, the bombing of the U.S. enemy combat aircraft.
On the way back to 4 October 1942 I-25 torpedoed the American tanker Camden, and two days later put to the bottom of another — Lam Dohery.
3 September 1943 Jude 1-25 the story ended at the bottom of the ocean near the Solomon Islands when she was sunk by a naval ship United States Patterson. Observation seaplane E14YI. attacked coast of the United States, died in October 1944 in the area of Formosa during the attack on the American aircraft carrier. The only member of the attack on the coast of the United States, survived the war, left the pilot Fujita. Twenty pet after the war, Fujita, along with his wife moved to the United States where the couple settled in Oregon, there. where once the pilot dropped his bombs.
July 6, 1943, the submarine I-8 with the plane E14YI on Board left the port of Panang (Sumatra) and headed to the shores of Europe. On 6 September, she visited the French port of Brest. With the boat strusili Express mail and some other goods. In the opposite way, the Japanese have downloaded various samples of new military equipment, including missiles and radar. To fully use the volume of the boat the seaplane E14YI left on the shore, where it was destroyed in the bombing of the allied air.
With the end of 1943, after the beginning of active use of allies radar application for reconnaissance seaplanes E14YI has lost its relevance. Submarines could not afford to stay long on the surface without the likelihood of being discovered by the enemy. In the same year, and ended serial production E14YI. In all there were 138 aircraft.
N. Food reserve was, A. CHECHIN

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