THE PROUD FLAG OF THE REPUBLICEtendard — his predecessors and successors. iavlenie nuclear weapons not only changed the balance of power in the world, but also determined the path of development of military aviation in the first five years after the Second world war. A priority for the countries possessing nuclear weapons was the creation of the heavy bombers to deliver nuclear bombs, and fighters to escort their bombers destruction of others.

In four years (1945 — 1949) in the United States and the Soviet Union were put into mass production of bombers b-36 and Tu-4, F-86, F-89, MiG-15, La-15. And this list is far from complete.


Immediately agree with the critics that there is nothing like the F-89 Scorpion in the Soviet Union until 1954 and did not appear*.
European countries that did not have “wonder weapons” and large financial resources, finish jet aircraft developed during the war, and almost entirely focused on designing high-speed interceptors to protect its sky. France, UK and Sweden worked on their own projects, and the rest of the country bought a ready combat aircraft or designed exclusively training jet machines, such as the Netherlands and Italy.
Every year the cost of developing the aircraft grew, at the same time increases the complexity and weight of the structures. In 1950, English aircraft designer W. Petter, who worked at the firm Folland, came up with the idea to develop a light and cheap fighter, the construction of which could afford any state. In this project, the firm could earn very good money even with minimal capital investment. After all, can not only sell finished products, but also the rights to their production.
Be interested in his idea of the British military Petter failed and he decided to do a cheap fighter. The aircraft received the designation Fo.139 Midge (eng. — Midge). Its geometrical dimensions were minimal: the length of 8.76 metres, a wingspan of 6.3 m and a height of 2.82 m.
The choice of a jet engine for a “gnats” has become a serious problem. The designer was counting on TRD Bristol Sathurn, but its development was closed at the crucial moment. Glider machines were already built, and the only suitable option was the Armstrong Siddeley Viper turbojet, which was developed for installation on guided missiles and unmanned targets. The maximum diameter of the engine was just 0,508 m, weight — 180 kg static thrust — 680 kgf — three times less thrust turbojet Sathurn. The main drawback of the Viper turbojet was his life — only 10 hours, but experts from Armstrong Siddeley promised Petter this figure to significantly increase.
The third copy of the aircraft Etendard IVM 03 takes off from the deck of an aircraft carrier
The third copy of the aircraft Etendard IVM 03 takes off from the deck of an aircraft carrier
Problems with the power plant delayed the completion of work on the aircraft, and flight tests Fo.139 began only four years after the start of design. The first flight took place on 11 August 1954. The tests took place successfully. In one of the flights the fighter even broke the speed of sound in a dive. The car flew pilots from USA, Canada, India, Jordan and New Zealand. The point of flying Fo.139 put pilot from Switzerland. At high speed he lost control and crashed.
Despite this tragic event, widely publicized the concept of a light fighter Peter before the start of the tests Fo.139 Midge drew the attention of aviation experts from all countries. Believing in the success of the firm Bristol returned to the design of jet engines for light aircraft and on their own initiative built Orpheus turbojet thrust 1490 kgs.
Further developments have been heavily influenced by the Korean war and the creation of the military block of NATO.
The Korean war showed that the future armed conflicts will not necessarily be nuclear. Most likely, should prepare for a protracted war, in which the brunt of the fighting will fall on the army. And the role of the air force will be not only in repelling attacks by enemy nuclear bombers, but also cover and support the infantry in attacks on ground targets, and tactical air reconnaissance, etc. in General, everything is back to normal.
Americans in Korea with great difficulty managed to cope with these seemingly traditional aviation tasks. For example, a specialized attack aircraft of the U.S. air force had. Had to use for attack purposes obsolete fighter P-51 Mustang and jet fighters F-80, F-84 and F-86. Their bomb load, range and accuracy of the use of weapons against ground targets left much to be desired. And who knows how events would develop, if not for deck aviation, which was a sufficient number of specialized attack aircraft A-1 and AU-1. They endured all the hardships and tribulations of close air support in the Korean war.
Carrier-based attack aircraft Etendard IVM
Carrier-based attack aircraft Etendard IVM
Carrier-based attack aircraft Etendard IVM:
1 receiver node of fuel; 2— rod receiver of fuel in the open position; 3—pull hydraulic cylinder; 4—nose cone; 5 — whip antenna of the radio station; 6—the rudder; 7—cone of the receiver node of fuel; 8—operating hatches; 9—rod LDPE; 10—reserve EDT; 11—front keel; 12—pane, the outside of the compartment; 13—porthole side of the panoramic camera; 14—fuel rod; 15 — fuselage speed brake; 16—the arresting hook in the retracted position; 17 — cameras; 18—hood nose compartment of photographic equipment; 19—ejection seat; 20—the cockpit canopy in the open position; 21—adjustable sash nozzle of the engine; 22 — fold flap main landing gear; 23—wheel main landing gear; 24—plate niche nose landing gear in an open position; 25—strut of the nose landing gear; 26—resistant pad; 27—front landing gear; 28 stepladder; 29—mobile fire-fighting installation; 30—fuel filler; 31 —aerodynamic “tooth”; 32 rotary section of the wing tip; 33—Aileron; 34—flaps; 35—spoiler; 36 — steering stabilizer; 37—the steering wheel height; 38—ANO; 39 — slat; 40—drag chute container; 41 —fairing-steering actuator flap; 42-30-mm cannon DEFA; 43—fold niche cleaning the nose landing gear; 44—air intake; 45 used; 46—rod retract main landing gear; 47— PTB

Finally, the unification of Western countries into a single military bloc of NATO required a certain standardization of weapons. Of course, this primarily applies command and control and communications. But Western military experts have begun to think about the standardization samples of aircraft armament. Here they were talking about fighter V. Petter. Why not do the easy and cheap standardized aircraft?
We started with the Essentials — from a fighter jet.
In December 1953 with headquarters PATO was issued tactical and technical requirements for lightweight single-seat aircraft to support ground troops, the content of which is reduced mainly to the following:
1. The plane is designed For fighting at altitudes up to 1500 m. Therefore, there was no need to seal the cockpit.
2. The empty weight of the aircraft — not more than 2270 kg.
3. Small arms — two 20-mm cannon with 200 rounds or two 30mm cannon with 120 rounds. In addition, under wing — 12 unmanaged 76-mm rockets, two 227-kg bombs and two incendiary tank with Napalm. Besides, the document stipulates the need to install the gyro sight and easy booking.
4. The equipment of the aircraft should include anti-g suit, system identification “friend or foe”, FM radio stations, the apparatus for determining the distance to the beacon and landing in adverse weather conditions and at night.
5. During a combat mission 30 percent of the time the aircraft must fly at a speed corresponding to the number M=0,95 (1170 km/h), and the rest — with a speed of 650 km/h.
6. The aircraft must have high maneuverability — the angular rate of roll not less than 110 degrees per second when the number M=0.9 at sea level. The plane must have air brakes.
7. The length of the run of the aircraft is not more than 900 m during takeoff from the ground airfield.
8. Established the following program is a typical combat mission:
a) flight in the target area at a distance of 240 km at a speed of 650 km/h;
b) search the goal for 8 — 10 minutes at the same speed;
C) when the return to base flight at a distance of 150 km at a speed corresponding to the number M=0.95, and the remaining distance (over their territory) with a speed of 650 km /h.
The firm won the contract, have received the order from 1,000 aircraft. All participants pledged to produce three prototype aircraft by the beginning of 1957.
In the competition participated a number of European companies representing eight projects. It is interesting to note that in seven of them as the power plant provided for the Orpheus engine, developed by Bristol firm with the filing of Vladimir Petter.
Reconnaissance aircraft Etendard IVP
Reconnaissance aircraft Etendard IVP
Aircraft Super Etendard in flight
Aircraft Super Etendard in flight
One of the first who responded the firm Folland, which suggested the plane Fo.141 called Gnat (from English. mosquito), which was a further development of the lung Fo.139 Midge. As the plane from the beginning was designed as a lightweight fighter V. Petter had to reinforce the design to increase maneuverability at high speeds at low altitudes and to install additional weapons, which led to an increase in machine weight 910 kg. Accordingly, it has worsened characteristics of the aircraft. Despite this, the Ministry of supply of great Britain ordered the firm six light attack aircraft Gnat MK. 1.
The plane attracted representatives from Finland, Belgium, New Zealand, West Germany, Switzerland and Yugoslavia. The Indian government even entered into negotiations with the firm Folland regards to construction in the South of India plant, which would produce Gnat MK. 1.
Representatives of the U.S. Navy ordered the development of Petter deck version of the aircraft. Interest in the Gnat MK.1 showed even the Navy of Canada. Sailors were impressed with the fact that the wingspan of these aircraft (a total of 6.8 m) allowed to do without the mechanisms of folding of the wing. And because the fighter had a small size, in the hangars of aircraft carriers they were set at 125 percent larger than conventional aircraft. The duration of the flight with external fuel tanks from MK.1 Gnat was about two hours — almost like the existing carrier-based fighters.
On the prototype aircraft, which made its first flight on 18 July 1955, was installed Orpheus turbojet thrust 1490 kgs (for production aircraft engine thrust was planned to increase to 2200 kgf). During the tests the machine showed a maximum speed of 1170 km/h, service ceiling 15 000 m rate of climb at ground 40 m/s.
Small arms of the plane consisted of two 30-mm Aden cannons, which were installed on the outer sides of air intakes, with the output holes in their edges.
Fighter-interceptor Gnat MK.2 had the wing relative thickness of 6%, driven by increased stabilizer and dorsal part of the keel. It was planned to install a turbojet with afterburner, which required lengthening the rear fuselage. The speed of the aircraft was supposed to correspond to the number M = 1,2. Thanks to the increased thrust-weight ratio fighter-interceptor had the opportunity to gain altitude 4500 m per minute.
The main competitor Gnat on the British market became a fighter Hunter, which although was the better team on the flight characteristics, but cost much more expensive — costs for the construction of five fighters Gnat, equal to the cost of the construction of two fighter Hunter. Thus, the concept of Petter has been very successful.
Very thoroughly came to the contest and French aircraft designers. They expected not only to NATO but also to support their own government. The air Ministry of France also issued tactical and technical requirements for a light attack aircraft. Them as a complement to the technical conditions of staff of the air force NATO was the requirement of installation on light attack aircraft two engines. The advantage of such power units in aircraft designed for combat at low altitudes, in conditions of strong opposition from small arms and light weapons, it was obvious. In addition, in this case, the fuel could be spent more efficiently, as the flight at cruising mode can be carried out with one working engine and the second engine, the pilot could only turn on the takeoff, climb and in flight in the target area. It was thought that the increase in the cost of the aircraft by installation of a second turbojet can be justified by the above benefits.
Carrier-based attack aircraft, Super Etendard
Carrier-based attack aircraft, Super Etendard
Carrier-based attack aircraft, Super Etendard:
1 — antenna receiver, the irradiation of the aircraft RLS of enemy; 2 — performance access panel for equipment navigation and bombing system; 3 — radiotransparent Radome radar antenna; 4 — container for electronic equipment; 5 — drag chute container; 6 — rod system of refueling in the air in the retracted position; 7 — hatch access to the emergency handle to reset the lamp; 8 — messenger Radome radio VHF: 9 — antenna telemetry system; 10 — the hatch of the access node of attachment of the engine; 11 — wing PTB with a capacity of 1100 liters; 12 — attachment points in step-ladders; 13 — antenna VHF; 14 — LDPE; I5 — hatches access to the rocking of the control system; 16 — antenna identification system; 17 — impeller fuel transfer pump; 18 — outboard fuel pump Assembly; 19 — anti-roll cone hose in-flight refueling; 20 — antenna radar; 21 — antenna drive; 22 — visor canopy pilot; 23 — the outside panel of the compartment electronic equipment; 24 fairing brake hook; 25 — brake hook to a released position; 26 — the wing tip in the folded position; 27 — the RAM cleaning and release of the brake flap; 28 — brake in the released position; 29 — a niche cleaning brake panel; 30 — wheel nose landing gear; 31 — cylinder retract nose landing gear; 32 — absorber of the nose landing gear; 33 — fork of the front wheel of the landing gear; 34 — lights system landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier; 35 — radar Radome in the removed position

Orders for designing and manufacturing such aircraft received firms Dassault and Breguet, which was supposed to produce three prototypes, with one of them in the deck.
Dassault was a well-known French aircraft firm. Its first aircraft of the postwar period has become multipurpose MD-30 with two piston engines. Then came a small transport aircraft MD-315 Flamant, who had a commercial success — it sold in France, Vietnam, Cambodia, Madagascar and Tunisia. Total has sold about 320 machines of various modifications.
In 1947, Dassault began designing the fighter, corresponding to the world level of technology at that time. The prototype fighter MD 450 Ouragan with a straight wing and the engine thrust Nene 104В 2300 kgs made its first flight on 28 February 1949. After the testing of the prototype and pre-production instances of aircraft produced 350 machines. Ouragan was the first mass jet fighter of French design.
Immediately after the first flight of the Ouragan, Dassault designers started to build the plane, which is its development. Initially the MD-452 Mystere differed from its predecessor only swept wings (33 degrees at the front edge), and then he started to put more powerful engines. The first prototype Mystere flew on 23 February 1953. However, the nose of the aircraft from the frontal air intake already made it impossible to place it in modern radar equipment, and in 1951 appeared the aircraft MD-450-30L with a lateral air inlets and pointed nose.
The same layout of the air intakes I decided to use in the draft light attack aircraft. In addition, it has improved visibility from the cockpit forward and down, which was very important for aircraft such appointment.
Attack aircraft for the French air force was designated the Mystere 22, and for NATO — Mystere 26. The aircraft had identical geometry of the wing, tail and front part of the fuselage to the cockpit. The sweep angle of the wing 45-degree line 1/4 chord, the relative thickness of 6% and a span of 7.7 m. the Length of these aircraft was 11.3 m and height 3.8 m. the Takeoff weight of the aircraft Mystere 26 was in the range of 4000 — 4500 kg, and 22 Mystere, at the expense of the second engine, was a few more.
Missile armament consisted of two 30-mm cannons DEFA, which, together with ammunition 120 rounds mounted on quick-release platform, the type of carriage guns on the MiG-15 are extremely simplified maintenance. The weapons the stormtroopers comply NATO: under the wing could be suspended for two 225-kg bombs and 12 76-mm rockets. In addition to the above weapons, the firm is assumed to be installed on Mystere 22 additional armament, consisting of rockets, located in the fuselage of the produced container.
The first prototype Mystere 22-01 to be fitted with a pair of Turbomeca Gabizo turbojet engines (total maximum thrust of 2200 kgf, cruising — 1760 kgs). The weight of one engine was 254 kg. However, initial flight tests had to use two turbojet engines of the Dassault M. D. 30 of our own design.
The second prototype Mystere 22-02 differed from the first only power plant. It was planned to put two engines Hispano-Suiza R. 800 or SNECMA R. 105 Vesta.
TRD R. 800 had a six-speed axial compressor, annular combustor and single-stage turbine. At a mass of 275 kg, the engine developed a thrust of 1300 kgf (with afterburner — 1800 kgs).
TRD R. 105 a thrust of 1200 kgf had a seven-stage axial compressor, annular combustor and single-stage turbine.
The third prototype aircraft with the designation Mystere 22M was a carrier-based variant with all the features of shipborne fighters: landing gear with a large speed cushioning, brake hook, and a device for ejection.
Proactively firm began work on the project is an experimental variant of the Mystere 22 with an engine SNECMA Atar 101 G. This aircraft was designated the Mystere 24.
Attack to a NATO Mystere 26 were calculated under single turbojet Bristol VOG.2 Orpheus.
During the construction of the prototypes they received a new name — Etendart (FR. — banner, flag). Changed the numbering of models: Mystere 22 became the Etendard II, mystère 24 — Etendard IV, Mystere 26 — Etendard VI.
The first 23 July 1956 Etendard II took off from the airport of Bordeaux Merignac, piloted by test pilot Field Bude. Plane for competition NATO Etendard VI made its first flight may 15, 1957, was piloted by its test pilot Gerard Muselli.
Firm Breguet designed the VG aircraft.1001 and VG.1100 called Taon (FR. — the horsefly, the gadfly), and the first to contest NATO, and the second for the French air force.
The plane Taon had normal aerodynamic design with swept wings (43 degrees along the line of the 1/4 chord). On VG.1001 installed one Bristol Orpheus turbojet VOG.2 maximum thrust 2050 kgs. Designers have assumed that engine he will be able to achieve in horizontal flight the maximum speed corresponding to the number M = 0,95. When you install afterburner, increasing engine thrust to 2720 kgf, and at flight weight of the aircraft 3770 kg, its maximum speed had to exceed sonic (Mach number = 1,15).
In addition to small arms, consisting of two 30-mm guns with ammunition 120 rounds each, under the wing of the plane could be suspended for two 225-kg bombs, two 350-kg tank with Napalm or unmanaged 12 76-mm rockets.
The Plane VG.The 1100 had some things in common with VG.1001 — the same bow section of the fuselage and the cockpit, however, the power plant consisted of two TRD. In addition to small arms, consisting of two 30-mm guns with ammunition for 100 rounds each, the plane had to carry 29 missiles under the wing, and 30 — under the fuselage in a retractable container. Project VG.1100 was assumed that in horizontal flight at an altitude of 6000 m, the plane reaches the speed corresponding to the number M=1, the rate of climb of 70 m/s and the flight duration was 1 hour and 20 minutes. The first prototype HS.1001 flew on 26 July 1957.
The second prototype with a slightly lengthened fuselage had minor improvements of aerodynamic characteristics. To improve speed characteristics of the aircraft, the root portion :;of the snout has been installed aerodynamic flows, the cavity which used to house fuel. Improved sample 25 APR 1958 set a world speed record, flying the closed route of 1000 km with an average speed of 1046,65 km/h at an altitude of 7620 m. 23 Jul Taon broke its record, showing the speed of 1075 km/h.
In the fight for contracts to produce a new attack aircraft and joined Italy. Designer Giuseppe Gabrielli with the FIAT company, known for the development of the first Italian jet training aircraft G. 80, suggested
G. 91, in appearance resembling the F-95 (modification of F-86D Sabr). The plane had a low wing sweep of 35 degrees along the line of the 1/4 chord relative thickness of 6 to 6.6 percent. Equipment, weapons and gear was in the fuselage.
Armament consisted of two 30-mm guns with exit openings for trunks in the lip of the inlet. In addition, the machine could carry a variety of weapons under the wing and rockets in a retractable into the fuselage container.
First flight of the prototype Fiat G. 91 took place on 9 August 1956. Take-off weight was in excess of the prescribed requirements, but the Italians with their inherent vital energy has proven that it does not degrade flight characteristics. By plane was installed TRD Orpheus VOG.1 thrust 1840 kgs.
The second prototype with the engine Orpheus VOG.S a thrust of 2200 kgf first flew in July 1957.
After three months in the French flight test center in Bretigny held a final evaluation test Etendart VI, Gnat, Taon and G. 91. After an intensive flight test program, conducted by a group of pilots from different NATO countries, have chosen the plane of the FIAT, and this was officially announced in January 1958.
Aircraft Super Etendard with two BGL bombs with laser homing
Aircraft Super Etendard with two BGL bombs with laser homing
The victory of the Italian company, the contest NATO was not a severe blow for the company Dassault, which at that time cared more about the fate of his new fighter Mirage III. However, this caused a significant sharp decline of work on the Etendard aircraft. Bringing the second and sixth versions have been discontinued. The development of the Etendard IV was continued, but the firm has positioned it as the first step in creating a vertical take-off aircraft. Yes, that’s right. This is due to the unique and first of its takeoff and landing characteristics of the machine.
After installation on Etendard IV of the new turbojet Atar 101Е2 3500 kgf thrust characteristics of the aircraft is greatly improved. The first flight of the modernized machine took place on 24 July 1956. Maximum speed in horizontal flight amounted to 1215 km/h at an altitude of 3050 m and 1086 km/h — altitude 11 000 m. Without external suspension the aircraft had a takeoff weight of 5500 kg. Its armament consisted of two 30-mm DEFA cannons with ammunition of 250 rounds and 32 unguided rockets (NUR). Under the wing can be suspended two tanks full of Napalm with a capacity of 455 liters, two bombs caliber 400 or 500 kg, two tapes for NUR (each of them 19 70-mm rockets or 20 76-mm rockets).
The pride of the aircraft were short takeoff and landing capability is only 500 m. compared with the 1300-meter runway distance Mystere IV, the run and the mileage is within 500 m looked fantastic achievement. Etendard could easily take off and land on unpaved airfields, that was a very important advantage, taking into account the likelihood of damage.
This same concept is strongly demanded, and a gradual transition to vertical take-off aircraft. The first step in this direction and became the Etendard IV, is required for takeoff and landing short track. After him was to follow the fighter taking off at some angle to the horizon — for example, by using the catapult. And finally, to complete this scheme was intended for vertical take-off fighter.
Machine interested representatives of the French Navy, who needed a carrier-based multirole aircraft for the armament of the new aircraft carriers. First aircraft carrier Clemenceau was laid down in Brest in 1955. In December 1958, had planned to launch it. The sailors concluded with firm Dassault a contract for the marine modification of the Etendard IV —Etendard IVM.
The designers of the company responsible approached to a task. To reduce drag at transonic speeds, the fuselage of the aircraft altered in accordance with the “area rule”. Established an even more powerful Atar 8 turbojet thrust 4200 kgf without afterburner. Takeoff weight increased to 6300 kg. the wing area had to be increased to reduce landing speed is to install the new flaps. In the long term planned to equip the wing with a system of blowing boundary layer.
Thanks to these measures, the run-mileage virtually unchanged. Moreover, there is the opportunity to use the Etendard IVM, with additional cargo of bombs and missiles in an attack aircraft.
The wing folding made for compact machine installation in the hangar of an aircraft carrier. Under the fuselage has fixed brake hook-and-knots for attaching the rope of the ship catapult. Chassis equipped with high-pressure Pneumatics.
In the work on the project Etendard IVM has been widely used the famous technique of “progressive development” proposed by Marcel Dassault. In accordance with her firm builds the first model of a new aircraft and it is experiencing major systems of the machine. Then produced the second prototype, which has already addressed the shortcomings discovered on the ground, and checked the next group of on-Board systems. And so on. To create Etendard IVM the firm took seven machines.
Flying Etendard IVM 01 was designed to test the propulsion and control system. Etendard IVM 02 had the necessary equipment to fly from the deck of the ship, radar and range finder equipment radio command guidance missiles AS.20 class “air-ground” antenna which was in a flat fairing under the nose. Etendard IVM 03 was equipped with the British Rolls-Royce Avon MK.51 with afterburner and thrust 5100 kg. Etendard IVM 04 was equipped with a device blowing boundary layer on the flaps. Etendard IVM with the numbers 05 and 06 steel aircraft, fully equipped with all systems and designed for acceptance testing. Etendard IVM 07 — prototype scout with three aerial cameras in the nose of the plane.
02 Etendard IVM made its first flight on 21 may 1958 in Milan-Villaroche. After the first phase of testing in latinosmffiles the centre of Istres, the car ferried to the UK. There, in the sea test centre in Bedford it has made more than two dozen take-offs from catapults and landings with arresting gear. 19 September 1960, began test flights from the deck of the aircraft carrier Clemenceau. On 19 November, the French made a final decision about the power plant, opt for the nonafterburning engine, the Atar 8. This decision was dictated by the conditions shipborne, because the fuel tanks of an aircraft carrier is not bottomless, and the engine with afterburner has a much higher fuel consumption. This seemingly obvious fact was vividly confirmed by tests of the Etendard IVM 03.
A year before the end of the test firm Dassault received a contract to manufacture 5486/59 49 stormtroopers Etendard IVM and one scout Etendard IVP. A second order for an additional 25 attack and 15 scouts signed in may 1961. Small changes in the order concerned aircraft Etendard IVP. In the document they are referred to as scouts-tankers. These planes were able to refuel other cars in the air with the use of the American Buddy system, the container which was mounted on a ventral pylon. The choice of this system of refueling was determined by namereniem French Navy to purchase US carrier-based fighter F-8 Crusader.
The first production Etendard IVM soared in July, 1961, and January 19, 1962, it was solemnly transferred to the Navy. The aircraft entered squadron 15F, where he began retraining of personnel naval aviation on new aircraft. The first combat squadron of these vehicles with the designation 11F was formed in April 1963. The deployment of the new aircraft was completed in 1966. Only the Navy received 69 Etendard IVM and 21 Etendard IVP.
The stormtroopers stood on the armament of naval aviation until 1991, and the scouts — until 1998. Gunships in combat operations did not participate. The scouts were used in combat operations in 1974 in the horn of Africa, in 1982 in Lebanon, and in 1991 — in Yugoslavia. According to French reports, the fighting casualties among Etendard IVP was not.


The design of the aircraft Etendard IVM


Etendard IVM freedoms but carrying monoplane of normal scheme with mid-swept wings and retractable tricycle landing gear with nose wheel. Wing sweep at the 1/4 chord line is 45 degrees. At the end parts of the wing leading edge there are nodules. Wing profile — NACA 65 000 with a relative thickness, linearly varying from 6 percent at the root to 5 per cent at the wing tips. Angle transverse V-wing is 3.5 degrees.


Wing caisson structure consists of a fixed (Sredna) and deflected up (manually) the end parts. Inside the caissons wing located fuel tanks Mechanization includes a flap located along the entire span, and flaps with their deviations. In addition, the wing roots have gutters for harvesting stands main landing gear, and tail parts are placed ailerons.
The front longitudinal end of the caisson is made by milling aluminum alloy AU4SG. The thickness of the spar is reduced to an end. The spar not only closes the caisson, but also perceives the bending and effort caused by the deviation of socks; the thickness of its walls varies linearly from 10 mm at the root to 4 mm for the rib folding part of the wing.
The rear spar of the casing is also milled. The wall thickness of the rear spar is larger than the front. The spar is placed on the axle of the rack mount main chassis.
The side walls of the caisson are connected by a small number of ribs, also machined from alloy AU4SG and perpendicular to the rear spar (at the root rib of the wing with a solid wall, three intermediate ribs with perforated walls, with the exception of the ribs bounding the tank compartment and the last rib, on which the hinges and the control of folding end portions of the wing).
The thickness of the upper wing skin and 13 mm at the root and 6 mm at the end and in front of the ailerons, and the lower 12 mm and 4 mm. respectively. Each half-wing attached to the fuselage with bolts around the perimeter of the caisson. The center section of the wing is made together with the fuselage.
Deviating socks — the usual type, is hinged on the bottom shelf of the front spar. Their management system includes a power cylinder actuator with locks, locking socks in “removed” and “released”.
Folding the end portions of the wing are conventional two-spar construction with relatively thin plates of constant thickness and with the lock securing them in raised or lowered position. Socks on the folding parts of the wing connected with socks fixed wing propeller thrust.
The ailerons have a weight compensation in the form of metal plates located in front of the axes of hinges and moving inside the wing. Control of the ailerons by one double power cylinder located in the fuselage, which is fitted with 01 separate hydraulic systems. Similar, but less powerful power cylinder is used to drive the horizontal tail.
The Plane'etendard
Release and cleaning flaps are electrically driven; the movement occurs on three supports.
The fuselage is designed with the “rule of squares”. Air intakes located on the sides of the cockpit, and provided with channels for draining the boundary layer. The walls of the fuselage in front of the intakes is vertical. The nose of the fuselage has a circular cross-section, turning into more elliptical with a horizontal axis at the location of the air intakes.
The nose of the fuselage is removable, it can accommodate a radar, camera or other equipment, depending on the destination of the aircraft. If necessary, it can be mounted retractable receiver for in-flight fueling.
For the nasal part is located single cockpit, closed resettable in flight lantern with flat front glass type “triplex” with a thickness of 40 mm. It is equipped with air conditioning system that keeps the excess pressure 0.25 kg/cm2, starting from a height of 6,000 m.
Here installed easy ejection seat Martin Backer MK.4 ensure the safe evacuation of the airplane at any altitude up to zero.
For the cockpit in the upper part of the fuselage is the radio compartment. and at the bottom of the compartment for cleaning of the nose landing gear.
At the bottom of the fuselage contains an easily removable container with two 30 mm DEFA cannons with ammunition, 250 cartridges, cartridge boxes and wilsonbrian.
Compartment is separated from the rest of the fuselage by the horizontal partition PA which contains two soft fuel tank is located around the air channels, which in this place converge and then merge. Between the channels is the fuel tank, providing an inverted flight of the aircraft within 30 seconds There is also a reservoir for the days of engine power during hard braking during landing on the deck.
The following section of the fuselage occupied by the air channel, which passes under the caisson attached to it with the console parts of the wing and which is surrounded by soft tanks. Tank compartment formed by the caisson divided by the wall. Under the caisson are two brake flaps, which is a simple surface, forming the lower surface of the fuselage and hinged to the front edge. Deviation of flaps made of power cylinders (one cylinder for each plate).
Behind the caisson in the soft fuselage fuel tanks surrounding the round air channel, and various equipment. Downstairs there are two niches for cleaning the main landing gear wheels.
The tail part of the fuselage occupied by the engine and exhaust tract. Behind the engine compartment passes the plane joining the detachable rear fuselage. In the plane of the connector installed sloping frame. To the bottom of this bulkhead is attached at two points of the V-shaped brake hook, fold the detachable part of the fuselage. Here is the power cylinder of the actuator hook in the separation of the detachable parts of the fuselage control not rusticoville, eliminating the additional loss of time and the risk of errors during reassembly.
The fuselage from peredney sealed bulkhead of the cockpit to the rear of the inclined frame is a single unit. Are just the detachable nose and tail parts of the fuselage. The fuselage is of classical design with frames and stringers that support layered trim panel for a larger surface area of the fuselage.
The hydraulic system includes two self-regulating pump, driven by a turbojet engine and emergency pump. Each of the main pumps feeds a separate hydraulic system (main and auxiliary) power of the main system can be effected by the pump.
In the booster control system installed accumulators. When the pressure in the system drops, the audible alarm will sound.
The tail Assembly consists of a trapezoidal sagittal keel, to the lower part of which is fixed a solid arrow-shaped stabilizer, the stabilizer and fin have a box-like structure. The keel is integral with the fuselage. The keel has a relatively small rudder deflected booster, controlled by cables from the cockpit. The maximum deflection in each direction – 17 degrees. The wheel is equipped with a yaw damper.
Horizontal tail consists of an adjustable stabilizer, rudder placed before it with a spoiler, the deviation of which is electrically synchronous with the release of the flaps.
At the intersection of the stabilizer and fin installed drag chute container with a diameter of 3.8 meters.
Chassis — tricycle, with a track of the main wheels of 3.64 m and a base of 5.1 m. the Chassis is designed for landing with vertical speed over 5.5 m/s.
The front landing gear — lever suspension. The top of the strut there are two studs at the bottom — plug, attached to the rack and the piston rod of the shock absorber. The landing gear retraction system includes a rear brace and a power cylinder, biasing the rack back and the plane of symmetry of the aircraft. Front operated dual cylinder serving also dampening “shimmy”, switchable to facilitate manoeuvring on the ground.
Strut main landing gear mounted behind the rear spar of the wing box and are retracted into the wing and wheels to the fuselage. Wheel brakes are hydraulic, with automatic braking.
Compartment for the removed front landing gear doors closed, one Il of which is secured directly to the PA her. and the other on the right side of the compartment. The main landing gear still attached sash that covers the trench in the wing. Niche under the wheels in the retracted position closes the doors, pinned under the fuselage.
The basis of the power plant of the aircraft is twin-shaft turbojet SNECMA Atar 8 engine takeoff thrust of 4400 kgf. The engine consists of a nine-axial compressor, annular combustor, two-stage turbine, the starter-generator unit fuel control and gearbox assemblies.
The fuel system consists of soft loose tanks and integral fuel compartments with a total capacity of 3300 liters of kerosene, and may additionally include two jettison external fuel tanks (PTB) with a capacity of 625 L. in addition, there are rod-fuel consumer and equipment for the installation of suspended refueling unit.
Super Etendard
In the late 1960-ies of the command of the French Navy began to think about replacing stormtroopers Etendard IV. By this time the aircraft was already considered obsolete. First and foremost, this statement concerned his equipment and weapons. The main weapons of attack were rockets and bombs, forcing the pilots to come close to the goal. In combat, this tactic was already unacceptable, because the majority of ships (potential targets) were on his arms anti-aircraft missiles capable of destroying attack aircraft long before the discovery of their goals. As part of the armament of the plane had missiles AS.20 and AS.30, but their radio command guidance system was also required visual contact with the target, in addition, it imposes serious limitations on maneuvers of the carrier.
The Navy needed a new aircraft with great survivability and combat capabilities. Considered several options for replacing the Etendard IV carrier-based variant of a multi-purpose aircraft Jaguar, carrier-based version of the fighter Mirage F. 1M, and American attack aircraft A-4 and A-7.
The Jaguar aircraft was developed by the international group SPECAT, which included the French firm Breguet, Dassault and British — British Aircraft Corporation. Tactical and technical requirements for this aircraft developed in France in 1964. They Jaguar was positioned as shock-training aircraft. According to signed between the two countries the Memorandum both sides agreed to buy 150 cars.
Prototypes of the aircraft began to be tested since 1968. A crumpled copy of the aircraft, the Jaguar M, intended for the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. Operation (12 flights) of the machine from the deck of the aircraft carrier Clemenceau showed its full compatibility with ship systems and good handling, but the Navy refused to purchase. Sailors were not satisfied with a big load on the wing (612 kg/m2 vs 308 kg/m2 had’etendard IV) great fuel consumption with two engines with afterburners, and the impossibility of installation of the onboard radar. Especially the big disadvantage was the last one. He could become a serious obstacle to the aircraft armament guided anti-ship missiles.
Super Etendard
Mirage F. 1 had better landing characteristics than the Jaguar, but it was designed as a fighter-interceptor for the air force. and for turning it into a carrier-based attack aircraft required a very large volume of development work.
Buy American planes not wanted for political reasons. Then, Dassault has proposed to modernize the Etendard IV to the modern level: to install a powerful radar, inertial navigation system, to increase the thrust and to improve other performance characteristics. In 1972 the proposal was approved by Starfleet command.
As a new powerplant shaved turbojet Atar 8К50 — accelerated version of the engine of the plane Mirage F. 1. The nose of the car was completely redesigned for fitting AGAVE radar of the firm Thompson, which allowed the pilot to detect and track air targets such as bomber at a distance of 28 km and sea targets such as the destroyer at a distance of 110 km from the radar implemented targeting for missiles “air — ship” and was used to correct the navigation system. Digital navigation system UN140 had an error of positioning of the aircraft 2.2 km per hour of flight. In the on-Board equipment included a radio navigation system TAKAN, radar altimeter, navigation indicator, the indicator of the main parameters of flight on the windshield and a system of jamming.
Increase takeoff weight to compensate for the increase in the wing area 2.1 m2, and the landing characteristics are retained through the installation of double-slotted flaps.
The aircraft was armed with two 30-mm guns with ammunition, 125 rounds per gun. Suspension arms could be suspended for five nodes one under-fuselage and four underwing. Ventral pylon was calculated for a load of 660 kg, inner underwing — 400 kg, and 225 kg. the Major change was the use of anti-ship missiles AM-39 Exoset with a range of 70 km.
The official order for the new aircraft, dubbed the Super Etendard, was made in January 1973. The contract provided for the delivery of carrier-based aircraft 100 cars. The Navy has purchased three aircraft Etendard IV and conveyed their firm Dassault to redesign the Super Etendard.
The first prototype Super Etendard 01 made its maiden flight from the airfield of Istres on 28 October 1974. A second plane with a full set of avionics equipment soared 28 March 1975. The third instance of a Super Etendard 03 with a new wing equipped with dvuhmetrovym flap, rose into the air nine days before.
High cost of modernization was reflected in the number of vehicles, and in 1976, the Navy reduced the number of purchased Super Etendard to 71.
November 24, 1977, in the air rose the first production aircraft. Next year the Super Etendard was officially adopted, and in 1979 began transition training to it personnel. As to its performance, it differed little from the old. and for pilots with a touch of 1500 — 2000 hours to master Super Etendard enough 10 lifts into the air. Graduates of the same flight schools mastered the car for 100 missions, and most of all time was spent on familiarization with onboard equipment and on training in the use of weapons. For example, a course on the development of firing guided missiles took almost 20 months. Thus, even formed a squadron could not be considered combat-ready units.
The first new Super Etendard received 11th flotilla from the aircraft carrier Foch. In 1980, he finished retooling the 14th flotilla of aircraft carrier Clemenceau.
Series production aircraft was completed in 1983. In addition to France, fourteen Super Etendard bought the government of Argentina. However, before the start of the Falklands crisis and the imposition of an embargo on the supply of arms to Argentina she managed to put only five aircraft and six anti-ship missiles Exocet.
4 may 1982 the aircraft, Super Etendard, acting at low altitudes, were able to sink the British destroyer Sheffield, and may 25, the container ship Atlantic Conveyor. At the same time on each target was spent by two missiles. The remaining two UR Exocet was fired at the aircraft carrier Invincible on may 30, but the electronic warfare ship group managed to divert the missiles to the side.
After the conflict, the embargo was lifted and Dassault sent to Argentina remaining nine aircraft. In the spring of 1983, they are based on the aircraft carrier Ventecinco de Mayo.
In 1983 five Super Etendard was transferred to the PA under lease to the Iraqi air force where they were used until 1985, and then returned to France.
In September 1983, Super Etendard aircraft carrier Foch participated in the attacks on ground circuits in the heart of Beirut. Losses there were no cars However, after the analysis of the combat use of the aircraft, the Navy required the strengthening of his arms due to the guided missile AS-30L, BGL bombs with a laser guidance system and installing it on cassettes with heat traps and dipole reflectors.
In 1993, the aircraft carrier Foch has performed a few dozen sorties in Bosnia. At the request of the French, pot-er among the Super Etendard was not.
Currently part of the French Navy operated 56 Super Etendard, which until 2010 will be replaced with aircraft Ratal.
The design of the aircraft, the Super Etendard
Super Etendard arranged by the normal aerodynamic scheme. Mid-swept two-spar wing caisson structure differs significantly from the original aircraft wing Etendard IV. It has a ledge at the front edge of the slats, deflecting 11 degrees when combat maneuvering 2 degrees during takeoff and landing, double-slotted Fowler flaps with a maximum deflection angle of 47 degrees (on the plane of the Etendard IV — 40 degrees) and spoilers. The deflection of the slats is carried out using hydraulic, flap — mechanism. Applied improvements to reduce speed when landing 11 km/h When parked on the deck of the aircraft carrier wing ends up rejected.
The fuselage is semi-monocoque of oval cross-section, designed with the “rule of squares”. Compared to the original machine, the design of the fuselage strengthened, changed the shape of the nose to house the radar installations and air intakes, the increased volume of compartments REO. On the lower surface of the middle part of the fuselage mounted air brakes of a large area. The tail part of the fuselage is made detachable to ensure the installation and dismantling of the engine.
The aircraft has a swept single-fin tail with a controlled stabilizer. The rudder has a yaw damper.
The chassis is equipped with hydraulic system of cleaning and release. The nose landing gear is retracted the movement back into the fuselage, the main pillar in the wing. The cockpit is partially armored and equipped with ejection seats Martin-Vaseg SEMMB СМ4А.
Longitudinal control of the aircraft is performed using the elevators, cross the ailerons and spoilers; track — rudder. Control surfaces, spoilers and slats are deflected by means of hydraulic drive, and double-slotted flaps and a controllable stabilizer — electro-mechanisms.
The aircraft is equipped with two independent hydraulic systems with a working pressure of 210 kg/cm2for the operation of the control system, chassis and brakes. Upon failure of the main hydraulic system create a working pressure is ensured by the emergency hydraulic pump with a working pressure of 150 kg/cm2.
The electrical system of the aircraft includes a constant current generator with a capacity of 9 kW battery capacity 40 WH and the AC generator capacity 10 kW. There are also transformer-rectifier static Converter (emergency AC power source).
The fuel is placed in wing integral tanks and the tanks of the fuselage, located around the air channel of the engine. The total volume of fuel in internal tanks — 3270 L.
Under the wing can podveshivaya two additional 1100-litre fuel tank under the fuselage at the Central node of the suspension — 600-litre tank. Refueling of internal and external fuel tanks — centralized and can be done in 8 minutes.
In front of the cockpit mounted retractable rod for refueling in flight by the system of “hose-cone”. The aircraft can be equipped with a hanging container for refueling in the air of other machines.
The basis of the power plant — a turbojet SNECMA Atar 8К50 thrust 5010 kgs. The jet nozzle is fixed. There are by-pass doors and the hydro-mechanical type regulator connected to the electronic computing device. Air intakes TRD -lateral, semi-circular, with the blade boundary layer. Engine length is 3.9-1 m; diameter — 1.02 m; weight — 1155 kg. To protect the motor from exposure to seawater the first stage of the compressor has a silicone and the last Nickel-cadmium coating.
Avionics of the aircraft include pulse radars, AGAVE, developed by Thompson-CSF and EMD. Radar allows to detect surface and ground targets; give the coordinates of the targets for anti-ship UR with active radar guidance system; carry out radar surveys of the area (a mode “freezing” on the screen image of the radar map); you can search for air targets; automatically accompany air and surface targets and to determine the distance to them. The diameter of the antenna mirror — 400 mm Range of scanning angles — 70 degrees. Radar weight — 45 kg, power consumption — 1.1 kW.
The aircraft used a complex shock-navigation system SAGEM ETNA, where the key element is the inertial platform SAGEM SKN-2602. For the initial alignment of the platform before take-off uses a remote SNA system that transmits to the side of the machine the necessary information from the navigation system of the vehicle via the IR communication channel.
The structure of electronic equipment includes digital air signals, collimating the indicator Thompson-CSF VEM 130 (aircraft earlier release VE120E), laser rangefinder CGT/CSF. the company TRT radio altimeter, autopilot, radio navigation system TACAN, LMT firms, receivers, systems, VOR and ILS, system identification “friend or foe” the company LMT, a connected radio equipment. A system for warning of radar illumination plane, and means staging passive and active interference.
In the course of improving the Super Etendard him set a new monoimpulse radar Anemon low side-lobe. The radar antenna is a flat slit grating. The radar has a detection range of purposes twice the range AGAVE, it can be adjustment by frequency and increased стойкос1ью to the effects of electronic warfare of the enemy
In the cockpit, installed a new wide-angle indicator on a windshield. The HUD can display information from the IR and TV systems along with the usual flight and navigation data or the data from the weapon system. The Super Etendard also installed a warning system radar illumination of the Thompson-CSF Sherlock, providing the ability to detect from four to eight light sources at the same time, their identification with references to the built-in data Bank and screening do not represent a significant threat to sources.
Built-in armament consists of two 30-mm DEFA 552 cannons installed in the forward fuselage (ammunition, 125 rounds per gun, rate of fire — 1200 — 1250 RDS./min).
Flight performance of aircraft Etendard
Flight performance of aircraft Etendard
N. Food reserve was, A. CHECHIN

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