Wood planers used in school workshops is simple, but it does not deprive one significant drawback: the imperfection of the V-mount glands. If mishandled she tries to slip out of a plane or obliquely to become in the yrs. Besides, it is necessary to learn how to swing a mallet to install it, it will not be adjusted tool.

Curious way of modernization of the plane offered the eighth-grader Oleg Kotov and ninth Sasha Kvartskhava, students of the Sochi high school No. 75. Looks like they improved the tool, dubbed “Struzhok” (see figure). The soles of his steel, it cut a cross slit to release the blade and remove chips, as well as drilled and countersink holes for countersunk screws attaching the wooden block.
Toe pads traditional — step; the horn and the top of the hole are the same. But the heel of the other, it was replaced with a sloping heel panel, pre-loaded grip.
In the gutter of the heel, between borders, you’ll usually shape a piece of iron, in the middle of it cut a groove for the clamping bolt, and at the end a drilled hole Ø 5 mm, which is pressed on the nut-blank. It screwed an adjusting screw mounted in a special bracket at the top of the chute.
The Plane “Struzhok”:
1 — sole 2 — Shoe, 3 — horn, 4 — piece, 5 — clamp bolt with nut-lamb, 6 — rim, 7 — adjusting screw 8 — nut-stop, 9 — bracket with a notch, a 10 — rolling screw head, 11 is the heel pads, 12 — arm.

Screw his neck machined in the rolling head is inserted into the kerf of the bracket that allows it to rotate on the spot. To navigate up or down have nut-stop and associated glands. So regulate the extension of the blade from the slit of the sole. And nut-lamb and the clamping bolt to securely hold the piece of metal in a predetermined position.
What made the young innovators? First, the enhanced plane is much easier to handle, and the quality of processing them — guaranteed. Second, students were quicker to learn the skills of the setter.

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