A TRAP FOR RAINIn newly developed suburban area where not yet solved the problem of providing water, and some suburban garden or vegetable plots tested persistent difficulties with irrigation of existing plantings: the water has to carry from total columns, wells or reservoirs.

Especially a lot of hassle in the dry season. But in these times no, and shed the long-awaited rain. But just wait-it must not passively, but fully prepared: to prepare just such as depicted here, a simple trap to rain jets, to none of them, do not fall on the plants, not in vain, and was in any storage tanks, retaining precious moisture in reserve.
Depicted in the drawings of the rain trap is so simple in design that is available for the construction of its own vultures in just one day, but it can last more than one season, does Not require neither specially dedicated to her square, nor any scarce materials: modestly settle down in any corner of the plot or somewhere near the fence, collected from what was, what is called, under arms. Therefore, its dimensions will be dictated by secreted under her seat. And in terms of the structure consists of its supporting substructure, wing frame, sheathing and with her PA films used for greenhouses and polytunnels.
It can be any, because its sole purpose is to support the main tank so that it was above the tank and had her in the direction of the tilt. Therefore, relying on the one hand could be even the fence if construction is adjacent to it closely. Otherwise, reason will dug-in poles or pipes (without dropping to sustainability will require another between the reinforcing struts).
Rainwater catchment
Rain water collector:
1 — support (or test pipe); 2 — tank storage; 3 — chute; 4 —coating (film); 5-fasteners (nails); 6 — strip (tin, linoleum); 7 — longitudinal element of the frame (block, rail); 8 — crate (wood planks, fence); 9 — wire twisting

Variant of a supporting part of the catchment (using the fence)
Option basic part of a sump (using the fence)
The height of the base, as already mentioned, will depend on storage capacity — on the one hand and from the desired grade on the other.
It consists of two wings CONVERGING at an angle of approximately 90 degrees. Each wing is going to a Il three longitudinal rods or wooden sticks (boards), which stuffed a crate of slats, strips or remaining after the fence device fence. All frame parts are fastened together with nails, and the wings in their dock are connected using wire twists.
Drip pan
As already mentioned, the panel of water tank can serve as used for greenhouses film, but it is useful and old linoleum, oilcloth, and any other, not afraid of moisture material.
Fastening the cloth to the frame with nails, under the bonnet which you need to put strip of tin or linoleum below the wind tore the cloth from the cap.

The sequence of Assembly of a panel frame may be arbitrary. For example, for the convenience of working even before the installation of the frame on the supports for one of its wings, laid on the ground, nailed half of the cloth to the catchment, and the second is after assembling the frame and mounting it on supports. In this case, the mounting of the remaining part of the cloth convenient to carry from the ladder.
Scheme a fan of variant of drip pan
Scheme of rolling drip pan option:
1 — holding tank; 2 — dual drain; 3 — arcuate drip pan

Kit drip pan with a few tanks
Set the catchment, with several tanks
In the corner of the drip pan, the slope, to the lower longitudinal parts of the frame is mounted on a wire stranding any zheloboobraznogo plums, for example. tin. Mount the chute should allow to extend or shorten his nomination if you are using multiple storage tanks to get to any of them
Tank storage
Of course, the most convenient and available capacity is any barrel (better plastic, less prone to corrosion).
However, it may be a small dug the well, the walls of which you should shoot film to accumulated rain water is not left useless in the soil, and longer preserved. With the same goal in any capacity needs to cover, no matter what material: all the same, evaporation would be less.

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