MOTORCYCLE FOR PEROUTKAReaders of the magazine “modelist-Konstruktor” are simple wheel-ski snowmobile, designed for movement on snow-covered dirt roads, and even the virgin lands. Snowmobile — truck mount with two rear driving tires and one controlled by the front ski. The design of the snowmobile in comparison with other machines of this type are very simple, that allows you to make it even in a home workshop.

Simplicity of manufacture is provided primarily by the fact that as the basis of design used motorcycle “Minsk”. In this case the power unit (motor with transmission), frame, fuel tank, seat, practically not subjected to alterations. Other nodes, such as steering wheel or rear fork, only modernized and adjusted to the new design.
Completely homemade — it support-management ski and wheel pornovidea tires. Descriptions skis and wheels repeatedly cited in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor”, and in different ways. Readers who decided to make such a snowmobile, there are plenty to choose from. Therefore, a detailed description of both design and manufacture will not lead — it is clear from the drawings.
Rear axle is also homemade, but some special constructive solutions in it, except that it is simplified to the limit. He has solid (welded) drive shaft (instead of two axis, as usual) and the two wheel drive (no differential). This design is on a slippery snowy road will replace the differential lock, improving traction. However, deteriorating maneuverability (difficult to control when cornering), but for better traction, but rather with a snow cover, on the control of the ski is made of two side podraza from dural area 35×35 mm. Driven (big) sprocket chain welded to the hub the hub fitted on the shaft and fixed thereon by a pin-bolt. It is necessary that the position of the sprocket coincides with the plane of rotation of the drive sprocket on the output shaft of the power unit. On the driven sprocket is fixed and the brake drum.
A snowmobile for Pneumatics
Snowmobile for Pneumatics:
1 — reference-steering ski, 2 — lower feather shock absorbing telescopic steering racks; 3 — connecting mechanism of the feathers tie rack; 4 — the upper feather tie rack, 5 — tail bridge, 6 — fuel tank 7 — seat, 8 — gauge wheel (pneumatic, 2 PCs.), 9 — rear fork, 10 — motor, 11 — frame, 12 —brakes 13 — step, 14 — the lever of deenergizing of clutch, 15 — arm “gas”, 16 — rear axle, 17 — node drive sprocket and the brake device; 18 extension cable plug, 19 — silencer 20 — extension of the lower pen stand with grommet

The chain tension is the shaft displacement and fixing of housings bearings on the angular extension of feathers rear of the plug. By the way, instead of shock absorbers (for lack of) on this fork, welded tubular struts, and depreciation is good exercise and a pneumatic low pressure.
Pneumatics represent of the camera from the wheels of the tractor truck, put the frame and wheels “shod” in the tires from conveyor belts. Transverse and longitudinal braces are bolted, the high protruding rods which serve as cleats.
The transfer of torque from the power unit to the propeller chain with a gear ratio of 3.5 (sprocket on the output shaft of the power unit has 8 teeth and the driven — rear shaft — 28 teeth). The chain is a motorcycle with step 15,875 mm. the same pitch and the sprockets.
But the steering rack, I think, quite original design, at least, I such did not meet. Made the front of the shock-absorbing front fork of the motorcycle “Minsk”. While fork left only one pen and without the shroud, and upper and lower connecting bridges are cut off unnecessary parts which is attached to the second pen. To the lower end of the pen are welded, the remaining extension of the same pipe, and to the extension — shear bushing for connection of controlled skiing.
Rear drive axle with brakes
Rear axle with brake:
1 — frame wheel, pneumatic, 2 — tip of the drive shaft (2 PCs.), 3 — the bearing (2 PCs.), 4 — pin sleeve drive sprocket (M8 screws); 5 —Bush, 6 — drive sprocket; 7 — braking device (motor scooter cargo “the Ant”), 8 is the bracket of a braking device (steel plate); 9 — driving shaft; 10 — pin wheel bushings (M8 screws, 2 PCs ); 11 — the plug (from a motorcycle “Minsk”), 12 — extension cord plugs (area 50×50, 2); 13 — brace (pipe Ø15, 2); 14 — drive chain (motorcycle “Minsk”, t = 15,875); 15 — thrust actuator brakes; 16 — bearing housing (2 PCs), 17 — bearing 80206 (2 CC.); 18 — the base of the bearing housing

The bondage of the leading Pneumatics
Bandage leading Pneumatics:
1 — cross brace (belt strip 50×6, 8 PCs); 2 — longitudinal brace (belt strip 160×6); 3 — hook (steel strip 50×3,16 items); 4 — bolt M8 with two wide washers (16 set).; 5 — rivet with a wide plain washer (steel, 32 set).

Swivel shock-absorbing tie rack
Swivel shock absorbing steering rack:
1 — top pen stand (from a motorcycle “Minsk”), 2 — eyelet top pen (steel, sheet s4. 2); 3 — upper arm (steel); 4 — axle (bolt M8, 3-piece), 5 — lower control arm (steel), 6 — lug bottom of the pen (steel, sheet s4. 2); 7 — lower pen stand (from a motorcycle “Minsk”), 8 — Bush (nylon, 3 PCs.)

As mentioned — front shock-absorbing, and therefore its carrier (top) the pipe just slides in the bottom, but is free to turn and even rotate in any direction. At such position to control the ski from the wheel, of course, impossible. And that it was feasible, had to make the transition bridge the Bridge is a simple mechanism consisting of two, pivotally interconnected levers. The free end of one lever through a welded lug is connected to the carrier top tube, and the free end of the other lever is similarly bonded with a sliding bottom pipe.
The bridge allows you to work freely isolator, but prevents rotation of the pipe stand relative to each other when the direction of motion.
The maximum speed of the snowmobile does not exceed 50 km/h But greater he, perhaps, is not necessary. It is more important for high torque (tractive force) to the drive wheels, which was provided. Because the snowmobile is a relatively easy engine power (10 HP) is enough to overcome the rather steep inclines and drifts on a winter road and a snow virgin soil. In addition, the snowmobile is capable of towing a skier or a light sled with a load up to 100 kg.
A. MATVEICHUK, Zavodoukovsk, Tyumen region.

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