The 100th anniversary of Lenin’s birth: A. Tarasenko. A squadron of Lenin (2);

I. Kostenko. Air scout (4).

In the trade unions and the Komsomol Central Committee: to Multiply the ranks of artists (4).

Models in the world: Dreaming of space (8);

The first Soviet (9);

“Lift the rocket higher and higher and higher…” (9);

Used… weightlessness (10).

Dates, events, facts: G. Dobrov. Rocketmodeler meet an astronaut (11);

G. Savichev. On guard of the Fatherland (11).

The KLUB meteor: KBS is not the best option: make a battery (12).

Model Champions: P. Nikolaev. Racing chempionatov class (14);

V. Timofeev. Winner-6B (16).

Advice to the Modeler: A. Belogurov. “Receiver” on the roof (18);

A. Ulasevich. The rib… in the second (20);

V. Ankudinov. Ladder wire (20).

Radio control models: S. Malik. “Telekont” (21).

Create, invent, try!: G. Stepanov. Water moped (25);

Amphibian: a car or a boat? (26);

L. Affleck. Keepers of the sound (32);

G. Malinowski. Winopener (34).

The tasks on design-wit: (29).

The youngest: E. zubtsova. Utility boat (36);

V. Prochazka. “Swift” (38).

Organizer of technical creativity: V. Shilov. From idea to design (40).

At different latitudes: (43).

The homework club designers: the Spring in the tank (44);

S. Glaser. “Closet” for bikes (44);

V. Biological. Protractor drill (45);

V. Goraczkowski. A harpoon with a petal (45).

Our reference: (46).

Write down my address…: (47).

Read these books: (47).

News technical creativity: (48).
COVER: 2. – photo by K. Kulichenko, 3. – photo by J. Kravchuk and V. Reznikov, 4. – photo of Yuri Yegorov.
TAB: 1. drawings R. Strelnikov, 2-3-and 4 p. – drawings E. Molchanov.


Modelist-KONSTRUKTOR 1969-07 PDF (download)