THE DIRECT HEIRS OF THE NAMEDThe Germans switched to the onboard booking their light cruisers almost simultaneously with the future enemy — the British. A long series of German pronaplucan ended in 1910, when the stocks of Bremen, štětina and Wilhelmshaven laid four essentially new ships. Although they still wore the names of German cities and had only 300 — 400 tons greater displacement than the previous “Kolberg”, the differences between new and old “statov” were much more than similarities.


The body became more slender. uglinesses to six meters and at the same time “losing weight in the midsection” to 0.4 m, and at the same time acquired new, more perfect lines, the result of careful testing models in the testing tank are proposed pool. The capacity of the new turbines exceeded 30 thousand HP, which allowed easily achieve 27 knots and at least two nodes more than their British peers — “the town”. Swiftness emphasized four pretty solid and slightly deflected towards the stern tubes (all predecessors had no more than three), at the same time gave “the Germans” is very impressive. But major innovations remain invisible to the eyes of the observer. In addition to the turbines, and finally settled on the ships of the Kaiser, the most significant of these was the introduction of side armor in the form of extended (more than 3/4 length), although a fairly narrow waist of the 60-mm Nickel armor. For the first time the Germans TURNED bravoi belt in the power circuit housing that allowed to significantly reduce the overall weight. In addition, a model was produced in the so-called longitudinal system, when the main load on the body took on just the side plates of reinforced armor plating and stringers.


To this longitudinal system of a set used only for smaller warships, mostly destroyers. I must say that designers are faced with many difficulties, and some critics predicted that such a power scheme is a long narrow hull will be flimsy and it just broke in heavy seas. However, the German engineers managed to solve all the problems, and so successfully that the use of armor to the hull structure and the longitudinal system of recruitment gradually became standard on all fleets. The gain in weight was very noticeable. A list of useful innovations can be present for a long time, only note also later became a traditional beveled “cruiser” stern, allowing, in particular, to drop mines without the risk of damaging their own ship.

Belt at the waterline was supplemented by the armored deck, which had a 40 mm bevel, down to its lower edge. This combination provided a very strong protection of cellars and mechanisms, more substantial than the standard British scheme (adopted on the “Arethusa” and type “C”). In addition to the larger effective thickness, “the Germans” had a full bronaaaa additionally protects the upper part of the belt, whereas the English medium part of the body was a kind of “hole” with the tank’s walls, covered at the top by a thin flooring. It is clear that it at long range it could fly into a random shell falling at a greater angle and cause fatal damage. The fact that the whole war never happened, due in part to luck, partly to the fact. that the fuses of the shells naval guns simply were not designed for such a large deceleration. In any case, the German protection scheme was more elaborate. No wonder frightened the British, did not receive reliable information about booking their new enemies and content the fragmentary intelligence, believed that those have 100 mm side armor. Although simple calculations show that this combination of qualities in koralpe with a displacement of less than 5000 MT at such a great speed to accomplish was just unreal!
Anyway, “Magdeburg” and his associates have been so successful that it served as a prototype for all future light cruisers of the fleet of Kaiser Wilhelm. Their displacement is gradually increased from series to series, and the increase was used mainly to increase the power turbines, and later also on strengthening the arms. Karlsruhe and Rostock were able to develop the tests from 28.5 per node. They still have time to enter into operation before the First world war. But the “sprout” and “Regensburg” raised flags for the rumble of guns. Germany, along with its new cruisers hit the “global meat grinder” so, in the end, they lose.
But while the victims were former business partner “uncle Willie”, the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and our Russia. Shamelessly and excessive emotion the Germans confiscated ordered two light cruisers. “Ants-Amur” and “Admiral Nevelskoy”. Because the 130 mm gun was supposed to be set at the completion in Russia, they are instead armed with 150-millimetrovie and introduced in the composition of its fleet as “Pillau” and “Elbing”. To be a good experience, and it was decided to strengthen the artillery of their own ships, until satisfied twelve 105-mm korostelina, fine guns, but hardly suitable for battle with equally well-dressed in the armor of the English cruisers. Therefore, another pair of “statov”, “Wiesbaden” and “Frankfurt” received eight heavy 150-mm guns, except for a few 88-mm antiaircraft guns. At first glance they seem to be twice the power of their rivals (the first ships of the type “C” even after the modernization carried in the best case only four six-inch guns), but in fact the advantage was not as significant. The British could put in the side salvo of all its guns, while “Wiesbaden” at the same time on Board was shot, only five of the eight guns. However, on a ship with a displacement of slightly more than 5,000 tons of single installation in such numbers hardly it was possible to place a more successful way.
Despite the obvious lack of modern cruisers, with the construction of the “Wiesbaden” and “Frankfurt” is not too in a hurry: priority was given to other classes of warships, submitted then more urgently required. Still in the autumn of 1915, they became operational and took part in the main naval battle of the war — Jutland. But the next four, established after the outbreak of hostilities, was less fortunate. The first few of their number became operational only in late 1916, and the last. “Nuremberg,” in the beginning of the next. 1917. The General course of Affairs was reflected in the titles: all four were “namesakes” named by the names of the cruisers died in the first years of the war in the sea. Their names were added to the humble deuce in parentheses, and “the Emden (II)” at the same time advance received Iron cross in honor of his famous “namesake.” The displacement of “the heirs” increased to almost 5500 so although the scheme of reservation and armament remained the same. Once again increased power turbines. which at the “Karlsruhe” is already equipped with a gear reducer and developed the capacity of over 55 thousand HP it is Curious that with such a force the speed still has not reached 28 knots. The Germans attribute this to the fact that. in connection with military conditions and the dangers of attack submarines, the test had to be carried in shallow waters. Engineers have calculated that somewhere in the North sea they could accelerate up to 29 knots — the “passport” of their main opponents, also gradually “obrastsova muscles.”
Meanwhile, the counter of the losses of the German cruisers kept clicking, marking another victim, and the naval command insisted on the establishment of new series designed to replace the went to the bottom of the “study”. Only in 1915, decided to lay a dozen “heirs” (with a reserve for future losses?), but the war intervened in their fate in the most brutal way Really began to build only seven, who had all the same familiar names: “Cologne”, “Wiesbaden”, “Dresden”, “Magdeburg”, “Leipzig”, “Rostock” and “Frauenlob”, but to float until the end of hostilities was only the first six, and to put into operation only two, the second “Cologne” and the second “Dresden”. And only in the beginning of 1918, when the outcome of war has become quite obvious and quite disappointing for Germany. A four-year struggle in the sea ended in favor of the enemy, despite the undoubted prowess and professionalism of the German sailors.
136. Light cruiser “Breslau” (Germany, 1912)
Built by “Vulcan” in Stettin on. Displacement 4570 g, the maximum length of 138.7 m, beam 13.4 m, draught of 5.12 m. the thickness chetyrehbalnoy steam turbine 33 400 PS, the speed of 2/5 node. Armament: twelve 105/45 mm rapid-fire guns, two 500-mm torpedo tubes. Booking: waist 60 — 20 mm, deck 40 — 60 mm (on the bevels 40 mm), boards 50 mm guns, fighting cabin of 100 mm. In 1912 built 4 units: “Breslau”, “Magdeburg”, “Strasburg” and “Stralsund”. “.Magdeburg” died and August 1914 on the rocks. Odensholm, “Breslau” in January 1918 on a mine near the island Gokceada. “Strasburg” and “Stralsund” after the First world war transferred to, respectively, Italy (“Taranto”) And France (“Mulhouse”).
137. Light cruiser “königsberg” (Germany, 1907)
Built at the shipyard of the Navy in Kiel. A displacement of 3390 g, the maximum length 118,3 m, width-13,2 m, draft 5,2 m. Capacity twin-shaft steam triple expansion install 12 000 HP, speed 23 KTS. Armament: ten 105/40 mm rapid-fire guns, and two 450 mm torpedo tubes: apparatus. Booking: Papua 20 — 30 mm (on the bevel 30 mm), boards 50 mm guns, fighting cabin of 100 mm. In 1907 — 1907 built 4 units: “königsberg,” “nürnberg”, “Stuttgart” and “Stettin”. “Königsberg” flooded by the team in July 1915, “Nuremberg” was killed in the battle of the Falkland Islands in December 1914, and the rest scrapped in 1921
138. Light cruiser-frontier “Brummer” (Germany, 1916)
Built by “Vulkan” in Steyne. The displacement of 4385 tonnes, maximum Dyna 140,4 m, beam 13.2 m draught 6 m. Capacity twin-shaft turbine plant 33 000 p. p., speed 28 knots. Armament: four 150/45 mm rapid-fire guns, two 88/45 mm anti-aircraft guns, two 500-mm torpedo tubes, 400 min. reservations: belt 40 mm deck 15 — 20 mm, shields 50 mm guns, fighting cabin of 100 mm. In 1916 built 2 units: “Broome measure” and “Bremse”. Both teams sunk in Scapa-FPO in June 1919.

Indeed, like their predecessors, the new German light cruiser proved to be extremely popular vehicles, and most of them fell on the battlefields. Of the four type “Breslau” was the first to graduated from the existence of “Magdeburg”, who served only two years. At the beginning of the First world war he happened to be in the forces of the Baltic sea, and in one of the first incursions in our waters it in the fog, ran into rocks off the island of Odensholm. As a result of this incident besides the loss of the newest cruisers of Germany suffered difficult calculable, but far more significant damage. The appearance of Russian ships came to the rescue team in accordance with the usual practice, had thrown overboard the secret documents, but in the shallows it was not enough. Russian divers carefully removed from the bottom of encryption tables, copies of which are received not only domestic experts, but also allies-the British. As a result, the British Admiralty has a rare ability to read the dispatches of the enemy, and in some cases it appears to be almost as informed as the German grossadmiral. For example, the fact that the high seas Fleet, culminating in the battle of Jutland, became known to the British before the German ships weighed anchor! So excellent cruiser “Magdeburg” not only killed himself, but also was a textbook example of information leakage and the success of enemy intelligence.
Not less famous, but with an explicit plus sign purchased the same with him “Breslau”. Break at the beginning of the war, together with line cruiser “goeben” in Turkey, he has spoilt many nerves to our sailors in the Black sea, starting with the bombardment of Sevastopol. In the black sea waters “Breslau” constantly eluded less fast outdated Russian cruisers, and on the other side of the Turkish Straits, the British had to guard the possible exit of a squadron of two battleships, six cruisers and 12 monitors. This did not stop dashing “Midilli” (the name given to the ship bogus “purchase” by the Turks in 1914), along with his “older brother”, “Yavuz” — “Hebenon” in January of 1918 to get out of the Dardanelles. The Germans attacked their “watchmen”, destroying two monitors in the Parking lot near the island of Imbros. There and ended his military way “Breslau” encountered alternately by five British mins This “dose” would have been unlikely to survive and battleship, so it is not surprising that one of the most famous light cruisers went to the bottom.
The remaining pair. “Strasburg” and “Stralsund”, served together in the reconnaissance forces of the high seas Fleet together and got on reparations in the hands of the “allies of the second rank” of France and Italy. Unlike the British and Americans, who after careful study proudly sent their trophies similar to a breaker, Mediterranean rivals actively used “Taranto” and “Mulhouse”. Moreover, in the first years after world war II, they remained the best and most modern cruisers new owners. Not surprising when you consider that in 1915 and 1916 years the ships underwent a major upgrade and was carrying seven 150-mm guns and two 88-mm anti-aircraft guns, that is in no way inferior to the latest British cruisers. (“Breslau” also received a 150-milimetrov, first in 1916, only two in the bow and stern, and a year later, six more.) The Italians and the French learned a lot of useful information in the study and exploitation of their precious acquisitions.
But neither the “Karlsruhe” or “sprout” to undergo a modification of artillery, just not yet. But the first of them was the most strong and fleet of cruisers-singles acting on the oceans. “Karlsruhe” had all the chances to be one of the most successful “pirates of the Kaiser” and made a serious bid, failing three months after the outbreak of hostilities to sink in the Caribbean sea and 17 ships. Constantly leaving in fools unsuccessfully hunting for him the British, becoming a ship invisible. And suddenly, quite suddenly, quietly marching through the tropical water the ship made a huge explosion that sent him to the bottom along with a significant part of the team. The cause of the tragedy remained UN my (of course only that exploded ammunition). The British did not immediately learned of the death of the ship for quite some time trying to find the now truly invisible cruiser. They played on the same type of “germ” in Jutland, hitting him with a torpedo, after which the ship finished off the German destroyers. In contrast to this pair, “Graudenz” and “sprout” have safely received your 150-plus graph paper rails for 120 min, and happily went through the war “at the forefront”, in the reconnaissance detachment of Admiral Hipper. They also went to France and Italy and served in the navies of the former enemies under the name “Strasbourg” and “Ancona” until the Second world war.
Italy went to the “Pillau” former “Ants-Amur”. There he acquired a new name “Bari” and successfully served until September 1943, when the US air force has sent who had no fighting value of the ship on the bottom near Livorno. The same type of “Elbing” was unable to survive the battle of Jutland, where it is rammed when you rebuild your own dreadnought “later”, after which the team had to leave the cruiser. All new German “state” could carry mines and, indeed, not just ucestvovati in the production of fencing, but the Navy found that use them regularly in the role of mensagem dangerous and costly. And specialized minelayers of Germany to the beginning of the war there were exactly two, and both are clearly not enough speed. What to say: one of them. “Albatross”, was the detachment of Russian cruisers of the Baltic fleet and was sunk. The Germans have learned the appropriate lesson and decided to build new ships, so fast that they could escape from any opponent larger than destroyers. And to deal with the last of them was supposed to equip the 150-mm artillery. Unexpected help in the implementation of the ideas had “offenders” in Germany after the war stuck turbine, designed for the Russian cruiser “Navarino”. Their set had just enough for a couple of fast cruisers-suppressors, “Brummer” and “Bremse”. They are much more like the British “C” than the German “standard Stadt”: all four guns were located on a diametrical plane and could fire on Board. Although booking them inferior to “pure” cruiser, on deck rails could accommodate up to 400 min, which was the main weapon. Managed to withstand the demand of high speed. The British, who met with “a pair of mine” in fact, even considered that she is able to develop up to 33 knots! In reality, the maximum stroke in the tests was equal to 28 knots, which, however, was quite good.
“Brummer” and “Bremse” was put into operation in 1916 and had very productive to participate not only in the production of mines, but also in attacks on allied convoys plying between Norway and the UK. The attempts of the British to organize a hunt for them ended in failure, but the Germans were successful. Finding the convoy, consisting of 12 ships under the protection of destroyers “Strongbow” and “Mary Rose”. “Brummer” and “Bremse” (of course. not having in this campaign min) caught did not expect such arrogance of the British by surprise. Literally after the first few volleys sinking both destroyers, who failed even to report the attack on the radio. Then the cruiser calmly sank nine merchant ships, thereby completely defeating the convoy, and thus perfectly coped with the role of raiders. Both successfully survived to the surrender, but was always overshadowed his teams 21 Jun 1919 at Scapa Flow with the rest of the German fleet.
Ibid. on the fateful day for the German ships to the British base, found its end and the latest “Karlsruhe”, “Koln” and “Dresden” the “twins” who wore those nice, but. as it turned out, unfortunate names. The British managed to rescue only the second “Nuremberg” and “Frankfurt” that had to be towed to shore. However, the “mistress of the seas” was missing its cruisers, and the “German” used for testing target, in which he, in the end, sank in July 1922. The same fate befell ceded to USA Frankfurt, which served as the purpose of the day American bombers a year earlier. But the second, “Koenigsberg”, carefully preserved France as a cruiser: renamed “Mets”, he served until 1936. Less fortunate “double”, “Emden”: the fatal events that took place in Scapa-FPO July 21, 1919, he was the flagship of Admiral Reuter, commander of the hostage who became the high seas Fleet. It was the signal of flooding. The British first fired on him. and then managed to tow to shore. “Distribution” he also went to France, but the new owners have deemed received in the course of “saving” the damage is too significant in order never entered. In the “Emden” met the same fate as his captured comrades: it was used for various weapons testing, and in 1926 was sent to be scrapped.
On a minor note, the story ended light cruisers of the German Imperial Navy. The defeat was not the fault of engineers and designers. On the contrary, they managed to create very successful ships. well protected and heavily armed. And most importantly — unsurpassed, in terms of survivability We already talked about the “Breslau” for the sinking which took five underwater explosions. Not give durability and “Wiesbaden”. Stopped British 234-mm shell during the battle of Jutland, he was caught between the battle lines of enemies. Many British heavy ships felt obliged to release the unfortunate cruiser a dozen “suitcases” of 12 to 15 inches. Before sinking, “Wiesbaden” could make up to a dozen hits portion, worthy of a much larger goal. Such survivability was provided by the German cruisers thoroughness of separation of the hull into compartments and good quality construction. It is not surprising that the allies were not allowed to leave the composition of the postwar Navy of Germany, no new light cruiser. They sought the root to clean not only sailors familiar with modern ships, but also engineers, and specialists who are able to build such ships. As we will see, not quite successfully.

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