In the “M-K” have already talked about manual cultivator with fibronogen developed by members of the glee club VOIR (see “M-K”, 1976, No. 12). Further development of this design, in which muscular effort is minimized, was the tiller.

Recall, in General terms, worked manual cultivator fibronogen. Sprocket, mounted on a finned grouser wheel by means of chain transmission rotated and driven sprockets respectively, the shaft arranged on the surface thereof a notched groove. Knife cultivator while moving the reciprocating roller follower finger, bright features a notched groove, said knife a movement.
Young designers Seversk secondary school № 44 A. Pol’kin, V. macuha and N. Martynyuk decided to improve hand cultivator, putting on his engine D-5. Since the main proportion of muscle energy spent on transverse oscillating movement vibreaza, then the drive decided to only do to him, and to move the cultivator along the beds by hand.
1 — wheel, 2 — frame (steel, area 30X30 mm), 3 — waldwichtel D-5, 4 — fuel tank 5 — handle (steel pipe 1/2″), 6 — clutch lever, 7 — Cam shaft, 8 — frame-slider 9 — Bush roller chain (motor — intermediate shaft), 10 — sprocket driven intermediate shaft, 11—sprocket of the intermediate shaft 12 — Bush roller chain (the intermediate shaft — Cam shaft), 13 — sprocket Cam shaft, 14 — guide frame of the slider.

Engine D-5 was installed on the frame of the cultivator, intermediate sprocket on the axle supporting the wheel, which was simultaneously and the intermediate shaft. Idler sprockets fitted on the axle tightly, and the wheel (scooter T-200) — ball-bearing. The torque from the intermediate sprocket is transmitted to the Cam shaft with a notched groove, and then everything is the same, in the hand-held cultivator.
Unlike manual tiller can handle from 8 to 15 hundredths of a hectare, depending on soil conditions.
N. OBREJA, Krasnodar Krai

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