LENSLESS MICROSCOPEExperts from the American University of California, which is located in the city of Los Angeles, has developed a unique lensless holographic microscope. It is expected that the novelty will find application in the diagnosis of diseases of the intestine.

Instead of lenses the new microscope uses a laser that detects pathogenic bacteria in blood, water and food. So far, scientists showed only a prototype, which weighs about 200 grams and runs on two AA AA batteries. The resolution of the resulting image in this case is of the order of 2 µm, which corresponds to a resolution, have a complex and very large optical microscopes.

One of the developers of the microscope is noted that the device can operate in the reflection mode, explore solid materials and in transmission mode by analyzing the fluid. When processing the received data in such a microscope, it turns out, in fact, fully three-dimensional image, thus the cost of the device will not exceed one hundred dollars.