Created 16 cars, which were exhibited at national and international exhibitions in Moscow, Kiev, Berlin, Prague, Sofia, Montreal, Washington, Denver, Pittsburgh, Kansas city, San Francisco, Houston. These machines, with 33 all-Union speed record, 10 of them exceed international achievements. Among the creators of the new cars 16 laureates of all-Union review NTTM, 15 laureates of the prize of Komsomol of Ukraine, 15 masters and candidates for master of sports of the USSR, 26 awarded medals ENEA USSR.
Kharkiv, Petrovskogo street, 25, automobile and road Institute. This address is well known to many enthusiasts of the high-speed machines not only in the USSR but also abroad. In the student design Bureau HADI consulted, please give details of the projected unusual cars.
Spacious, bright room student KB. On the walls — portraits of his activists: the winner of the Komsomol of Ukraine and all-Union exhibitions NTTM, medals ENEA, masters of sports. On the left, by the window — the workplace of the chief designer SPKB, engineer, honored master of sports of the USSR V. K. Nikitin. Behind a partition at the drawing boards working group of students. Nearby are a few guys preparing a gas turbine car HADI-7 to be sent to Italy.
SPKB hall decorated with images of 16 high-speed car created by students of the Institute under the leadership of V. K. Nikitin. The first of these HADI-1, which speed did not exceed 140 km/h. But one of the most miniature in the world of racing cars, HADI-3: wheel its little more than a scooter, but speed — 200 km/h!
Each new model that is created in the student KB, has incorporated the results resistant design the search for new technical solutions. HADI-6, to develop speed to 300 km/h, had a body made of plastic, low height and narrow track. And HADI-7 was first equipped with a gas turbine. At the exhibition in Prague it made a very big impression. Czechoslovak magazine “Car” wrote: “HADI-7 indicates a high level student of school of automotive industry”.

The polygon — turboadmin HADI-7.
Members of the SDO are closely monitoring the achievements of designers of racing cars around the globe. Indeed, over the past decades, the technological progress humanity has made a big leap forward. Suffice it to recall what event began 80 years ago, car race Paris — Bordeaux. Thousands of spectators enthusiastically welcomed the outstanding record of an athlete who has developed great speed — 30 miles an hour. Here are a few achievements that characterizes our days. 875,7 km/h — this is the result shown by the American Art Aronson on the “Green monster” — a car With a jet engine with a capacity of 17 thousand HP At the competition in California car Craig Breedlove reaches the speed of 966,5 km/h. And a former candidate for cosmonauts Harry Henblik on the car “Blue flame” is more than this result: 1000 km/h!
But no records for a record, and technical progress in the automotive industry attract Kharkiv designers of high-speed machines. Here, in the student KB is also struggling to increase speed, seeing this as primarily a space for design ideas, to search for new technical solutions. Dreamed exactly the current head SPKB Nikitin many years ago, when he was the front driver.
Thousands of kilometres of military roads passed Nikitin in his car. The situation is constantly demanded speed, and he squeezed out of his old “lorry” maximum speed. And in between fights dreamed about the amazing cars that was doing the drawings in autocad, diagrams of machinery, which, he thought, had, twice, three times, four times at high speeds.
When the war ended, Nikitin returned to his native Kharkov. Here his dream came true about the speeds. He becomes a racing driver in the sports society “Burevestnik”, design cars, sketches which were made at the front; then work in HADI as head of student design Bureau.
The first car, built here, is called HADI-1. In its creation took an active part student Lev Kononov, who later became an athlete, one of the pioneers of karting in the country. All employees SDO are United by one idea: to build machines that has ever had.
Go months, years of hard work. Cars are confidently competing with the best models of foreign firms: cars-scouts tomorrow velocities of transport. And above all, of course, it’s HADI-9, the car belonging to the category “cars”, which according to the new rules of the International automobile Federation can do without a drive. Its length is 11 meters, height— 1.1 meters. Total weight in running order is about 3000 kg Speed up to 1000 km/h.
One of the journalists, the first time he saw HADI-9, wrote: “It’s more like ia abstract image of a pterodactyl. Sharp nose flows into a long, ravenous needle. This is not a car which we used to make him, neither in speed, neither in design… It is rather plane, which is designed to slide along the ground. The only difference is that the wings and tail need to not help and to stop the apparatus away from the track.”
The model was born as a result of creative cooperation of the students road, industrial arts and aviation institutes. Here, pressurized cab, two stabilizer directions, brake pads and parachutes. Using reverse thrust production machine stop at the right moment changes the direction of jet flow, and quench rate.
In a nasal needle HADI-9 are sensors of the electronic system, which communicate information about the air flow to control the flaps that hold the machine on the surface of the earth.
Every year the rapidly increasing number of cars increases drastically and pollution of big cities. Output scientists see in the creation of vehicles not emitting into the air noxious gases. Intensive development of vehicles with electric engine.
A lot of works telling about the efforts of scientists and inventors in this field have studied the student members of the PKB, before started to create an electric vehicle, and speed.
This work has carried away all the members of the SDO. KHADI-11E — so called his new creation by young designers — the fruit of a truly collective creativity.
Nicholas Bescostop developed n made a cabin, Anatoly Witter was responsible for the installation of electric circuit and the frame, Igor Gorbanev was responsible for steering, Valery Klimenko, Peter Popov and Victor Labusov made the fairing and suspension. In the construction and tests of the car were actively involved Valery Digo, V. Dolzhenkov Vladimir Gavrilenko, Sergey Boars.
In the new car Kharkiv students in contrast to the models with the internal combustion engine, no transmission, driveshaft. Has one small weight of the compound desjatilopastnye motor that transmits motive force directly to the main transmission. It is powered by six 24-voltaic batteries. Students have improved dynamic qualities of the machine and a significant speed performance.
The fiberglass body of the car it was decided to make a shell type resembling a bar of soap; its upper part is removable. The frame is flat, made of thin steel tubes, welded. In the construction account of every gram, so when the relatively large dimensions of the machine weight in running order less than 500 kg.
A ground clearance of only 60 mm wider rear track compared to the front, reliable steering, the right choice .tires — all this gave the car good stability on the course and enhanced driving safety at high speeds — up to 200 km/h.
Already the first experimental runs on the electric was very encouraging: KHADI-11E kilometer distance from the scene showed the average speed 94,66 km/h.

Electric car KHADI-11E
And here is the car at the start of the torque racing car range. In her cabin — student Vladimir Gavrilenko.
Waiting not only present members of the SDO and their leader, but also scientists, doctors, firefighters, onlookers. How to lead in the race car? Whether will sustain transmission of such a large, instantaneous overload, especially when it starts? What is the handling stability of the vehicle, whether he is able to resist lateral sliding and overturning?
And here is the start! But what is unusual! Silently, without the usual roar of the engine and clouds of smoke, instantly took off the car. Electronic chronometers capture on tape accurate to a hundredth of a second time on the track. The result is 109.1 km/h. Victory! Is the first all-Union record on the race car. Two record sets Yuri Stepchenko: one kilometre to go he overcomes with speed 145,7 km/h a Distance of 0.5 miles when you start it runs at a speed 93,7 km/h.
From these races began a triumphal procession of the electric car KHADI-11E. It was exhibited at many all-Union and international exhibitions.
There are in the student KB a special book in which to write those who visited here and decided to share impressions.
“This is truly a remarkable statement of work for the development of creative initiative of students,” — said in his opinion the lecturer of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute R. Alimbekov. “All the work is closely linked with the educational process and helps to improve the training of students”, — concluded the head of the Department “Cars and tractors” Kiev automobile and road Institute M. Salomeia.
Write here, visit native SPKB and former students HADI, now engineers, scientists, eminent specialists in their field. And in their words — a deep sense of gratitude to the student office, which became for them a school of creativity, and its leader, who managed to ignite in them the unquenchable fire search.
Here, SPKB, come in different ways. Slava Popov came another student from the circle of the Palace of pioneers. Nikitin took it on student rights: watch, be ready. Finished school Thank enrolled at the Kharkov road. He studied at the Institute, worked on the model HADI-5, became coach and captain of the team riders of the University. And here’s another fate — Nicholas Skottova. Came as something to a young boy Nikitin says:
— Take me to your KB, I’ll enroll in your Institute in the preparatory Department. And if you were in Chukotka or in Kushka still would have come to you. Because this KB, as you have, one for the whole country.
Nikitin liked this kid, and om gave his nod to his work in SPKB. Nicholas graduated from the preparatory Department, became a student HADI, participated in the creation of ultra-fast machines HADI-9.
No wonder that such passionate guys and “attracts” student KB. Technical creativity — the meaning of life, an everyday need.
We met with members of the SDO in the evening, when the whole Institute was already dark, and only here bright Windows. The guys reminisced about what led them to the idea to take up the manufacture of electric vehicle in any conflict, the clashes of views were born of success.
— Imagine, — said the Chairman of the SDO, a student of the V course Vladimir Gavrilenko, — streets, which scurry brisk, noiseless and smokeless cars. Instead of bentogranules and gas stations — station change batteries, speakers, sockets to recharge them in the field of temporary and long stops. “Burn the oil in engines—told by D. I. Mendeleev, is as absurd as to heat the furnace with banknotes”. And really, how much extra wealth can to society if hundreds of valuable components contained in the oil will be used for other purposes.
— In winter, most cars need a warm garage, joined in the conversation Dima Hvorostianov. And so all the required fuel for engines, water and oil. And electric vehicles do not need. Even the term “engine start” gradually withdraw from the lexicon. Push the button and go!
— Yes, happy that we have worked on creating machines of the future, which will make a technical revolution in the automotive business, ‘ said Vladimir Gavrilenko. But for example, I’m sorry one: here will defend the diploma project, go to distribution, and everything will be without us. And how would like to work more.
— More than a quarter of a century, I work with young people—says Nikitin. — All of our successes, awards, diplomas indicate not only the design talent of students but also about the huge catalysing role such as SDO, social forms of organization of talented youth, — forms born of movement of NTTM and become a good school for technical creativity.
It is only to us in the SDO for the year comes 80-100 people. The guys here are experimenting with automobile, traffic, mechanical, even Economics departments. There are also students.
Currently, student KB it was the turn create a high-speed car with a jet engine. Members of our SDO carries the complexity of this task; it will require the study of world achievements in the automotive industry, solving a number of unknown problems.
Especially a lot of ideas occurs now, on the eve of XXV of the Congress, which will put great new challenges facing the national economy, science, including modern science, young professionals tomorrow to decide the most important issues of development of the national economy, acceleration of scientific and technical progress.
The whole country prepares labor gifts to Congress. Next year’s student design Bureau of road will again be adequately represented by their new developments at the Central exhibition NTTM-76 dedicated to the XXV Congress of the party.
E. SVINICKI, our. korr., Kharkov