BURNER WITHOUT FIRE...By analogy with existing devices for welding and brazing working “with the light”, this device is also called a burner. However, it acts on the mating parts do not flame, and hot air jet. “Pneumogram” created by participants NTTM Institute Vniiavtogenmash Kirovakan in machine and plant autogenous engineering, designed for welding of plastics and based on the use of such advantageous properties as the thermo plasticity. If the welding of metals requires a high temperature, many plastics soften at a temperature of.

That’s why this burner has been possible to do without a flame: it replaces the built-in housing of the electric heating element. However, he has no contact with the plastic. How is welding!
The secret is in the fact that the torch handle will sum up the power cord and hose through which podaetsya air or any neutral gas, e.g. nitrogen. Flowing around the burner housing the heater, the gas attains the required temperature and the hot stream exits from the nozzle the tubular tip.
Air burner
Air burner:
1 — the tubular ferrule, 2 — hollow body with a built-in heater, 3 — arm, 4 — fitting the compressed air hose, 5 power cord (36).

Enough to bring the tip to mating parts and to introduce into the stream of heated gas welding rod of the same thermoplastic material, it immediately begins to melt away, his molten mass of the filling connector and then firmly welding the two plastic blanks.
Such a burner with gaseous coolant simplifies the manufacture of many structures and details of vinyl plastic, polyethylene, organic glass and other thermoplastic materials.

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