Lightweight, foldable, occupying little space in the house, drawing a table can be made of chipboard or plywood with a thickness of 15-20 mm. Due to the simple design it is easy to do at home, having a hand saw, plane, hammer and some other tool.
For work surface use the shield 750×950 mm. Other details can be cut from scraps, even the right size.
For attaching hinges to the panel take the auxiliary wedges size 40×40 mm. Loop is better to use the so-called piano (long), but it is possible and common. For the manufacture of clamp-clamp used sheets with a thickness of 3-4 mm and lambs with thread M5 or M6.
Collect table on the screws and carpenter’s glue. All the surfaces are treated with abrasive paper and then covered with a colorless oil or nitrocellulose lacquer.
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