TAKE THE WHEEL FOR THE REPAIRMANIt’s mind typically “ship” device is intended for other, ground targets, Kuibyshev innovator N. Gerasimov developed it to help those who are engaged in the repair of automobile engines.

Whether it’s prevention or capital recovery efficiency of the motor, one of the laborious and time-consuming operations — remove deposits from piston ring grooves. It is here intended to help “the wheel”: to facilitate the work, accelerate it, to provide better clearance.
The fixture consists of a steel ring housing with the same internal diameter as the piston diameter and height, allowing to reach grooves of the piston ring. In the Windows of the hull mounted tool holders that direct skrabotsky-cutters, and offset vertically mikhanavichy value. The holders themselves are screwed into the housing, and the cutters they are fixed with screws — this ensures the possibility of fine adjustment. the depth of the groove. For the convenience of rotation of the fixture on the case has handles — they give the appearance of a wheel.
Piston wiper
Piston cleaner:
1 — ring housing, 2 — gang plate, 3 — cutter, 4 — handle, 5 — rib

Carbon removal device is put on the piston from the bottom, until it stops at his shoulder the body of the tool. Then the cutters quickly zaglubljajutsja to the bottom of the grooves and are fixed by screws. Rotation of the wheel cutters are held in the grooves and a carbon one-two pass is cut completely.
The device has already found application in one of the convoys of the middle Volga transport management. Thanks to him the productivity of labour has increased in 5-6 times improved dramatically and the quality of these operations and their implementation has become much easier and simpler.

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