APPLES INSTEAD OF UNDERWEAR...Fans of Apple juice can offer simple to manufacture and does not require significant investment homemade juicer. It is made from an old washing machine.
The factory extractor has low performance and poor reliability, because they contain a lot of plastic parts. In my homemade bucket of apples processed in 7 – 10 minutes.
For its production we will need from washing machine is mainly drum and its casing. You can rent them from either end washing machine with horizontal loading. To get such a machine nowadays is not a problem, since models change every 2-3 years.

Machine-juicer (position identical to the diagram)Perform a complete disassembly of the old machine. Leave the drum casing of the drum, the mounting bracket of the drum bearings. Balancers, temperature sensors, heater and other unnecessary details Unscrew and remove from casing.

Ensure thorough cleaning of all parts from the powder and scale. Fine sandpaper will Polish off all the surface to Shine. Examine existing holes. We need to leave only one hole in the casing of the drum bottom for draining juice. All other holes sealed with a strip of thin rubber, clamping it with plates of steel on the bolts. All the bolts and nuts better to take brass or stainless steel. In my case, to a large hole fit the diameter of the tube with gofroshlanga from the siphon for kitchen sinks.

We produce the float and the gasket for the float. Of the “steel” with a thickness of 2 mm cut with a grinder or lathe is a circle with a diameter of 220 mm for grater. From the same steel 0.5 mm thick, cut with scissors for metal a second circle with a diameter of 220 mm: it will strip. It is necessary to ensure rigidity, so that the float does not bend. The gasket is mounted through three brass small stands to the bottom of the drum, and float to her five screws M5. Thread cut directly in the strip.


Grater is made as follows. Drilled holes of 5 mm diameter, produced the markup in increments of 10 mm around the diameter. The circle is divided by 14-20 sectors. The workpiece is fastened with screws to the plywood with thickness 10 – 16 mm in holes with a diameter of 5 mm. By marking with a punch with a round or square work profile fills the cutting teeth. Screws and gasket do not allow the float to bend and move. Marking and drilling of all parts should be performed as precisely as possible to the float was exactly at the center of the drum.

The drum has holes with a diameter of 3-4 mm, therefore finalizing it. As a rule, inside the drum has three ribs. Take a fine mesh of “stainless steel” with 1×1 mm cell, we make three blanks on the size of the sections of the drum (if there are no stiffeners, then the grid do one piece). In the top of the grid add 10 mm for bend running under the ruler, rattling hammer – edge we obtain a smooth and injury-free. With the help of sewing and a gun with blind rivets fasten the mesh inside the drum. The number of rivets arbitrary to mesh tightly against the drum surface and not moved during the rotation.

Scheme juicers

Scheme of juicers:

1 – frame base; 2 – bracket fastenings of the drum (full-time from the washing machine with the block bearings and seals); 3 – the casing of the reel; 4 – reel; 5 – pipe-bunker load of fruit; 6 – upper frame; 7 – mesh; 8 – disc-grater, 9 – disc-gasket for the float; 10 – electric motor; 11 – a pulley of the engine; 12 – belt drive; 13 – a pulley with the axis of the drum; 14 – follower; 15 – fastening the upper frame to the casing; 16 – a cover; 17 – limiter pusher; 18 – fasteners float (3). 19 – drain hose (in the scheme conditionally not shown)

A segment of a polyethylene tube with an inner diameter of 100 mm and wall thickness 5 – 6 mm make the hopper for loading apples. For fixing the pipe, we need the four corners of aluminium alloy. The tube is fastened offset from the center to the edge was on the edge of the float.

The tube with the parts fastened to the casing of the drum in the 4 x M6 bolts, and the bolts should be inserted from the inside of the casing before Assembly and clamped by nuts on the outside. With shims under the corners of the adjustable gap between the tube and the float: it depends on what will be the crushing of the apples. The top corners are fastened with thumbscrews for quick disassembly and Assembly.

Of birch cuttings for shovels pusher to produce apples. At its end is attached a circle of plywood with a diameter of 90 mm, in the upper part we put the Rev limiter that the rod could not drop to float.

After you have prepared all the details produced by the Assembly of the drum casing and bracket. Check the bearings and oil seal and if necessary replace. The pulley will have to adapt their size and V-belt.

The engine I got with a power of 1.1 kW at 3000 rpm. On the drum with the belt transmission serves 1500 rpm. More dangerous because of vibration, and less will not depart the juice during the spin cycle.

Cook the base frame from the corner or will fit any ready. Fasten it to the bracket with a casing of the drum through the rubber damping washers. Made of thick polyethylene or rubber cut cover – circle diameter of the casing of the drum with a hole for the pipe load of apples. Cover is required not only for protection against the release of splashes of juice: it will protect and from the rotating drum.

All fasteners must be securely clamped, and the electric part is assembled with good insulation to prevent electric shock. Before assembling parts containers thoroughly wash the means for dishes and opolaskivaniem. All components should be made of environmentally friendly materials, do not corrode and do not release hazardous substances into the juice.

Pusher and lid

Pusher and cover:



1-the rod of the shovel; 2-heel pusher; 3-limiter.

After Assembly and adjustment of the produced test run. The empty drum should rotate without wobbling and noise. Prepare the apples, my carefully selected rotten and wormy. Good apples can not be cut. The core and bone is not a hindrance to our juicer. For the pipe flow inline bucket. Throw apples 1 – 2 pieces in the hopper and a pusher pressed against a grater. With a uniform casting is crushed about a bucket of apples back to the beginning of the vibration. The centrifugal force pushes the cake around the circumference of the mesh evenly. If it starts a slight vibration is getting discontinued and were allowed to work on the spin cycle to the point where it will cease to flow juice from the tube.

Turn off the engine and wait for full stop. A plastic plate or a child’s sandbox shovel to remove the cake from the mesh of the drum.

After work wash thoroughly with a strong jet of water mesh and all the details.

For long-term storage produced by the office of the casing of the drum from the bracket, remove the mesh for a more thorough cleaning and rinsing.

The dried meal is a good vitamin Supplement to the feed of chickens and goats in the winter.

E. JABLONSKI, Bobruisk, Belarus

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