CLOWN-RUNNERAmong the “walking” toys that kids love to haul on the rope or to push in front of him, the most attractive dynamic: if any item jumping, waving, jumping or rotated. These qualities, it meets the proposed trolley “Clown”: a funny stick figure moves in front of a kid, funny her feet in high boots, glimpsed under bulky suitcases.

The toy is simple and quite affordable for the independent production. All parts are cut out of the Board or chipboard. Separately produces only hands out of plywood with a thickness of 10-12 mm. They are attached to the body on the hinge wire, and the bottom side brushes have a slot under the tight fit of the handle of the suitcase. The bags themselves are cut from the same or a little more thick plywood.

Below the midline bags have a hole under the axle of the chassis of the toy, which is a small wheel cut from the same Board as the body of the clown. Quick mincing gait of the figures is achieved thanks to an original decision of suspension.

On the wheel drawn three legs spaced in a circle at an angle of 120°. Wheel impaled on an axis connecting both of the suitcase. While from under them visible only one leg. But when moving due to the rotation of the wheel it quickly replaced by another. This achieves the illusion that his feet are stepping.


Dynamic toy

Dynamic toy “Clown”:

1 —trunk: 2 — bunch: 3 — shoulder joint; 4 — the suitcase handle; 5 — a pusher wand; 6 — suitcase; 7 — axle; 8 — suspension toys

As the bags with the feet and hands is like a stand-alone unit, suspended on the shoulder joint of the torso, the effect of mobility not only feet, but also hand bags, and in a fast moving environment it all together a few slides back, like no time in hurrying body.

Drawing shapes with a grid, it is easy to move the relevant material to the workpieces. Sawn details are carefully processed with sandpaper and painted before Assembly with oil or nitropaints. Given that the toy clown, paint out the brightest — they are especially good with children.

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