CONVENIENT AND EVERYTHING AT HANDNot to dwell on his haunches (if you planted seedlings in the garden or in the greenhouse, laid out by a car repair) — for any “knee” work your good helper will be here is the seat box.
To make it yourself easy, and easy to use it will feel everyone in the first minute. Soft seat, a roomy drawer underneath all that is needed to work, and four swivel furniture wheels make this design an indispensable tool for you when you have to work kneeling or squatting on their haunches.

For the manufacture of such a combined seat does not require scarce materials, and special skills or abilities too. To saw boards or particleboard parts and assemble them into the finished design everyone can. The basis of the design — the actual box open. It consists of two shaped sidewalls, which are attached on the screws with glue (PVA) the back and front plank-fencing, and the bottom is the bottom with wheels at the corners.

On top of the sidewall is installed a soft seat consisting of a panel-base, latex or foam cushion on it and a cloth (or even better — substitute) cover-trim, nailed on the edges of the panel brackets with a carpenter’s stapler, or simply furniture nails and clutching the pillow to the base.

The box seat


1 —bottom; 2—strap-fencing; 3 sidewall; 4—back; 5—wheel (furniture, 4-piece); 6—seat; 7 — the pillow (foam, latex); 8—fabric cover-padding; 9 furniture staples

Before you install the seat, the box painted oil or nitro practical dark or, conversely, bright (e.g., orange) colors.


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