When I got a Studio apartment for room with an area of about 19 m2 was not able to come to the store and buy a universal or combined furniture. Had to do yourself. Particularly successful has turned the retractable bed: used it for 10 years. In contrast to the common schemes, with its vertical lift used horizontal, but without joints; simply trip standing on the floor of the bed to the side. This possibility is achieved through the bottom of the canister, the wall of which has a cylindrical rounding. This, of course, requires less effort and eliminates the need for devices necessary to balance the severity of the bed when lifting.

The chosen design was simple to manufacture, easy to operate: the bed is easily raised and lowered, and the canister in a vertical position serves as storage for bedding. His covers as if to form a shelf.
In the lowered position, the bed rests on one side of the pencil box, the other is hinged to it’s legs fused with felt or leather (not to scratch the floor), and when climbing they are cleaned in a special niche so that on the surface there is only chiseled decorative lining.
The design of the bed allows you to embed it on hinges in the wall of the furniture, which is based on the frame from bruskov by section 40×50 mm: two longitudinal length of 1920 mm and four transverse length of 1500 mm, connected to wsip increments of 6-10 mm. frame is Going on the glue — carpentry, casein or PVA. On one side of the frame to the crossbars on a plug-in round thorns are attached to the inner cheeks of the canister, on both sides — outer. After covering the plywood with a thickness of 2-3 mm or hardboard (decorative overlaid with strips of plastic) they form three pockets for bedding. At the upper corner of the cheek Veresaeva they are connected by a narrow rail 20Х20Х H1900 mm — it must be installed prior to plating of the canister. On top of all three compartments of the canister closed self-lids, connected to the crossbars fortochnymi loops. The rest of the frame is also sewn plywood with overlaid plastic strips; cut the window for the legs. To the upper longitudinal beam of the frame and nailed to the plywood (glue) for the two bar 40X50X170 mm and two bars 40X50X300 mm: together they form a niche for the legs.
Bed frame
Bed frame:
1 — frame, 2 — internal partition pencil case, 3 — rail cheek, 4 — the outer cheeks 5 — vertical beam recesses for the legs, 6 horizontal timber niche.

Leg (A) trim (B).
Leg (A) trim (B).
Bed wall
Bed wall:
1 bed in a raised position, 2 — hinge, 3 — shelves, 4 — shelf, 5 — top panel wall, 6 — trim strips.

The frame is sheathed with plywood 6 mm thickness Mattress is formed of multiple plates of foam superimposed with an old quilt or batting in several layers;all this is covered with burlap and upholstery lining fabric.
Cheeks and cap of the canister can be made of chipboard; the same stands and parts shelves in the “bed wall”. All visible surfaces can be treated with stain, carefully sanding and coating of light furniture Polish. However, good looks and a simple coating — enamel paints.
V. HAIRS, Kiev

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