The seeder is equipped with this opener, like a syringe: it can make seeds just under the soil, making a kind of “injection” at a given depth. This is due to the fact that swept the opener cuts into the layer of the earth, and through its tubular rack serves seeds, immediately cover the crumbling soil. However, the existing structure has one weak spot: the uneven distribution of seeds. Rows get thickened, and the aisle width of 20 cm is empty.

Upgraded Coulter, created in the Orenburg agricultural Institute, provides higher-quality seeding. In his potashnikova space to a curved rack attached to the spreader of seeds and pitched plate. The dispenser accepts the “trickle” bean fan and scatters them on the plate with which they roll evenly on the bottom of the furrow throughout the entire width of the vomer. To avoid the premature shedding of the soil, the wings of the vomer extended welded gussets that increase potashnikova space.
Upgraded Coulter
Upgraded Coulter:
1 — a hollow rack, 2 — bumper-diffuser (dispenser of seeds), 3 — sloped plate, 4 — solitaire

It is estimated that implementation of the modernized openers contributes to the increase of grain yield by 10-30%.

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