COVER ON CHAIRThe problem is small but not invented, and most importantly – serious. The negative influence of draughts on human health obviously, and there was low back pain, and sciatica, and lumbago in muscles. The clinics, staffed by modern professionals usually equipped with office chairs and armchairs.

Worked and and I sat on many of them… they are for The seat when a cold back. Soft foam insulation comfortable chair warms only the muscles of the buttocks and upper back, and lower back suffering, being sick is even more the case.
During prolonged work at the computer or drawing Board and in the presence of cold jets from open Windows or air conditioners to significantly freeze the loin, as it is just in the gap between the seat and backrest of the chair or the chair.
Well, not to give up because of this unfortunate moment to miss the creators of the product work from a favorite designer! And what is still to come up with to save your back?
Cover! What could be easier! -suggested to me inner voice.
Got the tape measure, measuring your office chair, and made a drawing (see figure).
The case plan consists of four parts, wykrywanych of a dense thick fabric.
The order of sewing and the process is not complicated and all it would wish. Sew items by hand, and mini sewing machine.
Pattern cover on the chair
The pattern of the cover on the chair
But first, to protect from fraying edges, cut parts should be overlit.
Further, on the left, to sew the front and bottom of both panels.
Removing the fabric on the front side, to perform the last two seam along the left and right edges of the cover.
The finished cover put on the chair and smooth weight. The gap between the backrest and the seat now tightly closed with a thick cloth cover. If the fabric is still blown, this place should sew an additional strip (you can even leather or leatherette).
By the way, if there is such a case and clothes became less dirty.
Home variant covers produced for a couple of chairs from the “free” material came from the legs of old jeans. The canvas case is made of staggered boxes of sizes 100×100 mm, were worthy and for comfort.
Was delighted with the new clothes and the cat – after all, before he was not allowed to lie on the chairs, and now said:
– This will be your resting place! After washing the cover is not difficult.
Simplified insulated padding for chair
Simplified insulated strip for chair
Garter insulated lumbar pads to the chair
Garter insulated lumbar pads to the chair
Lining (reverse side) of the case
A big plus for the animal and was able to fit closely to the back, not falling in the slot.
So I managed to sew a healthful fit for his intellectual labour and at the same time to create a comfortable place for the cat!
Also if you ponadobitsa interior glass partitions, view here perhaps you will find something for his apartment.
Who is the manufacturer of the case may seem complicated, but the health problems of the back are present, will offer a simplified version of it – the gasket to cover the gap between the seat and backrest of the chair (chairs). It is smaller, and the effect is the same. Besides, the gasket can be done is insulated, the insulation covering on the back side non-slip lining.
If the strip will still move out, to the middle part we have to sew the garter and use them to tie the spacer to the legs of the chair.
A. MATVEICHUK, Zavodoukovsk, Tyumen region.

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