WHEEL MASSAGERIn between use this massager easily turn into a child’s toy — so he is similar to a traditional wheeled design for kids. However, this is a serious tool adults, whose main task is to serve the health. Because with the help of this device very efficiently carried out, the respective kneading areas of the body, which the doctor prescribed dynamic massage.

The advantage of the Croatian magazine “ABC technology” design in front of her like before, only that it is simple and does not require scarce materials or special skills to make it for everyone, even Teens. Need only Board Yes cm thick wooden rod-type handle for shovel.
Basic details
The massager consists essentially of two types of parts: the housing-handle and wheels.
And they are going to a work unit with wooden axes. Consider the device in detail.
The handle is cut from a wooden Board in the form shown, with window at the top. At the heart of it — a rectangle with rounded corners. Who find it difficult to make a closed shape shown in the figure, the task can be simplified by making the appropriate propyl on the one side of the rectangle.
Manual, six-wheeled massager
Manual six-wheeled massager:
1 — stick with the window for the fingers; 2 — wheel axle (3). 3 — wheel (6 PCs.)

In the bottom of the handle are drilled (or burnt with a hot metal rod) three holes for the wheel axles. Respectively under them are three wooden axis of a rod of suitable diameter.

Remains to saw from cutting six-disc wheel and the center also perform holes axis.
After a thorough processing of all the harvested parts emery cloth, you can begin to assemble the tumbler. To do this, first take three wheel and inserted into their openings of the axial rods — tight glue (carpentry, casein, PVA). Waiting until the glue is grabbed, skip of the axis in the hole in the handle and put them on the remaining three wheels also tight and with glue.
It remains to add that the design of the massager allows you to vary not only the shape of the handle. For example, the working surface of the wheels can be smooth or toothed, or ribbed. This wheel of the preform Assembly can be appropriately treated with needle files, round files, or even just a hacksaw — depending on the terrain of the working surface of the wheel, it is desirable to give. These wheels will be massaged more effectively.
Likewise change the impact of the wheels on the massaged area of the body, if the wheel pairs slightly offset axial holes — then the impact of wheels will be alternating and almost point: while one wheel of a pair of will be rolled on the body, the other will be raised, and then Vice versa.

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