THERMOELASTIC FOAMIn our self-similar groups the foam — some of the most popular materials. One day we read in the “M-K” (No. 9, 1977) about the different ways of processing foam. We liked most of the foam cutting hot wire. We did a few of their stanochki and accessories and we offer readers “M-K” is one of them. It’s called “Electrothermal Board cutter”. All the details of it mounted on a wooden U-shaped panel assembled and glued plywood 12 mm. Cutting tool is nichrome wire thickness of about 0.5 mm, sandwiched by two M8 bolts, drilled through by a drill bit Ø 2 mm. Supported by her taut arc spring strip steel with a thickness of about 2 mm, privernuty to the panel with two screws M8.

Design electrothermal Board cutter
Design electrothermal Board cutter:
1,5 — bolt M8, 2, 8, 9 — nuts M8, 3, 7 — bolts, 4 — nichrome filament, 6 — panel-base, 10 — bolt M8, 11 arc, 12 — textolite bushing.

Electrotermia a voltage of about 12 V from any step-down transformer. To adjust the temperature of the nichrome filament, it is desirable to use a series connected in the circuit of the rheostat resistance of 7.5 Ω, designed for currents up to 10 A.
V. DVOEGLAZOV, head of the self-similar mug syut, Taganrog

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