Within two years managed to acquire forest skis, sleeping bags, backpacks. But a suitable tent (six-bed, insulated) was not found in the catalog “Goods — mail”. What to say about the tent even fit tight type fabric tarp failed to get. There was only a linen tick (mattress fabric). Decided to make a tent from it, and in the absence of insulation is to make bivuachnoe housing is heated.
The design of this tent and heater for it I decided to share through the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” from the entire adult population of Russia, which Duma deputies thought, too, to make new year and Christmas “vacation”. So for winter Hiking while now is almost everyone. Those who can not afford to spend a dozen days in a row at the festive table, and to fly to warmer climes can’t afford, can make in advance the same tent and go camping. Especially now the choice of material is quite large, and now ready for the winter tent sale is still not met.
Tent, in General, classical — type tent: low (700 mm) vertical walls and a roof in the form of four-sided pyramid. The top of the tent is situated at altitude 2 m, which allows you to stay standing even in her teenage Accel.

Winter six-tent:
1 — SKAT (4 PCs); 2 — average side wall (3). 3 — input the side wall; 4 — the lock-“lightning” (2 pieces); 5 — bottom; 6 — canopy; 7 — piping hole pipe slope (tin); 8 — trim for pillar; 9 — fin (herringbone tape, 4 pieces); 10 loop (herringbone tape, 4 pieces); 11 — stretch (nylon cord, 4 PCs.); 12 — peg (wire Ø6); 13 — heater; 14 — chimney; 15 — a three-hour Central (dural tube 30×2); 16 — bracket on the oven rack (steel, sheet s3. 2); 17 — bearing stand (duralumin sheet s2)

Scan the tents (the material is a linen tick):
1 — hip element (4 PCs); 2 — side element (4 PCs); 3 — the bottom-floor; 4 — piping holes; 5 — amplifier trim (2 PCs.)

Camping stove:
1 — shell (steel sheet s1,5, a barrel of paint); 2—door (steel sheet s2); 3 — hinge door (steel sheet s2); 4 — nozzle; 5 — cover (steel sheet s2); 6 — rivet (steel, Ø2. 5, 12 pieces); 7 — grate (steel, sheet s3); 8 —bottom (sheet s2)
In plan (top view) tent 3×3 m square, same with the bottom (or you can call Paul). It fit on the bed free (not clinging to the walls), six people in sleeping bags and still had room for a stock of firewood for the night and the passage from the canopy to the stove.
The width of the fabric purchased tick tissues was 3.2 m, which has facilitated the pattern of the individual elements of the tent and stitching them together. In the case where the width of the material is less, the elements can be made and the composite, only the seam on the tires must be longitudinal (top-down), and on the walls — vertical (with a tent).
Stitching elements produced on an old (but quite efficient) machine “singer” conventional underwear seam. The seams of the tent of the tent was covered with herringbone tape 20 mm width and pristrojj it to the edges of adjacent faces. In the lower ends of the tape started to loop (wrapped twice in the opposite direction). In place of gathering all of the vertices of triangle tent elements on both sides (inside and out) first gain and then pristroy one round plate cut from the same cloth. In this place the tent to support Central post, and this increase is needed here.
Looking ahead, I note that in one of the tent elements (which is the canopy over the entrance) was carved a hole for the chimney and piped tin. But it was done after the trial Assembly of the tent with the stove, and the sizes were determined on-site.
In one of the side walls of a notch and sewn with two lock-“lightning” so that in a locked position locks meet in the middle of the canopy.
The floor was also cut from tick tissues. Therefore, when the breakdown (installation) of tents on it was placed a polyethylene film with dimensions of 4×4 m. For tension floor to his corners were also sewn loops of surgical tape.
In the equipment tent includes stretch — nylon cords and pegs — cuts thick steel wire, pointed on one side and curved into a ring.
Windows do not have — after all, the tent is winter, and through them, as in the houses, there are major heat losses.
Set the tent on one Central rack, made of duralumin tubes with a diameter of 30 mm and a wall thickness of 2 mm. For ease of carrying racks in backpack, she made a composite of the three knees. The knee connected to each other through bushings and held together by transverse bolts passing also through sleeve and knee.
To the average knee are attached to the same transverse bolts two brackets having the shape of an arc, made of sheet steel with a thickness of 3 mm. At the ends of the rays of each arc made by the slit, in which are inserted the bottom and the roof edge of the banks of the stove.
Upper knee focus on covering the amplifier, and under the bottom (so as not to damage the floor) enclose the thrust bearing, is made of duralumin sheet thickness of 2 mm. To stand him off in the centre made a small drift — boss with a diameter slightly smaller hole in the pipe.
After mounting the rack pull the floor and the corners of the tent, hooking the cords over the ears of the pegs.
Since the story about the heater, it should be noted that his design decided pretty quickly — it’s an oven-type “stoves”, and the alternative to it was not. Only here on its design and even the location had to think, and experiment. First, the stove needs to be portable and, hence, collapsible, and, secondly, to have a small mass.
As a result, for the case of an oven used a small jar of paint, and a stove pipe made of composite and removable.
The shell banks near the bottom to drill a few holes — they serve as a blower. A little below the cap, cut out a rectangular hole and its edges are bent outwards — made flare. The hole made from 2 mm steel sheet cover, but with a flare inside. The cap hung on the brackets so that it would open up and closed spontaneously.
Inside the stove through the hole, put a grate — steel sheet with two longitudinal flanged and numerous holes. Grate in the stove is in an inclined position. Again load the wood dry out first at the top and then gradually settle and burn.
Around the hole in the lid of the jar built pipe — it is worn on the lower knee of the chimney.

Location of beds in the tent:
1 sleeping places (6 pieces); 2 — center column; 3 — heater; 4 — walls with firewood; 5 — passage

Central front:
1 — knee (3). 2 — connecting bushing (2pcs); 3 — fasteners (bolt M6, 4 pieces); 4 — mount bracket-stove (steel, sheet s3. 2)
The pipe to the cap attached by steel rivets (but not small bolts). The upper knee of the chimney is eliminated through banded with tin, the hole in the roof of the tent outside.
The stove is hung in the brackets on the Central rack for a distance of about 700 mm from the floor to the bottom. In this position it does not occupy useful space in the tent and more evenly it heats the internal volume.
Supply of firewood stored at the entrance to the tent. Wood is better to use dry and hardwoods. Cleaning the ash pan is already in the morning: take off the stove, the grate is pulled out and the stove is overturned. For the furnace shall be appointed by the duty.
Tent and stove first was tested in a two-day winter Hiking weekend with one overnight stay. At the time they were tested and physical training of the boys. Only after that we made a spring break multi-day transition for another snowy slopes and valleys of the Ural mountains in Zlatoust and back. The campaign was successful. Cases were not.
The tent does not lay idle in the summer, but without the stove.
In conclusion, for winter hikes, you can use and buy summer tent, making its roof edged with tin, the hole for the chimney and Dobrodomov heating device.
A. MATVEICHUK, Zavodoukovsk, Tyumen region.