Trawl fishing boat, which will be discussed in these pages, belongs to the newest and most advanced vessels for the coastal fishery applicable in our country.
The purpose travota — fishing and small trawl nets* nets not more than 20 miles from the port of refuge, and transport the caught fish to the port. Endurance — 12 hours.
The bot has the following main dimensions: length overall (Lнб) to 12.75 m, length waterline (L) — 11.7 m, width (In) — 3 m draught (T) is 1.3 m. the Speed (V) reaches 8 knots, or 14.8 km/h Displacement (D) — 18 t
Case travota steel, with lateral keels. Frames the V-shape provide ship seagoing and manoeuvring qualities. The stem is tilted at an angle of 30°. This form of nasal formations helps to reduce the breaker at the stern and the keel reduces pitching, when the ship is in heavy weather conditions. The forecastle does not allow the wave to fill the deck, which facilitates control of the ship and improves working conditions.

The projection of the BODY M1:25
In the aft valance placed a single large three-bladed propeller, followed by the balance wheel. The use of transom stern due to the desire to obtain a large area of the aft deck and below deck areas. It is allowed to place in the aft engine room, deck CA — big cabin, and right and left sides — trawl arc with the suspension blocks and the guide blocks.
Before KAPE ka cabin lighting engine room placed a trawl winch with mechanical drive from the main engine, which has two reels for cables of the trawl (wernich) and one pair of turecek. It performs all lifting and lowering gear. In the middle of the hull on the fish hold hatch coaming with a small wooden lyuchyn.
For the convenience of gathering in the living room on the forecastle mounted cap with round portholes. It overlooks the mast, raskalennoy to the boards guys, and in the diametrical plane of the stays. From the mast before cutting the tensioned forestay Karnak with a cargo unit. The cable passing through the latter, allows using the trawl winch to mechanize a hold of.
Cleats on stern and bow are used for mooring and towing operations.

Fishing bot:
1 — lanyard lanyard, 2 — forestay, 3 — tubular railing, 4 — side bow chock, 5 — canopy, 6 — cap dwelling, 7 — rail 8 — round window, 9 — the forecastle, a 10 – guy, 11 — mast, 12 — tow-fire, 13 — mast-head light, 14 — kotikovye fire, 15 — the backstay, 16 — state flag, 17 cargo block, 18 duck, 19 — bulwarks, 20 — storm porches, 21 — trawl winch, 22 — chimney 23 — shtag-Karnak, 24 — spotlight 25 — the side lights (right — green, left — red), 26 — gambort fire, 27 — cabin, 28 — trawl arc, 29 — suspended unit, 30 — transom, 31 — pen beam steering, a 32 — three-blade prop, 33 — guide block 34 — side unit, 35 to the Central unit, 36 — door, 37 — buoy 38 — buttress, 39 — cleats, 40 — Admiralty anchor, 41 — junction box, 42 — fish hatch, a 43 — dimensional landmark.
General view, details and theoretical travota drawing shown in the scale of 1 : 50. According to the classification requirements of the Federation of ship modeling sport of the USSR, the model can be built in the scale given in the table.

Model paint in the following colors: the hull below the waterline, rudder, lateral Carinae dark red or dark green; the deck, the deck of the forecastle — light brown; cutting a cap on the forecastle, railing and handrails, door, wall cap and forecastle from the deck — white; mast, trawl arc, cargo block — ivory; spotlight, blocks, trawl winch, chimney, freeboard, bulwarks and visor inner side is light grey; anchor cleats — black; lifebuoy — light orange, the national flag — red; the hammer and sickle and star on the national flag — yellow crowns; Luchini and the door to the cabin to decorate wood and varnish; dimensional landmark black — and-white.
*Driftnet network — modern network connected among themselves in the so-called “order”: at one end are attached to the vessel, the other end to the buoy and held in a vertical position at a certain depth by means of floats.