BTR-T FROM THE TANKHeavy APC based on the T-55 was first shown at the 2nd exhibition VTTV-97 in Omsk Developing a machine tailored to heavy urban fighting of the first Chechen campaign, Omsk KB transport engineering (KBTM) in a fairly short period designed and built a tracked armored personnel carriers, using obsolete chassis of a medium tank T-55 it Should be noted that the work was carried out in initiative order, at its own expense the result was a fighting machine, the level of overall protection is not inferior, and mine protection, in particular, — the superior main battle tanks T-80 and T-90 “bath” case, the engine systems and chassis remained the same Installation on T-55 improved engines with power up to 690 HP upgrade suspension with use of lightweight rollers made of aluminum alloy KBTM KB conducted on other samples, and this product development has not been introduced, not to increase its final cost Significant alteration machined the upper part of the hull fighting compartment increased in height and widened fenders Steel box on shelves continued to stern, inside they placed additional fuel tanks and top mounted smoke grenade launchers “Tucha”.

Defensive armament mounted in a rotating turret on the top, Actually the service is not in the tower, and above it, the gunner is inside the protected section of the machine. Manages the service of the commander of the machine in the tower For guidance used day, night and anti-aircraft sights As the complex ATGM “Competition” is transported inside the machine, and shooting is set on the bracket on the outside of the tower, the operator with the guidance needed to lean out of the turret hatch to the waist. Perhaps the use of ATRA separately from the machine, it is transported in the tripod installation. The prototype was displayed at the Omsk exhibition in different times with different weapons systems. 30-mm gun 2A42 and ATGM or 12.7-mm machine gun “Cliff” and ATGM.
Frontal part of the body and sides are covered with blocks of integrated dynamic protection, twice increases the resistance of the structure against heat projectiles and warheads of anti-tank transfer on the steel equivalent of its thickness reaches 600 mm (in the long term — up to 1 m) Dynamic protection, developed at the Moscow research Institute of steel, does not react to getting into a routine and large-caliber bullets, fragments and 30mm projectiles When triggered one of the blocks of the detonation is not transmitted to the adjacent Protection against armor-piercing shells increased not so significantly — by 1.2 times, but then you need to consider the tactics of similar vehicles BTR-T — not a tank to go on the attack, and highly protected vehicle, designed to deliver soldiers to the battle of the lower part of the housing is covered with anti shaped-charge rubber-fabric screens, augmented in the center of the inhabited part of the steel screens, like on the T-80U Screens also serve dust control when driving a vehicle, which is important not only as a masking events but also to maintaining the visibility from inside the vehicle Mine resistance of the enclosure is also increased by additional steel screens at the bottom (at the time similarly fine-tuned T-55 and T-62 — the experience of warfare in Afghanistan) Total weight protection BTR-T is approximately equal to the mass of the tower with weapons at the base machine — the T-55, therefore, the dynamic characteristics remain the same Except for a crew of two persons, BTR-T carries five Marines the Opportunity to fire on the move for them is not provided, as its usefulness is questionable, what was the reason for rejecting it in favor of strengthening the protection, by the Way, in the same way is the modernization of equipment in foreign countries, But the soldiers have the opportunity to observe the surroundings of the six observation devices aimed to the sides and back of the fly, informing the crew about the changing environment For landing troops inside the machine are two massive flip-up hatch behind the crew compartment, an opening in the side of the engine compartment (MTO) In the case of landing under fire, they must provide at least minimum protection from the fire front, laterally — cover boxes along the fenders.
Anti-aircraft machine gun NSVT-2 12.7 mm
Anti-aircraft machine gun NSVT-2 12.7 mm
Heavy BTR-T
Heavy BTR-T
Heavy BTR-T:
1 — 12.7-mm machine gun NSVT; 2 — low profile turret; 3 — sensors; 4 — smoke grenade launchers; 5 —antenna input, 6 — exhaust pipe; 7 — rubber-screen, 8 — steel shield; 9 — driving wheel, 10 — support roller; 11 — a steering wheel; 12 — driver’s hatch, 13 — Luke gunner; 14 —hatches for the landing of troops; 15 — mounting bracket ATRA; 16 — Luke for shooting from anti-tank systems; 17 — Luc issuance-tank; 18 — IR illuminator night sight; 19 — IR illuminator night vision device for the driver; 20 — element built-in dynamic protection

Title cars “floating” — from the BTR-T to patrol-patrol cars PDM and back in, stuck the first option is of great importance in the current environment has the price of “products”, and it is in this case was relatively low T-55 in large enough quantities stored in warehouses, but their “livestock” gradually still harassed or cutting melted, or handing out new “friends” (for example, financial component in the transfer of tanks Afghan “Northern Alliance”, apparently no one was looking from the outset it was clear that the Afghans pay nothing — not dollars, from the sale of drugs, in fact.) About BTR-T appeared a number of critical articles in which the authors fairly, in General, pointed to flaws’ they say, is too small landing, arms obscenities Someone demanded to establish dynamic security protection, and on the roof, others on the contrary wanted the roof to be removed completely for a better view.
Meanwhile, the army in Chechnya continued (and continues) to ride on the BMP-1/2 and BTR-70/-80, mostly on horseback, their armor almost doesn’t save. Money to issue at least an experimental batch of machines and their testing in a real situation wasn’t the Israelis, whose experience in KBTM certainly included, are in a state of prolonged armed conflict with the Palestinian population In the urban clashes are widely used heavy tracked APC “Achzarit”, converted from captured during the previous Arab-Israeli conflicts of medium tanks T-54 and T-55. According to the Western press, the number of such machines came almost to a thousand! Surprising when you consider that the first APCS of this type appeared already in 1987 From 44 tons total vehicle weight over 14 tons of this accounted for protection, and armament consists of one remote controlled machine gun FN 7,62 М240 (three can be installed in simple mounting at the top of hatches, but can shoot from them, just leaning on the belt More compact engine Detroit Diesel 8V071 TTA in combination with semi-automatic transmission Allison XTG-411-4 gave the developers the ability to rearrange MTO, highlighting the space for rear “tunnel” to ensure the safety of leaving the car under fire However, the unlimited American loans why not just aproactive We must proceed from their actual capabilities, not wishful thinking to install “arena”, imager, more powerful gun, mortar and MANPADS. And who will pay for all this “splendor”?
BTR-T on the March
The BTR-T on the March
Color version of the prototype BTR-T
Color version of a prototype of the BTR-T
BTR-T during a demonstration in the exhibition VTTV-97 in Omsk
BTR-T during a demonstration in the exhibition VTTV-97 in Omsk
The BTR-T, while remaining in a single copy was used KBTM staff at the trips to the landfill as sverkhprovodimosti “taxi” During a demonstration of new models of heavy flamethrower systems, representatives of the customer’s machine caught the eye of one of the generals of chemical defense troops, who, acquainted with the technique closer, immediately said he wants the same, only better. Moreover, he managed to “break through” funding for new themes, and the result was a fighting machine flamethrower BMO-T on the chassis T-72. Still flamethrower in battle had to move to the BMP, which is so long ago stands for “mass grave infantry”, and even an additional topping of “bees” when blasting is guaranteed to destroy all life not only in the machine itself but around.
Place a tank turret took felling larger volume than the BTR-T, covered front and sides of the blocks integrated dynamic protection On the roof is specially designed towers set the standard commander’s hatch with a ring mount for 12.7 mm machine gun is used on the “semidestroyed” Screens with elements of dynamic protection (like T-90) now cover the lower part of the body almost the entire length of the Increased height of armored boxes with additional fuel tanks only on the shelves on the sides of the MTO increases the safety of leaving the machine through the rear hatches. A kind of armored “trench”, resulting from the wheelhouse sides and around the roof of the troop compartment allows you to fire “bumblebees”, without Dismounting. Sighting range — up to 600 m and a maximum of up to 1000 m gives the advantage in battle when you defeat bunkers or emplacements in urban areas Manufacturing, BMO-T, conducted in Omsk, can be called small-scale some interest in the car, which is only constrained by financial limitations, and show the Ground forces.
Technical characteristics of the BTR-T
Weight, t …………………………………………38,5
Troopers, people……………………………………..5
Max. speed
on the highway, km/h…………………………………50
Reserve, km ………………………………..500
Specific ground pressure, kg/cm2….0,85
Overcoming obstacles:
ascent/descent, hail ………………………….32
roll, deg ……………………………………….30
wall, m…………………………………………0,8
ditch, m …………………………………………….2,7
Ford m
without training ……………………………….1,4
with OPVT……………………………………………5


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