Changed by the early 1980s, the concept of action of artillery on the battlefield demanded not only “increase its power, range, maneuverability.” The foundations were laid for integrated automation of process of firing via a combination of reconnaissance and communication systems and data processing; design and creation of “smart” artillery of the samples.
During this period the team of Central design Bureau of the Ural plant of transport engineering (CDB Uraltransmash) in Sverdlovsk (after 1991 – Ekaterinburg) has started task execution of the Main rakotoarisoa Directorate (GRAU) to create self-propelled artillery with a howitzer of 152 mm caliber for divisional managers. The job contained the difficult task of combining chassis, unified with the tanks that were in service of the army, with a universal tool that could be use as trailed. The project received the index and the name of 2S19 “Msta-s” (“Object 316”). At the same time Volgograd OKB-2 of the plant “Barricades” was created towed howitzer 2A65 (later “Msta-B”).
The role of developers install then was distributed as follows:
the umbrella organization of the machine in General, and the chassis has appointed Uraltransmash;
– fighting compartment was developed by the Tula instrument design Bureau (NPO “Accuracy”);
swinging some tools designed KB Sverdlovsk artillery “Plant № 9”.
The first prototype installation was assembled in 1983 and the following year, was tested on the Rzhev range near Leningrad. In 1986 he produced six more units of ACS for later governmental and military tests. And only three years later, “Msta-s” was adopted by the Soviet Army.
Serial production of cars was first established in the Bashkir city of Sterlitamak, specially built for this plant, and subsequently moved back to “Uraltransmash”.
Officially SAU 2S19 “Msta-s” was presented to professionals and the General public in 1992 at the International forum “engineering Technologies” in Zhukovsky near Moscow, and in the following year showed at the Exhibition of arms IDEX-93 in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.
The main armament installation of 152.4 mm howitzer 2А64 swinging part of which is completely identical to the towed 2A65, as required by the technical task of COURSE. The length of its rifled barrel-monoblock is 6130 mm, or 47 klb; barrel has a muzzle brake and ejector. The breech -wedge of the semi-shutter opening by yourself after the shot due to the rolling. There are Electromechanical rammer the projectile and charge, the mechanisms for removing spent cartridge case and lock descent, and a pneumatic counterbalance mechanism. The recoil brake is enshrined in the breech, pneumatic lakatnik filled with nitrogen.

Divisional self-propelled howitzer 2S19 “Msta-s”, armed with a gun 2А64 152.4 mm. Weight ACS – 42 t, length with gun forward of 11.92 m

The mass of the “dry” tower, SAU-13, 5 MT, weight of ammunition – 2.5 tons On the stern of the tower fixed tray conveyor mechanism for automatically feeding projectiles and charges directly from the ground

Maximum vertical angle pointing guns – 68°

The tray feed mechanism automatic feed with download it shell

SAU “Msta-s” are in service battery of artillery regiments of the armored and mechanized infantry divisions with up to eight units
Shooting can be conducted as a direct fire and indirect fire range of the angles of vertical guidance in the range of -4° to +68°. The range of objectives up to 30 km.
Ammunition of the ACS, consisting of 50 shots, includes several types razdelennyh ammunition. This high-explosive shells ЗОФ45 (CFC), having an improved aerodynamic shape; their weight 43.56 kg, weight of explosive – 7.65 kg initial velocity of 810 m/s With field artillery propellant, with a mass of gunpowder is 11.4 kg range of fire is 24.7 km, full AC charge with an 8.3 7.8 kg of gunpowder, the range of 19.4 km, with a reduced variable charge with 4.2 kg of gunpowder is 14.37 km.
Shells ЗОФ61 weight 42,86 kg can hit targets at maximum range of about 29 km – for this purpose they are equipped with bottom gas generator injection. Here applied a method of reducing the base drag of the projectile in flight due to the combustion of the powder checkers in the bottom part. When this occurs, the emissions in a cocurrent stream of hot gaseous mixture; it burns out, it increases the pressure for munitions, helping to increase range.
Cassette shells ЗО13 (COP) have in their warhead eight damaging shrapnel combat elements (EB), in a cassette shell ЗО23 contains forty-cumulative-shrapnel elements. When triggered by remote or shock remote fuse lifting charge of the shell throws out EB out of the housing under the action of centrifugal force moving in the radial direction.
Each of the cumulative scattered elements 3023 of the projectile upon impact, the barrier creates a shaped-charge jet capable of penetrating armor plate. There is evidence that a similar cluster of be an American 155-mm munition М483А1 can strike armored vehicles, protected by armor thickness up to 70 mm.
Shells ZNSSE used for setting active radar jammers. Such a shell is provided with a head part with a payload in the form of chaff, laid inside the disk modules. They have mechanisms of release of a powder charge, capable when ignited to destroy at certain points in the wall of the housing head part. The modules instantly scattered to a considerable distance from the projectile in the radial direction, and ahead of him, and reflectors form a cloud of interference with the large effective area of scattering.
Ammunition, self-propelled guns 2S19 can also be 30Ф39М guided missiles “Krasnopol-M” and adjust ЗОФ75М “Centimeter-M”.
Shells “Krasnopol” (2К25 – GRAU index) is designed in the famous Tula “instrument Design Bureau” (CPB) under the leadership of A. shipunova and adopted in 1986, They are multifunctional weapons, “designed to defeat the first shot – no adjustment”; their targets are armored vehicles, including tanks, artillery guns and launchers of tactical missiles, as well as bridges, ferries, command posts, fortifications. The fire is conducted at distances from 3 km to 20 km, and at moving targets with a speed of 36 km/h.
These shells, length 1305 mm, have a weight of 50.8 kg, high-explosive warhead with a mass of 20.5 kg, curb and 6.5 kg of explosive. Practically consist of two branches: the slug – fighting part, of bottom gas generator, the block stabilizers and control – compartment of the autopilot and bow cover, homing (GOS).
Compartment of the autopilot is designed based on inertial gyro, power supply and conversion, drives; the bow casing – fairing – serves “to protect the optics head from damage and contamination and separated in flight”. Autopilot (index 9Б838) is designed to correct the trajectory of the projectile.
GOS “Krasnopol” (index 9Э421) – semi-active laser – issues commands to the autopilot for guidance of the projectile on the target. Control in flight – using the four proposed aerodynamic rudders.

Self-propelled artillery 2S19 “Msta-s” NO. 101ШТ8037 of issue 1993:
1 – the muzzle brake; 2 – receiver; 3 – 152-mm howitzer; 4 – the sliding device (2); 5 – machine gun NSVT-12,7 “Utes”; 6 – illuminator; 7 – panoramic sight 1П22; 8 – duct system air cleaning; 9 – side hatch gunner; 10 – conveyor belt feeding of shells from the ground; And the rear box spare parts (2); 12 – logs for self-recovery; 13 – a tank for oil; 14 – driving wheel; 15 – exhaust pipe of the engine; 16 – support roller; 17 – side rubber screen; 18 – hydraulic shock absorber; 19 – samouchitel; the 20 idler; 21 – front ZIP box (2 PCs); 22 – mounting bracket of the trunk on the March; 23 – loop for anchoring the machine in the plane; 24 – hatch eject spent cartridges; 25 – 81-mm smoke fans system 902В “Cloud”; 26 – the hooks for removal of the tower; 27 – window sight direct fire; 28 – protective blind sight 1П22; 29 – sight installation, ROM-5; 30 – antenna input; 31 – ammunition box machine gun NSVT-12,7; 32 – TKN-HOUR; 33 – spare ammunition box machine gun NSVT-12,7; 34 – saw in the pouch; 35 is an access hatch to the powertrain; 36 – equipment, OPVT; 37 – Luke the flow of shells from pound; 38 – nozzle system pneumococci glass sight 1П22; 39 – dimensional pin; 40 – the gunner’s hatch with the hatch installation, OPVT; 41 – grooved paths for walking; 42 – Luke loader; 43 – hatch commander’s; 44 light FG-125 infrared filter; 45 light FG-127 with SMU
The homing head of the projectile acts accordingly received reflection from the target signals. This means that the target must be illuminated by the laser beam, which while making a spotter with a laser rangefinder-designator (MDC). He needs to get to her at a distance less than 7 km; if the target is a tank; in smaller facilities, this distance shall be reduced accordingly. You must be on a line of sight to the target, which is very problematic, for example, in the European theater of operations, unlike the desert regions of Central Asia or the Middle East. But there arises another difficulty – the problem of safe shelter and camouflage of a scout.
Used rangefinders 1Д15 have a mass of 60 kg, more modern 1Д20 – 30 kg, MDC-4 – 27 kg. in addition, to have a spotter when there’s an army radio station R-159М 15 kg.
Having discovered the target, the spotter determines the coordinates, calculates the setup for the shooting, and sends the information to the artillery battery, where the calculation of the bound on the GOS of the projectile to exhibit a certain pulse frequency. The same frequency should have a LDC and that the projectile in his reflected beam “came out” to a specified object.
After production shot – at approach of the projectile – for a while, usually 5 – 12 is a rangefinder-designator illuminating a target. GOS “Krasnopol” at a distance of 2.5 km from the destination switches to homing – projectile self-induced on the target, intercepting it reflects the signal.
It is believed that the probability of getting ЗОФ39 “Krasnopol” in the target with one projectile is equal to 0.8 – 0.9. Also calculated that, for example, to suppress widespread in the armed forces of NATO batteries, the M109 self-propelled guns (6 units) at the distance of 16 km it is necessary to use a 9 projectiles “Krasnopol”, when conventional high-explosive it would take more than 900.
Adjust the shells of the “Inch” caliber 152 mm developed in the Moscow Scientific-technical complex “automation and mechanization technologies” under the leadership of General designer V. Vishnevsky. These shells are also designed “to defeat armored targets and engineering” and have a semi-active laser homing head.
You can use the shells ЗОФ38 “Centimeter” and later -ЗОФ75 “Centimeter-M”. They differ in the weight of 49.5 kg and 45 kg, respectively, size – length 1195 mm and 861 mm, and the amount of charge of 8.5 kg and 10 kg.
Shooting these shells can be carried out at ranges up to 18 km and sighting in the range of 0.8 – 12 km with a probability of hitting the target with one projectile to 0.97. Time illuminate the target for receiving the reflected signal homing head is reduced to 3 and the correction of the trajectory for the reflected signal is only in the last 20 – 600 m from the goal. So that setup for shooting has to be calculated more accurately or should be salvo firing from multiple weapons, as well as be allowed sighting shots.
For flight control later shells “Centimeter-M” is equipped with four pulsed solid-fuel engines (instead of aerodynamic control surfaces).
In addition, SAU “Msta-s” can fire regular ammunition 152-mm towed gun-howitzer D-20. 1947 and 2СЗ SAU “acacia”.
All the shells of the ammunition placed in the tower packing installation. The total mass of the vehicle-mounted shots comes up to 2.5 t. When loading projectiles and charges used for automatic system flow from the ground through two pipelines; it can also be applied to the positional firing – stacked without waste of ammunition. The loading mechanism of the gun ensures automatic feeding of the shells and semi -charges, due to which the ACS rate of fire is 7-8 rounds./min and even more. Spent cases are automatically ejected through a hatch overboard.
As secondary weapons, “Msta-s” has the commander’s cupola machine-gun and anti-aircraft guns ROM-5 with a 12.7 mm machine gun NSVT “Utes”, which is managed by the commander of the machine from the tower remotely. The gun can fire at a distance of 2 km, hitting light armored vehicles, helicopters and planes.
If necessary, a complex “Cloud”, consisting of six 81-mm grenade launchers 902В and thermodynamic equipment can be smokescreens, providing camouflage on the battlefield.

Shot 152,4 mm gun installation. Firing range – up to 29 km, rate – 7 – 8 RDS./min

A column of artillery on the March. Reserve units – 500 km

Control scheme the flight of the projectile “Krasnopol”:
1 – ACS “Msta-s”; 2 – trajectory of the projectile; 3 – spotter with a laser range finder-target designator; a 4 – armor purpose

The projectile “Krasnopol-M” and the distance of the laser-room-designator MDC-4 with a thermal imaging sight. The range of recognition and the laser target illumination is of the tank type day -5-7 km, 3 to 4 km

Guided missile “Krasnopol”

Guided missile “Krasnopol-M”:
1 – laser homing head; 2 – the block of automatic damping; 3 – block of the autopilot; 4 – high-explosive warhead; 5 – base gas generator; 6 – block stabilizers
“Msta-s” is equipped with onboard computer with display, automatic control system by pointing the gun in a vertical plane, which provides automatic input of angles of sight, the horizontal stabilization, the possibility of recovery lay in a vertical plane after each shot. Equipment for reception and transmission of data allows you to transform information about the settings for the shooting, handed over from a senior commander, at a distance of 500 m.
For firing of guns from concealed positions on self-propelled used automated sighting system with a panoramic sight 1П22 installed in the armored covers on the turret roof. For direct fire, a sight 1П23 placed on the front sheet of the tower. Observation of the terrain can be combined TKN-HOUR day and at night illuminated by floodlight OU-SHKOM.
External communication is provided by a VHF radio station R-173 with a range of up to 20 km, internal communications -equipment 1В116 for up to seven subscribers.
Self-propelled artillery 2S19 “Msta-s” constructed “on a special tracked chassis, largely unified with the tanks T-80. Chassis placed welded housing made of rolled armor plates, turret with 152-mm gun, targeting systems, aiming, automatic loading, stowage of ammunition. The frontal part is made of homogeneous steel, the side stand hit of splinters, small caliber projectiles and armor-piercing bullets. The mass of the tower without ammunition of 13.5 tons, unit weight 42 t
The engine room is located aft. Here is a 12-cylinder, four-stroke high speed diesel engine V-84-1 (or-84A) of the Chelyabinsk tractor plant. It is a modernization of the diesel engines of the type-2 (To-46) and consists of two blocks of cylinders of a V-shaped, has a boost from the drive centrifugal blower, liquid cooling.
Engine-84-1 – multi-fuel is the primary fuel of L-40 it can run on kerosene TS-1, T-1, T-2, and gasoline A-72. Engine power 840 HP(780 HP), displacement – 38,88 l; mass of the dry engine – 1020 kg, overall dimensions-mm. 1480x900x902 power density ACS, over 19 HP/ton
Fuel tank capacity of the car is 1300 litres, which gives it a power reserve of approximately 500 km.
Power transmission: mechanical, planetary rotation mechanism, the gear shift has seven front and one rear speed. Suspension of six rollers on Board, drive wheels in the rear. Suspension-independent on long torsion bars, which determined the displacement of the rollers on both sides by 110 mm in relation to each other. On the 1st, 2nd and 6th road wheels are telescopic hydropneumatic shock absorbers, which allowed us to do when shooting without the use of base plates or openers. Therefore, the time of the transfer of the installation from traveling to combat takes only about two to three minutes.

“Msta-s” extends to a firing position

Installation is ready to fire on the camouflaged position. The tray feed mechanism omitted for possible firing shells directly from the ground, without the expense of own ammunition on Board

“Msta-s” on the obstacle course. “Russian exhibition of arms” Nizhny Tagil, 2013
ACS includes a highly efficient air conditioning system, is the filtration installation. Autonomous power unit, which is a gas turbine with a capacity of 16 kWh provides continuous operation for up to 8 hours without turning on the main engine.
Rubber caterpillar width 580 mm has 86 trucks weighing at 15.6 kg.
SAU 2S19 “Msta-s” are in service battery of artillery regiments of the armored and mechanized infantry divisions of the Land forces; each can be up to eight units. Batteries combined in a firing battery artillery systems OBAK “Kapustnik”, which, in addition to ACS, include the command-observation car of the commander of the battery 1B 152 “Kapustnik-B” based on the BTR-80, machine senior officer 1V 153 “Kapustnik-B” on the base vehicle “Ural-43201” with the universal body.
Currently, work is underway on further improvement of the ACS. So, SAU 2С19М and 2С19М1 equipped with new fire control system and pointing guns, “Success.” Since 2014 began to produce installation 2S19M2, which significantly increased the firing rate, increased the efficiency of the fire, was equipped with modified equipment and computers.
As of 2014, our army had 600 pieces “Msta-s”. In the armies of other countries also have installation 2C19. For example, in 2013-2014 they were in Belarus – 12 points in Venezuela is 48 units, in Ukraine – 40, Ethiopia – 10 units Also commenced delivery of systems to Azerbaijan, a potential buyer is India.
Military experts believe SAU 2S19 most perfect “machine” of all created to date systems in its class. Taking part in a military parade in honor of the 70th anniversary of victory in the great Patriotic war on red square in Moscow on 9 may 2015 installation “Msta-s” has received well-deserved applause of the guests in the stands, including foreign observers and military attaches.
Characteristics of the shells SAU “Msta-s”

Adopting a year………….1989
The mass of installation, kg……………………..42 000
Length of body, mm………………………….6040
Width, mm……………………….3380
Height, mm………………………..3350
Length with gun, mm……………………..11917
Ground clearance, mm……………………………………..435
Base, mm………………………………………….4520
Track, mm……………………………………….2800
12-cylinder, four-stroke diesel V-84-1 liquid cooling
Engine power, HP………….840 (780)
Specific power, HP/t…………………..19
Maximum speed, km/h……………..60
Capacity of fuel tanks, l……………1300
Cruising on the highway, km……………………500
Specific ground pressure, kg/cm2 ….0,87
Mark of the gun…………………………………2А64
Caliber guns, mm…………………………152,4
Barrel length, CLB……………………………….47
Vertical aiming angles,
grad…………………………………………- 4 – + 68
Horizontal aiming angles,
Combat rate of fire,
RDS./min……………………………………..7 – 8
Ammunition, PCs……………………………………….50
The maximum range
shooting FFS, km……………………………..29
The mass of the projectile OFS, kg……………………43,5
Maximum firing range
shell “Centimeter-M”, km……………..18
The mass of the projectile “Centimeter-M”, kg 48
Maximum firing range
projectile “Krasnopol-M”, km……………25
The mass of the projectile “Krasnopol-M”, kg 43
The caliber and brand of gun…………..12,7-mm
Overcoming obstacles in m:
– the height of the wall………………………………..0,5
– the width of the pit………………………………..up to 2,8
– elevation, hail……………………………………25
roll, deg……………………………………….20
Time ready to fire, min.:
– from unprepared positions
with March…………………………………………..6 – 8
– prepared positions…………..2 – 3