MISSILE Launched in 1963, work on the creation of Zenith rocket complex of average range “petriot” had as its main objective the replacement was on the US Army anti-aircraft missile complex (3RK) of the previous generations – “Nike-Hercules” and “hawk”. The main criteria underlying these works was the requirement of a minimum number of personnel and equipment to reduce life cycle cost, as well as the achievement of the characteristics required to repel air threats, the appearance of which is expected about the subsequent decade.

The basic requirements to the system are received at the time the designation SAM-D (surface-to-air misslle-development), issued and approved by October 1964, and three of the firm “Raytheon”, “Hughes aircraft” and RCA started the development of its main components on a competitive basis.
The original project of SAM-D, it was envisaged that the system will be able to hit multiple aerial targets at ranges of up to 185 km in the widest range of heights from the minimum to the maximum achievable by the aircraft at the time.
Already in the early stages of development the system was supposed to give quality of high reliability. With this in mind, the SAM instrument is operated with a maximum use of solid state elements, the system is planned to be equipped with a built-in hardware self-monitoring and automatic disconnection of faulty units. Similar principles guided the firm, “Martin-Marietta”, which was assigned the development of anti-aircraft guided missile. As a result of firm long-term studies for rockets took a wingless aerodynamic design with four differential aerodynamic control surfaces located in the tail part of its body According to representatives of the company, further development of the missile was planned to conduct on the principle of creating a “wood blanks”, which required minimal maintenance and was used without prelaunch. In the final version of the missile, the monitoring of its technical condition in the process of operation is carried out using built-in devices that automatically control all parameters of electronic components and systems for missiles and regularly transmit data about the state of her blocks on the computer control room fire.
Mock missiles MIM-104 before a Department of the Corporation
The mock-up MIM-104 before a Department of the Corporation “Tocol” in the suburbs of salt lake city
In may 1967, after consideration of the proposed options as the head developer of this system chose the firm “Raytheon”. In early 1968 , the Army the United States have signed a contract with her. In accordance with it, the start of serial production 3RK was planned for 1970. and adopting and 1972
However, the reality exceeded all possible expectations Only in November 1969 , on the testing ground of the company “Martin Marietta” in Orlando was the first throwing a rocket which had a size and weight similar to SAM SAM-D. When the start was used the experimental container and the engine, loaded reduced charge of solid fuel.
However, by the time the developers SAM has almost finally established in its parameters, operation principles and design the essential elements and technological features of their production.
So, in the rockets, later the designation MIM-104, was part of solid-propellant motor, warhead, control and guidance and fairing. The last was made of a ceramic material, the thickness of which in some places reached up to 16.5 mm, with a coating of cobalt alloy in the most heat-stressed areas.
Under the fairing was a flat radar antenna with a diameter of 305 mm guidance system MDAGS, block guidance in the terminal phase ( CU-6) and modular unit guidance in the middle portion (MMR). The MMP unit placed in the compartment of the warhead and contains navigation equipment and onboard computers. Here mounted inertial unit, an accessory electronic apparatus, signal Converter, safety and Executive mechanism, antenna radio controlled fuses and spherical high-explosive warhead.
The propulsion system of the TX-486 was a single-mode rocket engine solid fuel (SRM) with a monocoque case and a charge of fuel, the form of which provides close to a neutral law of change of engine thrust in time. The average thrust of the engine was 109 kN at the time of operation was 11.5 C. On the outer surface of the housing compartment in gargath was laid two cables to transmit signals from the guidance system located in the tail section of the rocket body controls. In the space between the engine nozzle and covering the tail section was located hydraulic actuators aerodynamic rudders, battery, compressed gas cylinders, pump and oil reservoir. On the end wall of the tail section around the nozzle exit placed antenna radio command line guidance.
Ready to launch was stored in the transport-launch containers, the front of which is closed by a glass fiber reinforced rubber cap punched out by a rocket during the launch. To cut back suit container also mounted cover made of fiberglass.
Us SAM Patriot (mod. MIM-104A)
One of the most significant innovations of the creators UM-D became realized their scheme flight control of rockets using a combination of hovers. At the initial stage of flight missiles used software guidance, radio command on average in the final — semi-active according to the method of TVM (Track-via-misille — support via a missile), using onboard radar and correction from the ground station. Use to the given method has greatly reduced the system’s sensitivity to different measures of electronic warfare, to organize the flight of the rocket on the optimal trajectories and destroying targets with high efficiency and dramatically reduce weight and size characteristics of the onboard equipment control. The relative position of the missile and target were determined using equipment installed on Board. This information is via the radio link was transmitted to a ground guidance station which processed together with data obtained from ground-based radar complex. This allowed to minimize errors in determining the relative position of the missile and target, increased with the increase of the range of guidance that is characteristic of the method of command guidance. In complex interference conditions, operators can adjust the flight of the missile to the target using a radio link connection between the station and the rocket.
Four years after throwing the first start-up. January 11, 1974, the missile was first performed maneuvers on trajectories of guidance on the commands received from the ground radar. All in all, during the development of the basic version of SAM OM-D has made over 125 launches. And finally, in may 1982, 15 years after the signing of the contract SAM “patriot” (as in the spring of 1976 became known as AM-D) missile, MIM-104, adopted the US army.
Possible patriot missile could be used to cover the major administrative and industrial centers, naval and air bases from attacks of all available means of air attack. He could simultaneously detect and identify more than 100 aerial targets, continuously accompany selected eight of them. to prepare source data for shooting, start-up and guidance to three anti-aircraft missiles on each target. The reaction time of the SAM “Patriot” was kept to a minimum, primarily due to the prior reversal in azimuth of a package of four containers is fixed with the constant fragile of inclination to the horizon on the launcher (PU) in the direction of the alleged attack, and also due to the minimum loss of time on the yield of the missiles on the flight path When installing on the ground for each PU is assigned a certain sector of space, and these sectors overlap repeatedly.
However, in the next twenty years, “patriot” and not engaged in battle with enemy aircraft. Emerging in the 1980’s a change of priorities, not only in world politics but also in the principles of warfare made the main rival of “patriot” tactical (MAF) and operational-tactical ballistic (TRUNC) missiles.
Improving the efficiency of destruction of ballistic missiles and became one of the priorities of further improvement of the SAM “patriot”. These work on the program, PAC-1 (Patriot Advanced Capability) was launched in March 1985 and was aimed at increasing the efficiency of defeat by means of Patriot missiles MAF and TRUNC primarily for his defense. In view of this, the Central task was but the destruction of ballistic missiles, and ensuring its deviation from the aiming point at the distance of several kilometers.
This version of SAM was tested on the range white Sands in September 1986 at intercepting missiles MIM-104 ballisticheskih tactical missiles “lance” at an altitude of about 8 km as a result of the interception after the explosion of the warhead missiles were damaged control surfaces “lance,” she strayed off course and fell to the ground 5 km from the intended target.
The next stage of modernization of the patriot missile, the PAC — 2 was intended to adapt it for the defense from blows of TBR small areas. The task of this version of SAM was not only providing the deviation from the aiming point MAF, and its destruction in the trajectory. Modification of missiles MIM-104 was to improve its combat units and install a new fuse, is able to optimize the time of detonation of the warhead at high speeds convergence. The mass of the striking elements of the warhead was increased from 2 to 45 grams.
Anti-aircraft guided missile MIM-104A American patriot missile
Anti-aircraft guided missile MIM-104A American patriot missile:
1 — cobalt coating of the nose fairing; 2 — head ceramic radio transparent fairing of the guidance system; 3 — instrument Bay; 4 — a cover of the hatch of the operational guidance system; 5 — radiating antenna of the radio Fuze of the warhead; 6 — housing compartment of the warhead; 7 — carrying case solid-propellant rocket motors TX-486; 8 — box fairing; 9 — differential aerodynamic control surfaces; 10 — tail cone fairing; 11 — receiving antenna of the radio Fuze of the warhead; 12 — body tail section; 13 — front cowl fairing; 14 — electrical contact starting systems, solid propellant motors; 15,18 — tear elektromontazhni; 16 — nozzle solid propellant motors; 17,19 — command radio antenna; 20 — the screw of the telescopic junction of the compartments

Version of the PAC-2 was tested in range white, Sande in November 1987, when the modified missile MIM-104 was struck by another missile, MIM-104. As a result, the version of the PAC-2 was accepted into service immediately after the implementation of PAC-1 and it was deployed in the middle East in the autumn of 1990 with the goal of providing air defense of Saudi Arabia and Israel from possible air and missile strikes from Iraq.
The lessons learned from the analysis of combat operations in the Persian Gulf, soon became the basis for further improvement of the SAM “Patriot”. Already in 1992 began implementation of the “Quick response”, which performed works on improvement of the radar. Its membership has included a new receiver, have installed the equipment of satellite navigation. At the same time upgraded launcher, that allowed you to place them at a distance of 10 km from the command post of SAM. This increased the persistence of the SAM in terms of the penetration of the enemy using modern weapons of destruction, missiles and their means of control.
Further improvement of the “patriot” was carried out in accordance with the program PAC-3. In the 1995 version of SAM PAC-3 “Configuration-1” in the complex has introduced a new processor, considerably improved characteristics of the radar, and upgraded the station monitoring the situation and clearing-house centre by improving the characteristics of the fire-control computer at the same time SAM completed an advanced missile with increased range of fire GEM (Guidance Enhanced Missile), equipped with high-speed fuse of the warhead and new guidance equipment, provide a larger hit targets (according to some sources, up to 150-160 km) and the efficiency of destruction of ballistic targets.
The modernization of PAC-3 “Configuration-2”, made in 1996, largely concerned about improving the software with the aim of improving the characteristics of the radar. the ability to detect small and low-observable targets, countering anti-radar missiles of the enemy, like domestic anti-radar Kh-58 and KH-31P, and their aircraft-carriers.
Execution of works on further modernization of the PAC-3 Configuration “-3” completed in 2000, during her part of the SAM introduced a number of new electronic elements, improved software, improved characteristics of the radar for determining the start points and drop the MAF. Once again improved, and missile launchers, allowing you to place them at the distance of 30 km from the command post. Simultaneously with the modernization of the “Patriot” the US Army initiated a number of programmes related to the search for possible ways of using previously made missiles MIM-104, which had not succumbed to modernization. One of the proposed concepts received the designation PPS (Patriot Precision Strike), and it is expected that it will allow you to use the MIM-104 in the composition of the tactical missile complex of a class “earth — earth”.
Features of the SAM MIM-104
The maximum diameter of the rocket body, mm ……………………. 416,6
Length of missile, mm …………………………………………………………… 5321,6
The magnitude of the rudders, mm …………………………………………………………… 860,1
The mass of the rocket, kg …………………………………………………………….. 908-914
Weight of missile with container, kg ……………………………………… 1696
The size of the container, m ………………………………………………….. 6,1.x 1,09х0,99
Weight warhead missiles М248, kg ……………………………….. 91
Slant range, km ………………………………… from 3 to 80
Height of defeats the purpose, km ………………………………………….. from 0.06 to 24
Maximum speed, m/s ………………………………………….. 1700 (M=6)
Have a maximum transverse overload, g .. 30,
Steady transverse overload, g ……………………… 20
The duration of the flight, with ………………………………………… from 8.3 to 170


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