Car and motorcycle appeared almost simultaneously and peacefully coexist for more than a century. From time to time attempts have been made to combine the merits of both vehicles in a single two-wheeled machine. Indeed, it is tempting to create the crew is as comfortable as the car, and as cheap as a motorcycle…
Offer readers a structure such automatised — wheeled “Mustang-350”. I hope that this car will attract the attention of not just enthusiastic homebrew, but also a professional car and Motostroitel.
“Mustang 350” is a double single-track two-wheeled motor vehicle with closed body. In fact, it’s a motorcycle “IZH-Jupiter-5” longer wheelbase. From the serial IZH it features a new frame and a pair of lateral lifting of the wheels, allowing him to stand upright at stops and at low speeds. Engine —two-stroke, two-cylinder, liquid-cooled with a capacity of 24 HP These engines recently began to produce for the Izhevsk motorcycles, and this is the best fit for my Mustang.
Frame “Mustang” is welded from steel tubes in special stocks. A motorcycle uses the following parts: steering head bearings, suspension components, engine, and attachment points of the pendulum suspension of a back sprocket.
Slipway for welding the frame is assembled from wooden bars on a level floor or on the Board from chipboard. First in the stocks is hardwired in steering column (tilt it to the vertical should be the same as the underlying IL), the attachment points of the engine and swingarm rear suspension together with a part of the staff of the Izhevsk frame. Then from thin-walled steel pipe bend elements of the frame. Pre-stuffed tubes sifted sand, and place the bend are heated with a gas burner, blow torch or in the forge. Then customize them to the previously installed on the frame detail and components.
Details primatyvajutsja by welding each pair of the two or three points. After checking the geometry of the frame to produce the final welding. It is necessary to control the vertical position of the steering column and perpendicular to the axis of the pendulum suspension of a back sprocket a longitudinal axis of symmetry of the frame. The frame straightening is performed by heating the necessary areas.
The mechanism of the retractable supporting wheels mounted on the frame of the frame, which also performs the function of the arc security. The orientation of the axis of rotation of the rack shown in the drawing frame, however, during the processing of this node it makes sense to clarify. To accomplish this it is best the following way. First made stands retractable landing gear in accordance with the drawing, after which they are fixed to the rotary nodes (joints) that clamps or other clamps are temporarily fixed on the frame. Further, the landing gear are transferred to “released” and carefully exposed relative to the plane of symmetry of the machine and the height. Under normal compression of the shock absorbers wheel machine produced the chassis touch the ground (under load, driver, passenger and Luggage to 20 kg). In the retracted position, they are located on one level and symmetrically with respect to the longitudinal axis of the motor transport funds. After completing all the adjustments swivel nodes first primatyvajutsja to the frame by welding, and then welded permanently.
Fig. 1. Single-track motor vehicle “Mustang 350”.
Fig. 2. The Layout Of The “Mustang-350”:
1 — telescopic fork front wheel (motorbike), 2, 21 front and rear wheels (motorbike), 3 — headlight, 4 — pedal control 5 — front fairing of the hull, a 6 — hinge folding lantern, 7 — casing (“torpedo”), 8 — rack and pinion (motorized FDD), 9 — steering wheel, 10 — folding canopy, 11 — thrust gear, 12 — folding backrest for driver, 13 — passenger seat back, 14 — intermediate shaft with the levers of the gear, 15 — frame motobecane, 16 — rear fairing of the hull, the 17 — fuel tank (aluminum canister with a capacity of 10 to 20 litres) 18 — bottom (main) part housing matusadona, 19 — rear light unit 20 to the absorber suspension rear wheel (IZH motorcycle or Ural), 22 — a muffler (from a motorbike), 23 — pendulum suspension of a back sprocket (motorcycle IZH), 24 — pulley mechanism of the starting device, 25 — gear shift lever gear change, 26 — vertical gear shift lever gear shift, a 27 — engine (twin-cylinder, two-stroke, liquid-cooled, displacement 350 CC), 28 — wheel retractable landing gear, a 29 — seat driver and passenger, 30 — longitudinal traction mechanism of cleaning the landing gear, the 31 — lever mechanism housekeeping-issue chassis, 32 — arm mechanism for cleaning the landing gear, 33 — details Polycom and wheel arch (plywood 8 mm thick), 34, 36 — front and rear turn signals (on any motorcycle), 35 — a gear shift knob.
Fig. 3. Truck motosezona:
1 front wheel 2—front fork (from a motorbike), 3 — the steering arm, 4 — rack and pinion (motorized С3Д), 5 — front docking site, 6 — rear docking platform, 7 — the upper beam of the frame, 8 — frame, the Central frame, 9 — front front attachment points of the engine 10 to the fixing unit retractable landing gear, 11 — front area of the mounting seat 12 — front seat mounting, 13 upper mount of the rear shock absorber 14 — rear shock (from a motorbike), 15 — rear wheel (motorbike), 16 — hour, 17 — node mounting the engine and swing fork rear wheel 18 to the front attachment points of the engine, 19 — pendulum fork rear wheel (motorbike), 20 — wheel retractable landing gear, a 21 — strut retractable landing gear, 22, the lower beam of the frame, a 23 — skin-white frame, 24 — steering wheel, 25 — tie rod, 26 — bracket with grip shift 27 — bracket intermediate shaft gear.

Landing gear must be released (or dropped) simultaneously, what is the linkage. Drive gear — lever located to the left of the driver and having a spring-loaded lever, which stands recorded in one of the selected positions.
Driven by the “Mustang” steering wheel. The most appropriate to use to drive a rack and pinion mechanism from motorized FDD, which is fixed to the Central beam of the frame. On front fork mounted steering arm connected to the steering gear rack rigid rod with ball joints.
You can apply more than a simple drive from the steering shaft to front fork cable. This shaft is mounted in the sleeve, fixed by welding on the upper beams of the frame. The sleeve — cut steel tube with pressed into her bronze, textolite or PTFE liners. Is welded to the shaft lead the rope drum reducer—Assembly of two steel disks, between which the bolts are attached to textolite or plywood drum with a helical semicircular groove on the surface.
The clutch drum is arranged similarly. For fixing it on the feathers of the front wheel fork he made the cut. It is attached to the fork by a pair of bolts and nuts. The ratio of the diameters of the driving and driven drums roughly 1:2.
Control system — automotive type. Clutch pedal and brakes and suspension, drive mechanism, clutch and front brake cable, the rear brake with a hard pull (like on a basic bike).
The gas pedal also suspended, the drive of the throttle valve of the carburetor is the standard cable budenovskoy shell.
Arm transmission mounted on the right side of the driver’s seat, on the upper beam of the frame. With the lever on the shaft of the shift motor it connects two rigid rods via an intermediate shaft with a pair of levers.
Engine “Mustang” is triggered by a handle located under the right hand of the driver, under the instrument panel. The drive shaft of the starting mechanism of the motor with nylon rope, two or three turns which are wound on a drum supported in place of the regular lever of a releaser.
The instrument panel is an instrument cluster from the base of the motorcycle. Staff and electrical system; the only difference is that instead of one of the headlights on the ‘ Stang has two.
And now about the main thing, without which “Mustang 350” would not be two-wheeled car— the body. Matusadona, as mentioned above, he closed with a hinged cap-lamp. Such a body can be done in almost any material: plywood and hardboard, roofing steel and duralumin, as well as of fiberglass with the use of polyester or epoxy resin. The most interesting method. Moreover, if the car is made in a single copy, it makes sense to use technology vikaki on the boob.
First of all, this requires a master model or, as it is not too respectfully referred to as specialists, is an asshole. It is a sheathed by a hardboard frame and stringer construction, the surface of which is low in relation to the future surface of the body 10…15 mm. the Final finishing of the body — with the help of clay, netgateway putty or plaster. As a rule, first working on the right (or left) half of the body, and then removing it several plywood templates, go to the symmetrical other half. When you create a fool it is necessary to provide recesses forming at Vileika stiffeners. After final processing of the dummy surface is covered with wax mastic parquet and polished.
The body shell wikiepedia in a dry, well-ventilated room or in warm dry weather on the street. For the first layers it is recommended to use stekloprokata for fine thin fiberglass satin weave. Deepening to increase the stiffness of the paste over the first couple of layers of fiberglass and filled with foam. Last processed flush with the surface of the shell, after which Vileika body continues.
For reasons purely technological body is divided in its lower part, a lamp, rear and front fairings. Accordingly, these elements are formed on the same dummy in several stages: first the lower part — at the same time through the docking housing, and the lantern fixed slats, and then, after removing the slats, front and rear fairings, and last but not least — lantern.
After the formation of the shell thickness 3…4 mm Vileika ends, and the next day the blank body can be removed from the boob. Keep in mind that often this can be done, only breaking the fool, therefore, in its manufacture, consider the areas that will be easy to remove without any risk to damage the fiberglass shell.
The final development of the case — after installing it on the frame. By the way, the docking device needs to be quick — it will greatly facilitate maintenance and repair of aggregates of autoroller.
In conclusion, the shell is carefully puttied and vyshkurivaetsya, it cut the necessary holes and Windows are fitted and installed folding lantern, installed Windows. This is followed by painting in several layers with intermediate Vykurovanie and grinding.
The side Windows are cut from Plexiglas thickness 3…4 mm. Windshield (tempered or laminated) fixed with epoxy and strips of fiberglass.
The inner surface of the cabin are covered with foam, fiberglass and in the last stage is decorated with artificial leather (suitable and suitable for the texture of the fabric).
Cabin floor is made of plywood with a thickness of 6-8 mm, treated with hot linseed oil. Plywood wikiepedia and Nisha under the front wheel. Seats driver and passenger — made of plywood, foam rubber and artificial leather. Please note that the back of the front seat is mounted on a single rack, which can be tipped forward, thereby facilitating embarkation and disembarkation of passenger.
Manage the “Mustang” is as easy as a normal bike. The use of the produced chassis of difficulty, as a rule, is not already in an hour or two when you slow down below acceptable level you will transfer the chassis to the position “released” as relaxed as the driver lowers his foot, holding the stopped bike.
Igor MNEVNIKI, design engineer

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