The fighter I-16 in the civil war of Spain. The history of the airplane. This plane was largely first. In the USSR, he was the first popular fighter with retractable landing gear, the first fighter, which the pilot’s seat was equipped with an armored backrest and, finally, the world’s first fighter-bomber. We are talking about the plane I-16, created by the design Bureau of Nikolai Nikolaevich Polikarpov, who in the second half of the 1930-ies deservedly called “king of fighters”.
In 1932, Polikarpov almost simultaneously started to develop two fighter — biplane, which was subsequently known under the designation I-15 and monoplane. The last design was initially conducted in initiative order, and in may 1933 the leadership of the air force Polikarpov was given the job on a fighter-monoplane under the designation TSKB-12.
November 22, 1933, the government took the decision to launch the TSKB-12 into production. To conduct flight tests produced two prototype aircraft — one with the Right Cyclone engine and the second with a standard domestic motor air cooling type M-22, which is already 30 December 1933, test pilot Valery Chkalov for the first time raised in the air.
By February 1934 the aircraft was prepared for the state tests. Both fighter showed good results, but mass production decided to launch the plane with the engine M-22.
Test fighter continued in parallel with the preparation of the machine for serial production. During the tests on the aircraft with the engine M-22 at the ground was achieved in the speed of 359 km/h and at an altitude of 5 thousand meters — 325 km/h.
State tests And 16 continued until October 12, 1934. According to their results, a decision was made to launch the aircraft into series production at two enterprises of Moscow plant No. 39 in the city of Gorky (now — Nizhny Novgorod) at plant No. 21.
The first production version of the aircraft became the I-16 type 4. This plane is fully consistent with the version of the TSKB-12 with the motor M-22 in 1935, the plane began to arrive in the combat units, and in 1936 I-16 type 4 was a baptism of fire in the sky Spain.
“Spanish”-16 fighters
I-16 type 5 engine M-25. The fighter was a development of the first production I-16, type 4, as amended, the Hood with its rear edge was almost directly adjacent to the fuselage and to the air outlet in the bonnet was made nine oblong holes for exhaust pipes of the engine. This type of hood remained in all later modifications of I-16. Air screw was set and ratchet cook to run the engine autostarteris.
The visor of the cockpit lengthened by installing a sight, “al’dis” Armament — two machine guns ShKAS in the center section (outside of the drive screw) with 900 rounds each. There was also the possibility of the suspension of 200 kg of bombs.
Design, weight and performance of the aircraft was the same as I-16, type 4. From July 1935, the plane was put into the series. I-16 type 5 was the most numerous in the period from 1935 to 1937.
I-16 type 6 with engine M-25A. Same I-16 type 5, but with engine M-25A with a capacity of 730 HP and three ShKAS machine guns. Added the fuselage synchronised machine gun mounted below the engine. The extra-point was established based on the experience of the first air battles in Spain.
I-16 type 10. The most radical modification I-16 type 5. Unlike the original version, the aircraft was equipped with the engine M-25V with a power of 750 HP and is armed with four machine guns ShKAS, two of which were located on a synchronous motor. The sliding canopy replaced by fixed visor, instead of the optical sight “al’dis” was installed crematory, type PAK-1.

Fighter I-16:
1 Kil, 2 — removable trim panel fairing, 3 — sliding the cockpit canopy, 4 telescopic rifle scope, 5 — Venturi 6 — operational hatch, 7 — spinner, 8 — the hinge of the rudder, 9 — rudder 10 — skid, 11 — flap door of the cockpit in the closed position, 12 — guiding sliding canopy, 13 — air-lice, 14 — exhaust pipes, 15 — the canopy in the open position, 16 — cockpit door in the open position, 17 — wheel main landing gear, 18 — panels of the engine hood, 19 — canopy cockpit, 20 — ANO left wing, 21 — fender strut main landing gear, 22 — plate rack and wheel, 23 — cover of machine-gun compartment, 24 — LDPE, 25 — Aileron, 26 stabilizer, 27 — hinge rudder, 28 Windows illuminate the instrument Board, a 29 — wing machine gun, 30 — attenuator, 31 sites of attachment of the crutch, a 32 — spike support, 33 — a basic heel, 34 maintenance hatches, 35th machine gun hatch cover, 36 — seat 37 — seat Cup, 38 — attachment fittings-seat, 39 — wing gun, 40 — louver adjustment cooling of engine cylinders, 41 cable harvesting landing gear
The fuselage and wing stepped up, removed the mechanism of unresponsiveness ailerons and reduced their area, set flaps, strengthened the control knob, changes in the oilsystem. The modernization of the aircraft mass increased to 1,700 kg.
I-16 type 12 (planned to be supplied in Spain) was a production I-16 type 5, equipped with engine M-25V in addition TO the two ShKAS machine guns were added, two 20-mm ShVAK guns with 150 rounds each in the end parts of the center section.
Under the outer wing panels were installed, six removable bomb racks Der-31. Equipment fighter 20-mm guns was carried out for the first time.
I-16 type 15 (UTI-4) with the engine M-25A or 25V. Double training aircraft without weapons, with the dual control Lift of the chassis and the mechanical pointer of the landing gear installed in the rear cockpit.
Design of the Polikarpov I-16 type 10
The I-16 was a single high-speed single-engine fighter of mixed construction, with minimum dimensions. The fighter was performed according to the monoplane scheme, and had retractable landing gear.
The fuselage is a wooden monocoque type, laminated veneer, wall thickness variable from 4 mm in the front to 2.5 mm in the rear. Material: frame — pine, ash, birch plywood.
Power circuit of the fuselage was four longitudinal members and 11 of the transverse webs of the Stringers, embedded in frames, from pine slats.
When connecting wooden components had used casein glue and galvanized nails.
After Assembly, all wood surfaces on the outside of the fuselage was covered with nitrocream and nitroshpaklevok, then papered plain cloth, re-specialise and painted.
Inside the fuselage at first were deposited the grey oil paint, and from February 1939 — primer ALG-2, and over her grey enamel AE-9.
Frame No. 1 — power to its four docking ports is attached to a motor mount of the engine and the oil tank. Compartment of the fuselage between frames No. 1 and No. 3 were used to house the fuel tank and ammunition boxes for fuselage synchronized machine guns.
The space between the frames No. 3 and No. 7 was occupied by the cockpit. The pilot seat was a dural Cup, into which fit the parachute. In the later series of the fighter seat was equipped with an armored backrest thickness 8 mm and weight 30 kg. on the right side was the handle, adjust the seat height of the pilot, move the seat vertically — 110 mm.
Since the I-16 type 10 on all aircraft began to install fixed canopies made of Plexiglas with frame in stainless steel.
Instrument panel, painted black, mounted on frame No. 3 fuselage in the upper part of it had two round recesses for the arms reloading synchronous machine guns. For backlighting in the daytime were provided with two round Windows on the inside of the visor. At night the instrument panel was illuminated by two electric lamps.
In the rear part of the fuselage mounted empennage and landing a crutch. For ease of installation and adjustment of the fin and stabilizer provided a removable aluminum fairing aircraft Wing consisted of a center section and two outer consoles. The spars of the center section and truss, riveted steel pipes, CMA (later hgsa), rib — also truss, all-metal (duralumin), of box sections with brackets. The covering of the wing — sheet duralumin brand D1. The spars of the wing panels with shelves of pipes CMA and walls made of aluminum D6. Wing sock was made from a sheet of aluminum 0.5 mm thick, fairings were wileyways veneer. Plating plain consoles.
Ailerons — slit, landing they performed the function of flaps, at the same time dropping down to 15 degrees. The power range of the ailerons — dural (D6), plating — plain. Control ailerons — hard, from the controls On the I-16 type 4 and I-16 type 5 the ailerons had a wider scope and increased aerodynamic compensation.
In the center section of the wing was provided niches for cleaning the main landing gear struts and bays of the wing machine guns. The top and bottom of these compartments had a removable (or hinged) panels, providing access guns and ammunition.
At the rear of the center section (bottom) was located flaps with a maximum deflection angle of 60 degrees. The first batch of cars had pneumatic actuator release flaps, later replaced by a mechanical.
Tail unit — normal scheme, the keel of the aircraft to compensate for the reactive torque from the rotor installed at an angle 2 degrees to the left relative to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft. The installation angle of the stabilizer can be adjusted on the ground to within ±3 degrees from neutral for the selection of the minimum load on the control stick. The power range of the keel, stabilizer and rudders — aluminum, siding — plain. The drive control knob to handlebar height hard drive from the pedals to the steering wheel direction, a flexible cable.
Landing gear — retractable, pyramidal type. Racks and struts are closed light dural flaps. Cleaning and landing gear were produced by mechanical Elevator installed on the starboard side of the cockpit.
Gear wheels were equipped with mechanical brakes-Shoe type. First, the plane was equipped with wheels dimensions 700×100 mm and the wheel width was increased to 150 mm. Brake trigger switch mounted on the pedal foot control.
Tail wheel spike type had rubber-banded depreciation. The power plant of the fighter consisted of nine radial air-cooled engine M-25V power 750 HP, as well as from fuel and oil systems. The engine was mounted on Motorama of steel tubes mounted on four nodes of the power frame No. 1. The hood consisted of a head-ring with a diameter of 1388 mm and six removable covers panels. In a single unit the hood panel connected with ramrods, and castles, Fenri between the front edge of the lids with front ring massed band, made of stainless steel with a thickness of 0.5 mm.

Spanish fighter I-16 (Republican)

Spanish fighter I-16 (Franco)
The cooling air supplied to cylinders of the engine through nine adjustable Windows (blinds) in the frontal part of the hood. From the engine to the underside of the air is output through the eight holes on the side covers of the hood. Through these same holes were missed and exhaust pipes of the engine. The engine was equipped with a two-blade metal propeller with a diameter of 2800 mm propeller hub closed duralumin cook.
The fuel system consisted of pumps, pipelines and two main fuel tanks with a capacity of 254 liters, and backup, 26-liter. Both were installed in the fuselage between the power frame No. 1 and the cockpit.
The oil system consisted of a 34-litre tank, mounted just behind the engine on the power frame # 1, oil pump and pipelines.
Armament consisted of four 7.62 mm ShKAS machine guns two wing with ammunition for 900 rounds and two synchronised at the top of the fuselage (in front cockpit) ammunition at 650 rounds. Two wing bomb racks Der-31 provides for the possibility of the suspension of 200 kg of bombs.
Sighting equipment includes crematory sight of PAK-1 (early types, fighter aircraft were equipped with optical sight OP-1).
Fighters I-16 in Spain
The first batch of I-16 type 5 in the number of 31 fighter escort pilots of the 1st brigade of the Bryansk delivered from the Soviet Union on the Iberian Peninsula in October 1936 on the Soviet transport “Murales”.
The fighters were unloaded in the port of Cartagena, promptly gathered at the nearby airfield Los Alcazares and flew. Of the delivered aircraft were assembled three squadrons. Initial flight consisted only of the Soviet pilots. For efficient management of all squadron-16 joined in the fighter group under the command of captain S. Tarkhov. He led the first squadron, the second was commanded by V. Bocharov and third — S. Denisov. Later fighter group-16 was assigned the number 21 (Grupo 21). The original place-based squadrons of the group identified the airfields at Alcala and Soto.
Over Madrid
Baptism-16 fighters received 9 November 1936 in the Madrid area. The emergence of new fighters over Madrid was for nationalists a complete surprise. During the first week of continuous air combat Republican fighters shot down several enemy aircraft. However, suffered losses and Republicans on 13 November over Madrid was damaged fighter Sergei Tarkhov and the pilot had to leave the car unattended. Taking him for Franco’s pilot, from the ground it opened fire from small arms. The wound in the abdomen proved fatal for the pilot — on November 23 he died in the hospital.
After the death of S. Tarkhova the command of the first squadron took K. Kolesnikov, and the whole group of I-16 was headed by S. Denisov.
On the morning of November 16 I-16 attacked the fighter CR-32, which covered the bombers Ju-52, bombed positions of the Republicans in the district Clinical hospital and barracks Montagna. The bombing failed to disrupt the Party had no losses.
17 November, according to nationalists, they managed to shoot down the first And-16.
18 Nov three-16 of the 1st squadron took off to intercept an Italian light bombers Ro-37bis. To shoot down enemy aircraft failed, but the pilot of one of the bombers was wounded and when landing broke the plane, the pilot and gunner died.
19 Nov Franco attempted to strike a massive blow for Madrid. The RAID was attended by about fifty bombers, Ju-52, and SM 81 undercover sixteen fighters CR 32. The interception raised a squadron K. Kolesnikov.
Here’s how to describe this fight one of the pilots of the first squadron P. Akulenko “Our squadron met over Madrid “Fiats” and “heinkels”, which covered a group of 40 bombers. From this severe test, we emerged victorious. It was shot down 7 enemy planes.”.
In November the battle for Madrid is their contribution to air victories gave many pilots who fought on the I-16. Particularly distinguished in this squadron leader K. Kolesnikov and the commander of the I. Lackeys.
Here’s what he recalled about his comasca Kolesnikov P. Akulenko “a Wonderful person and pilot he was our squadron commander. Experienced, strong-willed and fearless commander. I had the opportunity to make sure that airborne fighter he was second to none”.
Until the end of 1936 on account Kolesnikova number 12 (according to other sources — 7) shot down by enemy aircraft. He died 12 may 1937, some days before his departure from Spain. Posthumously K. Kolesnikov was among the first “Spanish” was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
8 Dec six I-16 from the composition of the second squadron went on a free hunt and met with nine No-51, covering three of Franco’s bombers Ju-52. The latter immediately tried to hide in the clouds, and the German fighters engaged in combat, which proved to be unsuccessful Republican fighters shot down one enemy Not-51.
20 Dec six And 16 of the second squadron conducted air combat with the same number of fighters FIAT, damaging three of them. All the enemy fighters returned to their airfield, but when landing one of them crashed. The Republicans had no losses.
In the area of Madrid in November — December 1936, a total of acted a little more than fifty Republican fighter pilots. During this time they, according to the national command, was shot down 63 enemy aircraft. A considerable part of them were destroyed by the pilots of I-16.
In the most intense days of fighting, Soviet pilots performed five to seven sorties, displaying courage and high level of flight training. So, in early December, Lieutenant P. Putivka from the first squadron I-16 made a first in the history of the Soviet air force air RAM. Pilot S. Black was one of the first hit by a new German fighter Bf-109B. The German driver, seeing the I-16, I decided not to get involved in the fight, and leave with a climb into the clouds, but he did not realize (or maybe never knew) that the I-16 has better rate of climb. Taking advantage of the Black caught up with the enemy in vertical and opened fire, resulting in the Bf-109 exploded in the air.
Pilot G. Zakharov led alone the battle with twelve Italian fighters FIАТ GR-32, brought down three of them and returned to their base. After landing in his plane counted more than 140 holes.
It can be argued that in late 1936 — early 1937 the German fighter air force suffered the greatest losses. About the depressing mood of the German pilots and the decline in their morale says the entry in the diary of Hauptmann Harro harder, of “the Overall organization is just terrible. A full sense of what this adventure is organized by incompetent staff officers. Where the results justify the operation? Why do we not have the best fighters? Russian aircraft are superior to our cars in all characteristics.
From the total defeat of Franco’s aircraft was only saved by the deterioration in the weather.
This allowed 25 November to throw the remnants of the fighter squadron “Legion Condor” in Burgos, on 4 December at the air base Vittoria.
During this period in Spain was delivered to the first fighter Bf 109, designed by V. Messerschmitt. But first they had very little, and they could not influence the course of air battles.
3 Jan-16 fighters intercepted a group of fighters Ro-37bis and FIAT GR-32 In the result of the ensuing battle, the Franco lost one “Fiat” and single “Romeo”.
5 January, reflecting a RAID on Las Rozas, in the air rose the first squadron of I-16. The Republicans shot down one three-engine SM 81 bomber and one fighter Ro-37bis tail number 12-14.
6 January a Republican I-16 was intercepted 14 Franco’s bombers Ju-52 accompanied by three units-51. The Republicans managed to tie the fight fighter escort and inflict serious losses, killing three fighters and two bombers.
Fighting over the Jarama
In early February 1937 in Spain from the Soviet Union, delivered 31 fighter I-16. The aircraft arrived on time — replenishment allowed to compensate the loss and to form the fourth squadron.
6 Feb renewed intense air battles near the river Jarama, where Franco tried to cut the highway Madrid — Valencia.
11 February was the largest since the beginning of the war air battle in which both sides participated more than 100 aircraft.
12 Feb nine-16 suddenly attacked a group of bombers Ju-52, which flew under the cover of fighters 13 Ne-51 from the Legion “Condor” Over the Morata de Tajuna I got into a dogfight in which a fighter I-16 was shot down Not-51 captain Werner of palm and Lieutenant Hans-Jurgen NIPI. Both landed by parachute in the no man’s lane and managed to reach Franco’s positions.
The next day-16 of the squadron G. Plemenkov attacked a group of Ju-52 and Ro-37bis, marching under the cover 14 fighter CR-32. In a dogfight the fighters Republicans shot down two enemy aircraft.
16 Feb-16 fighters suddenly attacked from the clouds a group of Ju-52, shooting down one bomber.

I-16 type 5
In the middle of the afternoon of 17 February, four squadrons of the Republican fighters (about 50 I-16 And I-15) entered the fray with fifteen bombers Ju-52 and thirty fighters CR-32 and Not-51. The fight was carried on asianromance, at different altitudes, and was of a very fierce and stubborn character. During the battle, the Republicans have shot down two bombers and five enemy fighters, thereby not allowing the nationalists to the Republican positions, while losing one I-16 And two I-15.
Resistant air battles unfolded in the air and on the following day. A participant in those battles I. Kravchenko recalled, “We surpassed themselves by performing up to ten sorties. In the first flight, the squadron has shot down three enemy bombers. In the second group, headed by I. Lakeyev, shot down four aircraft.” Squadron the Republicans lost two I-16.
Here’s what he wrote in his book “Heroic Spain” General Vicente Rojo on Cheremskoi operations “Part of the aircraft to interact with ground troops, in some cases proved decisive. Only thanks to the courage of the pilots, their unparalleled fighting spirit, skill and sacrifice could she fight in such difficult conditions.”
During the stay of the first group of Soviet pilots in the Spanish Republican aviation is most clearly manifested itself in the defeat of the Italian expeditionary corps of General of Rooty coming five columns to Madrid from Guadalajara.
The deployment and advancement of enemy troops on 9 April was timely discovered by the pilots of the reconnaissance R-5 and I-16 fighters that were piloted by G. Zakharov, V. Pysakin and Hispanic Lacalle.
Immediately after Algori scouts noticed a long convoy. More than four hundred cars stretched for 10 — 15 kilometers. Next was a few battalions of infantry and tanks. The aircraft was discovered and fired from the ground. First, intelligence has no one believed, the airfield came Pumpur and Smushkevich, personally departed for further exploration. After returning they took to the air with all available aircraft. More than 100 machines of various types from SB to I-16, waves hit the enemy. The first attack, ignited several cars. Soldiers in a panic ran to the side and tried to disappear into the cold dirt. All anti-aircraft guns of the enemy were quickly suppressed. Started on extermination.
The attacks on the convoy of the enemy lasted continuously for nine days. When some planes smashed downtrodden technique highway, others replenished the ammunition.
20 March-the remains of the enemy corps dealt the last blow to SB and R-5 undercover-15 And I-16 of 21-th group.
After the defeat of the Italians at the front for a while there was a lull, which both sides tried to use with maximum benefit for themselves. At this time began to increase the number of Spanish pilots in the units of the Republicans.
In may the squadrons of the 21st fighter group was the change of flight crews. By the end of the stay in Spain the pilots were overworked.
Change of Soviet pilots in Spain were carried out every 7 — 8 months. To transfer the experience from the pilots from the first group left. I. Lakeev, P. Agafonov, N. Miroshnichenko, K. Kolesnikov and G. Zakharova. This decision is justified and allowed to avoid unnecessary losses.
Part 21 of the first group included several pilots of the 111th aviation brigade, S. S. Kamenev, stationed near Leningrad. Among them V. Musakin, K. Belyakov, A. Zaitsev, and N. Vinogradov. The composition of the squadrons of I-16 were enrolled Gusev, B. Smirnov, P. Butrym, A. Minaev, N. Ivanov and others.
21 may in Cartagena transport “Antonio Satrustegui” unloaded 62-16 fighter. Part of the aircraft had increased armament (additional synchronized ShKAS machine gun in the lower part of the fuselage under the engine). Arrived fighters went for replenishment of losses and the staffing of the newly formed units.
Squadron-16 led. And Devotchenko, A. Gusev, and A. Minaev. The battle squadron was introduced gradually. First faced off with the enemy squadron A. Minaev. By the time of joining the battle squadrons Devotchenko I. Gusev and A. Minaeva pilots already had combat experience.
Bronetskaya operation
On the night of 5 July 6, 1937, began the largest offensive of the Republicans Took part in it-16 was based at airfields Alcalali de Henares and Barajas.
6 June in a battle with the FIAT fighters were damaged I-16 G. khozyainova of squadron I. diatchenko — pilot while parachuting from the plane.
The next day in the skies over Seville La Nueva and the Brunet was shot down two CR-32 from 19 squadron de Asso Bastoni.
From 8 July in military work joined another squadron of I-16, commanded by G. Pleschenko. The unit was assembled mostly pilots of the Leningrad team. The squadron was based at the airfield Manzanares de La Sierra. Over the next two days of success in the air battles failed to achieve neither of the parties.
July 10-16 fighters from the squadron G. Pleschenko was hit by CR-32 with tail number 3-56. Two damaged enemy fighter out of the fight. But this day on the airfield And never returned-16 F. Kolosova. In subsequent battles the squadron Pleschenko suffered the greatest losses by the end of Bronetsky operations in the squadron there were only two serviceable aircraft and two pilots.
On 12 July in a dogfight agreed link-16 and link FIAT CR-32. One of Franco’s fighters were destroyed, but the remaining managed to knock down all of I-16. Among them was squadron leader A. Minaev and American A. Baumler — they jumped out with parachutes and landed in the location of its troops.
The next day F. Tinker brought down the latest German fighter Bf-109B, which was piloted by Sergeant Guido of Hynes. German fighter crashed in the vicinity of Villaverde.
July 14-16 flew cover for the attack aircraft P-Z, but to protect them, they could not later francoist fighters CR-32 from Patrulla Azuf shot down five P-Z.
Four days later the I-16 destroyed one BF-109B, which was ruled by a non-commissioned officer Harbach. The pilot took a parachute and after landing was captured. On the same day, the Republicans lost two-16 of the squadron G. Pleschenko.
Repelled the attack of the Republican troops, on 18 July 1937, Franco launched a counteroffensive. Air fighting took even more fierce on 19 July, the enemy lost one plane (And Not -16-51) 20 and 22 July were shot down one I-16 from the squadron G. Pleschenko. 24 July-16 caught carrying out a reconnaissance mission bomber Dornier Do-17P, but he received serious injuries, managed to hold on to its airport on 25 July 1937 after the capture of Franco Brunete battle ended.
July 8, during operation Bronetsky Republicans received another batch of 31 Polikarpov I-16 and several double UTI-4. Last one was in flying school in El Karmoli.
The fighting on the Northern front
July 20, 1937, Franco resumed the offensive on the Northern front in order to capture Santander — the capital of the Basque province. The difficult situation on the Northern front forced the Republicans to spend a unique operation on transfer to fighter aircraft.
17 Jun 1937, taking off from the airfield of Alcala near Madrid, the squadron of I-16 in part V. Ukhova, I. Evseeva, N. Demidov, A. Zaitsev, V. Gundy and others, rising to a height of 7000 m without oxygen devices, flew 350 km over the territory occupied by the enemy Leader in this flight was the bomber SAT with the crew, which included pilot A. Senators, Navigator N. Humenne and arrows Atone. They only know the route of flight, and pilots-16 reported the destination airfield in Albericio immediately before departure. The crew of the bomber carefully prepared for the flight and made five pre-flight on the way forward. Before boarding in Albericia the airport was bombed and I-16 sat down with great difficulty.
One of the participants of high-altitude flights, Ivan Evseev, Recalling the structure of the aircraft of the Northern front, wrote “time of our arrival all aircraft of the Republican forces of the Northern front consisted of one squadron of I-15 and a few machines of older types, such as English bulldogs, French “Potez” and “nupuri” These “flying coffins” at a speed not exceeding 200 km/h could only be used for bombing enemy positions immediately behind the front line”.
The very next day a squadron of I-16 met the enemy and shot down two fighter CR-32.
After the departure in late July V. Ukhova Home command of the squadron took I. Evseev.
At the end of July on the Northern front, the squadron flew Plygunov. Already in the morning.
7 August, she took off from the airfield of San-Tander La Alberic to attack enemy positions.
By August 12 Plygunov squadron lost two aircraft And 16 Eduardo Fernandez was hit by flak the pilot managed to leave the plane, but his parachute did not deploy. The second I-16, piloted by himself Plygunov was severely damaged in the battle and collapsed during landing, but the pilot was still alive.
August 13th fighter squadron once again flew to the attack of Franco’s troops who sought to cut highway Torrelavega — Santander strike aircraft covered the I-16 squadron B. Smirnov. To disrupt the attack tried the Italian CR-32. In the ensuing dogfight was shot down by a fighter of Franco and I-16 Plygunov. Last safely bailed out. In late may — early June 1937 of the USSR in Barcelona, arrived the first group of 60 Spanish pilots trained in the Soviet aviation schools. All arrivals were assigned to combat units and formed several new squadrons.
So, in Karmoli formed a squadron of I-16 fighters, which included the Spanish pilots — graduates. Kirovabad pilot school. The squadron commander appointed. Devotchenko. A second Soviet pilot in the squadron was N. Ivanov. Another squadron of I-16, formed of Spaniards, commanded by B. Smirnov.
8 August, the unit repeated high-altitude flights of the squadron V. Ukhova and joined her on the Northern front. At the same time B. Smirnov managed to move in a single plane and my mechanic, who sat in the small space behind the pilot seat.
Despite the heroism of the Republican troops, the advance of Franco in the North. Spain wasn’t possible to stop. The fall of Santander was a foregone conclusion.
25 August an order was received to evacuate to the airfield Colunga in Asturias.
In the evening, when everything was ready for the flight, received a message about the bombing of the airfield Colunga. Had to relocate to El carreño. It was there the next morning gathered all airworthy I-16.
26 Aug PAL Santander. The end of the month Franco took control of the whole of Cantabria and began the promotion in Asturias.
August 26 pilots-16, reflecting the attack by the nationalists on port facilities Guyon-El musel, destroyed a Ju-52 and fighter Bf-109B. Frankists in this battle, managed to shoot down two fighters I-16 one of them was piloted by Sergeant Oreja Moreno and the other pilot Rafael Magrina.
Flight performance of aircraft I-16

In one of the last days of August five surviving I-16 in a dogfight with the Italians shot down one FIAT CR-32. However, at this time the airfield Colunga was subject to an attack of Franco’s bombers. As a result, when landing the I-16 Spanish pilot Tarazona landed one wheel into the funnel from a bomb. The aircraft was damaged, and he Tarazona was wounded.
By early September, the Republicans managed to fix some And-16, and the first of the month, eight of these fighters accompanied the group And-15 to attack enemy troops. While the I-16 had to fight with a Bf-109 of the Legion Condor — it was unsuccessful for both parties. However, when planting in Colunga has damaged their aircraft pilots, Spanish Panadero, Sardines and Ortiz.
19 Sep-16 reflects the RAID of the bombers on the port of El musel, E. Gonzalez destroyed one Ju-52, but his plane was hit ARTStrelka with other bombers.
September 30 in an air battle were shot down two I-16 with the Spanish pilots.
1 October, one of the last fights, with the participation of Soviet pilots. On this day nine Republican fighters were able to repel the RAID of 12 bombers Ju-52, which was accompanied by about 20 fighters.
I. I. Evseev, commander of the North squadron I-16, with the sadly remembered “By the staff of the two squadrons was supposed to have from 20 to 24 aircraft, and us — 12, of which often only 5 — 6 could fly on a combat mission.”
At this time in Asturias remained the only Spanish pilots, Soviet pilots of the transport aircraft took through France in the Central area of Spain. By 9 October in the ranks was only two And-16, which flew the Spanish pilots and Huerta Tarazona 14 Oct Tarazona managed to win over the Bf-109B. The home of the fighter I-16 was Colunga. In the end, in the fighting ranks was only one-16 Huerta where he subsequently flew to France.
By October 21 the resistance of the Republicans in the Northern zone was finally broken. Among other trophies frankists got four damaged I-16
A. CHECHIN, N. Food reserve was