REANIMATION INKJET CARTRIDGES CANONInkjet Canon cartridges have a nasty “feature” suddenly refuse to work. To get them back to work will help the liquid to soften hands, which is freely sold in pharmacies.

In the absence of a liquid at city pharmacies, you can cook it yourself, following the given proportions:
Glycerin……………………25 g
Ammonia solution 10% 25 ml…
Ethyl alcohol 95%…..25 ml
Purified water…………to 100 ml
Cleaning the print cartridge as follows.
If the cartridge has not worked for a long time, a cavity need a syringe to deflate the existing paint, but not until the end, and just leaving. To fill in the vacant cavity 1 — 2 ml of the above liquid. If you clean the color print cartridge in the cavity where the paint runs, should not intervene. Now clean the cartridge nozzle with a cloth soaked in cleaning liquid. If it was slightly stained, it should be a cartridge to put the nozzle down on the cloth and wait 30 — 60 minutes. If the cloth was stained intensively, then consider that the job is done. Left to pump cleaning fluid, fill the cavity with fresh paint and allow it to stand from one to three hours.
In the case where the cloth is not colored (or weakly colored), it should be in the appropriate jar to place the cartridge in an upright position, the pouring of cleaning liquid to a level above the nozzle at 0.5 cm. Leave the jar for one to three days. After this time the liquid should begin to be painted. Then extract the cartridge from the jar and pump out from it a liquid. Pour 1 ml of fresh paint and wipe with a damp cloth nozzle. The cartridge should work.
A. PARTIN, L. MARTINA, Ekaterinburg

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