HAND-MADE The main ships of the U.S. Navy aircraft carriers are always ready not only to strike at the enemy, but also to reflect the Vietnam War revealed the limited capabilities of us carrier-based fighters for the conquest of the air. Assessing the first results, the management of the fleet air arm in 1965 has supported research of the company “Grumman” on the program of creating a multi-purpose carrier-based fighter and, having their priorities in this program, in July 1968, officially declared the competition for carrier-based fighter-interceptor VFX (Variable Geometry Fighter Experimental). Their proposals presented to the company “Grumman”, the “North American”. “McDonnell-Douglas, General dynamics and Ling-Temko-out”.

The finalists in December 1968 were the projects “Grumman” (aircraft with variable sweep wing) and “McDonnell-Douglas” aircraft (fixed wing).
The engineers of the Grumman tried to use scientific and technical potential and the mistakes of. made in the development of the F-111B.
They reviewed and analysed approximately 6000 configurations of the aircraft, eight of them worked more thoroughly by assigning project codes 303-60, 303A /B/C/D/E/F and G. with the exception of options 303F, with a wing that resembled “antonovskoe”, the other options are used the supporting surface of variable sweep. All versions of the fighter was the twin-engine, twin (pilot and operator of a weapon control system). The base was a project under the code 303-60.
In January 1969, the winner of the competition recognized the plane of the firm “Grumman”. This was influenced by her participation in the development of the F-111B, the important factor was the priority with which the firm worked on this project.
Already 4 FERPA 1969, the US Navy issued a contract to the “Grumman”, which the company had to pass through 51 months on a Navy fighter under the designation F-14A “Tomcat” (“cat”).
A missile AIM-54C in the Museum exposition
Missile AIM-54C in a Museum exhibition
When developing a new fighter firm “Grumman” was used as the basis of onboard equipment control system (FCS), multi-sensors, inertial navigational system, built-in testing tools, created for the F-111B.
Hard constraints based fighter on the ground demanded a revision of the airframe, avionics and all major units.
Coverage of new SLAs in 15 times exceeds this indicator system, mounted on “Phantom II”, and the detection range of the same goals radar of the F-14A was two to two and a half times more.
If selecting F-14, the Navy decided on a carrier guided missiles, the construction of the small missiles “air – air” with a range of 200 km was a complex technical challenge. Her character was formed in 1960. It was the result of the analysis and synthesis of the previous two programmes: the AAM-N-10 Eagle, performed by the firm “Bendix” in the interests of aviation of the U.S. Navy. and GАR-9 — company “Hughes” for the air force. Initially, the new missile was designated the AAM-N-11. 11 December 1962, the US Navy chose the firm “Hughes” head developer of the missile, and not by accident — its experts had extensive experience in the creation of guided missiles for the air force.
The U.S. air force in the late 1940-ies formulated for the industry the task of creating an all-weather aircraft missile complex long-range interception. A significant role in creating the aircraft guided weapons class “air-air” belongs to the specialists of the company “Hughes”, who developed rockets to RAL-1 “Falcon” semi-active radar guidance for the first U.S. subsonic jet fighter-interceptors DF-89Н and DF-94С. They were followed by a supersonic machine F-102 and F-106, which formed the basis of the continental air defense of the United States. However, guided missiles with a launch range of about 10 km is clearly not satisfied with the air force.
In 1958 to implement another program of the U.S. air force IMI (Improved Manned Interceptor — advanced manned interceptor) specialists of the company “North American”, offered the interceptor F-108 “rapier”.
Specially for the F-108 firm “Hughes” was developed by FCS AN/ASG-18 based on the pulse-Doppler radar missile and the GAR-9, “Falcon” a semiactive radar guidance system. The launch range of the new “Falcon” was set to 180 km, maximum speed corresponds to the number M = 6 for large and M = 4 is at low altitude. The rocket was supposed to complete a nuclear or conventional warhead. In connection with a large range of GAR-9 significantly increased its overall mass parameters. Weight was 360 lbs. length of 3.81 m and a wingspan of up to 0,914 m diameter — 330 mm. Program interceptor F-108 was closed after the construction of the layout on 23 September 1959.
But work on the establishment of the JMA and the rocket GAR-9 was continued. Development and flight test AN/ASG-18 was directed by Clarence Carlson — one of the best in the US, specialists in on-Board electronics. The air force has allocated for their flight testing of supersonic bomber b-58V, which is the factory of the company “Hughes” in CULVER city during the year was converted into a flying laboratory and surpassed on Edwards air force base, where the leading test pilot of the firm James Istam performed it on a number of flights. The on-Board electronics failures identified during testing, and a series of heavy flight accidents with the b-58 led to the suspension of work.
In March 1959 the air force appealed to the chief designer of the company “Lockheed” Clarence L. Johnson, with a request to consider the creation of the fighter-interceptor on the basis supersonic reconnaissance A-12, developed by the CIA. In the order of division “skunk Works”, headed by K. L. Johnson, has provided all the documentation for FCS AM/АSG-18 and rocket GАR-9. For starters, the military wanted to get an answer about possibility of construction of the interceptor. Johnson, who is interested in expanding the scope of this airplane, supported the idea.
American SD — class
The interceptor YF-12A was distinguished from the scout form the forward fuselage. Three rockets GAR-9 was placed in the compartments of the nodules of the fuselage on the sides of niches nose landing gear. In the fourth compartment housed the equipment of the QMS. During the tests, the first of three prototypes under the nacelles mounted on short pylons on the cameras in the fairings for the shooting process to launch rockets.
August 7, 1963, the YF-12A made its first flight. From the start, and with the inclusion engine “Falcon” eight fulfilled D. Istem, and the other four — air force pilots.
From March 1965 to September 1966 YF-12A made seven starts against real targets flying at altitudes from 150 m to 12 km.
In six of these missiles hit the target.
Aviation rocket complex interception produced a strong impression on the seasoned officers of the us air defense. In one of the flights at the speed three times exceeding sound, from the height of 24.5 km YF-12 at the distance of 200 km was hit by an unmanned target Boeing JQB-47, which loops at a height of 450 m. However, in a series of YF-12A never went. Robert S. McNamara, well versed in matters of combat effectiveness, remained adamant: this interceptor does not need US. The Minister of defence believed that the enemy, the worthy offspring K. L. Johnson, in the foreseeable future, the Money allocated for the program to develop the aircraft F-106X, which ended ultimately creating a widely known F-15.
In parallel with the missile programs for the air force in the firm “Hughes” have been working in the interests of the Navy, using the experience and technological advance.
For radar of the media chose a scheme that allowed (when using a broadband pampas traveling wave grid-controlled) to transfer to the search mode pulse-Doppler signals for 19 channels. Six of them were allocated for the issuance of signals pointing missiles AAM-N-11 and five for the semi-active guidance missiles AIM-7 “Sparrow”.
Simultaneous guidance of up to six AAM-N-11 was provided with a job radar in pulse-Doppler mode with time division of channels. The FCS evaluator evaluated all tracked targets according to parameters such as the distance and speed of convergence with her. the direction of flight of the carrier relative to the zone review. On-Board computer and distributed this information to accumulate in the cells for each channel tracking. The evaluation of multiple reflected from the target signals, the computer predicted its location, and the direction of the antenna radar pas it the next period of scan.
To intercept the target at a great distance for the rocket developed a combined guidance system AN/DSQ-26. At the launch phase of flight is governed by the autopilot on the special program, which brings the racket in the viewing area the radar fighter. In the middle part governed by an analog autopilot, in which homing has been reflected from the target signals to the radar carrier on his appointed before the start of the channel. On the final trajectory (in 18 km from the predicted position of the target), the rocket was controlled two-channel radar homing (HOMING). While turning on the transmitter head, as defined by the autopilot, the goal was to be in the active channel of the head of the guidance statement the purpose of jamming the missile was passed to the guidance in a passive channel for the interference source.
According to the developers, at long range (about 100 km) the missile maneuver of the target is inefficient, because in this case it remains in the beam BRPS media. In the terminal phase of flight, when the guidance is performed by commands of ARGON. AM-54 is able to track maneuvering target, surpassing it in terms of available overloads. In addition, the guidance system of the missile could lock on for 14 s after the loss of reflected from it is Doppler signal.
With the interception of aerial targets at small range (up to 20 km) in the area of ARGS the detection and tracking could be performed using the infrared system, the F-14 In this case, BRPS AWG-9 were unaffected, and the rocket immediately switched to the homing mode.
In February 1963, the Navy appropriated the AAM-N-11 Phoenix. In June, the rocket received a new cipher AIM-54A.
A rocket made by the normal aerodynamic configuration with cruciform trapezoidal wing of small aspect ratio and tail rudders rectangular shape. according to the developers. provided a small frontal aerodynamic drag and high maneuverability. The great potential of -54 AIM to intercept high-speed maneuvering purposes was a consequence of the low induced drag and high kinetic energy of the rocket. This was confirmed during the interception of radio-controlled aircraft target QF-86, carrying out the missile maneuver with six-time overload Rocket “Phoenix” successfully intercepted the target, having made in this case, the maneuver semnadtsatiletny overload.
The American guided missile of class
The American guided missile of class “air—air” AIM-54C “Phoenix”:
1 — radiotransparent Radome dual channel radar homing head; 2 — compartment of military equipment; 3 — console wing; 4 — Bay autopilot; 5 — compartment electronic equipment; 6,11 — Board-connectors-conditioning system; 7 — antenna radio controlled fuses; 8 — rocket engine solid fuel; 9 maintenance cover electric Bordesley; 10 — differential aerodynamic wheel; 12 — rear starify bracket; 13 — front starter bracket; 14 — the screw of the telescopic junction of the compartments; 15 — nozzle solid propellant
The cylindrical body of the Phoenix made of aluminum alloy with thermal barrier coating thickness of about 4 mm on the outer surface of the compartment. The coating allowed to reduce the body temperature from kinetic heating to acceptable for operation of aluminum alloy and not exceeding 200°C. During flight to a maximum range of coating thickness is decreased by 1.5 mm. the Cone of the homing head made of ceramics, can withstand heat up to 1500°C.
Rocket engine solid fuel MK.47 Mod.0 was developed by the firm “Rocketman” with the charge of mixed fuel on the basis of polybutadiene. The combustion chamber of the engine located near the center of mass of the missile and connected to the nozzle of the flue, around which is placed the equipment of the tail section, This arrangement helped to minimize the displacement of the center of mass throughout the flight path.
Equipment included missile warhead (warhead) rod type, the erosion of which provided the Doppler radar. IR or contact fuzes. The radius of destruction was about 7.5 m.
Given the difficult operating conditions, the instrument compartments of the rocket in flight joint connected to the air conditioning system carrier, using oil hydraulic.
Initially the missile was developed for the F-111B, and the first stage of its flight tests began in 1965 by performing traditional flying with the dimensions and mass models, emergency discharges and launches rockets from the plane. As a flying laboratory used a modified plane A-3A “Skywarrior” company “Douglas”, dedicated the U.S. Navy, the company “Hughes”. With him on 8 September 1965 performed the first launch of a rocket with a guidance system. In October at the Pacific missile range Navy near the island of St. Nicholas hosted the first successful launch of “Phoenix” long-range using FCS, which culminated in the interception of radio-controlled aircraft target. In April 1967, performed the first demonstration launch of А1М-54A is integrated into the F-111B. 18 January next year at the site of the Navy point Mugu with the F-111B at supersonic speed is made to start the “Phoenix”. March 8, 1969, demonstrated that FCS АWG-9 for the simultaneous intercept of two targets with two missiles “Phoenix”.
Subsequently, the missile and FCS was modified for use on fighter company “Grumman” F-14. Rocket installed a new motor and have reduced launch mass. Significantly reduced and a lot of FCS AN/AWG-9.
For testing, the QMS meant the fourth prototype F-14A, set in October 1971 the firm “Grumman” Navy to the range point Mugu. Its first flight took place on 7 October. In tests of missile weapons were involved and the sixth prototype “Tomkat”, first flying on 10 December 1971. He wypelnij testing for safe separation of the missile from the carrier. On 10 December they were joined by the ninth prototype. With this machine fulfilled a significant part of the missile launches.
Test aircraft missile system intercept F-14A with guided missiles AIM-54 “Phoenix” class “air — air” — started in April 1972 with the reset in flight of the dimensions massovyh of models of rockets. suspended PA “Tomcat”. 28 APR 1972 year at the site of the Navy point Mugu, the first launch AIM-54A from the F-14 A.
In July 1972, in the course of tests of aviation complex interception occurred a watershed event. “Tomcat” successfully hit by a missile “Phoenix” target АQМ-37A “stiletto”, imitating Soviet reconnaissance MiG-25R. Specially for these tests, the radar signature “Stiletto” as close to EPR “MiG” and she imitated a typical flight profile Soviet spy — the height of 25 km, the speed corresponding to M = 2,2. At the time of the start of the Phoenix at a target, the F-14A was flying at a height of 14.3 km with a speed corresponding to M = 1,2, at a distance of 65 km from the target. “Phoenix” has successfully hit the target.
In November 1972 was a historic flight: the first naval crew “Tomcat” – pilot Lieutenant-commander Donald G. Klein and operator Lieutenant Jack X. Javier performed group start-up “Phoenix” for the purpose of the group.
On 20 December, the crew of “Tomcat” reflected the group flying aerial targets, imitating a pair of MiG-21 and three anti-ship missiles (ASM). The role of the “MiGs” were the target ВQМ-34. in the role of the RCC QT-33. The targets flew at altitudes of 6.1 — 6.8 km at a speed of M = 0,6, F-14A was flying with excess — at an altitude of 9.6 km and at a speed corresponding to M = 0,7. The operator of the interceptor found the target at the distance of 110 km, at a distance of 92 km he switched the radar mode auto-tracking, and from a distance of 55 km has completed the launch of the first “Phoenix”, followed for 44 in the direction of the goals was followed by three more. When the rocket launch last distance up to the purpose of the group was 37 km. One target QT-33 shot down by a direct hit, the other three missiles at targets with penalties that ensure their defeat when the warhead detonation.
In further testing, simulated missile launches at targets, applying the interference and simulates, in particular, the Tupolev Tu-22M. In April 1973 the year, the crew of “Tomcat” was able to detect the target ВQМ-34 simulating “Betfair”, at the distance of 245 km and destroy it at the distance of 134 km from the starting point of the Phoenix.
During the test runs UR “Phoenix” was made with all suspension components at speeds from a minimum to the appropriate number of M = 1.6 and at pressures up to 6.5 g.
The phase “proprietary” test AIM-54A “Phoenix” was completed in June 1973. In this step, the F-14 was performed on 56 rockets, 43 of them hit the target (77%). The weapon system AN/AWG-9/ “Phoenix” has surpassed the initial requirements of the customer.
In November 1973, at the stage of military trials of the crew of the F-14A pilot, commander John R. Wilson and weapons operator Lieutenant commander Jack X. Javier — implemented a unique intercept six targets. Within 38 seconds with the F-14A from a height of 7.6 km at a speed corresponding to M = 0,78, started six phoenixes by objectives (two BQM-34A and the four QT-33), carrying out flight at speeds corresponding to the numbers M = 0,6 — 1,1, at a distance of about 80 km Four missiles hit the target, one out of the trajectory due to failure of equipment, and other start-up recognized failed due to a malfunction of the target.
Basic tactical and technical characteristics of the missile “Phoenix”
The main tactical and technical characteristics of the missile
In 1970, the firm “Hughes” received a contract for $ 85 million to release the head of the party of the 69 missiles. The first production AIM-54A under this contract put the U.S. Navy in February 1973. Mass production began in the same year.
The first in the U.S. Navy in the autumn of 1973 the F-14A received the squadrons VF-1 and VF-2 at the air base Miramar. Both squadrons were assigned to the nuclear aircraft carrier “Dwight D. Eisenhower”, which they, in September 1974 issued in the first campaign. In March 1975 the squadron VF-1 was ready for flight operations from an aircraft carrier in the daytime.
Only “spaced Tomcat” received 22 carrier-based squadrons, four squadrons of Navy reserve training and two.
The typical tasks for the F-14A was patrolling and interception. In the first case, a pair of “spaced Tomcat” aircraft airborne warning and control E-2C “Hawkeye” was on patrol 50 minutes at a distance of 550 km from the carrier. Typical load “Tomcat” included four of the “Phoenix, two Sparrow, two Sidewinder” and two outboard fuel tanks 1060 L. Combat radius of action in this case was 247 km when flying at a speed corresponding to the number M = 1,5.
November 18, 1980, the firm “Hughes” released last 2505-th standard missile AIM-54A serial number 79120. In total with commodification AIM-54B (characterized by the air-conditioning system, the simplified design of the steering wheel and the wing) released 2566 missiles. Commodification the AIM-54B was completed in 1977 and, according to some reports, these missiles are mass-produced in a training (inert warhead) ATM-54B and telemetry AEM-54B variants.
In the mid 1970-ies the developers on-Board electronics has significantly increased the tactical characteristics of the missile AIM-54A. The upgraded missile AIM-54C were able to intercept low-altitude targets with RCS of about 0.5 m2.
The first prototypes XAIM-54C was made in August 1979, and its serial production began in 1982. AM-54C equipped with the motor with increased total impulse, circuitry on-Board electronics became a fully solid-state and digital, upgraded the radio Fuze DSU-28. which allowed more accurately determine the time of detonation and increase the efficiency of the warhead MK. 82 Mod. 0. This work took into account the appearance of small and maneuverable targets such as promising Soviet cruise missiles.
AIM-54C analog autopilot replaced command-inertial guidance system allowed the missile to fly along the more complicated optimal trajectories, as well as more accurately display on the plot homing. Digital command-inertial guidance system increased approximately two times the reliability of onboard equipment and the effectiveness of high-altitude interception and vigorously maneuvering targets. New avionics AIM-54C had a built-in control system that allowed to control the serviceability of the missile prior to its suspension on the F-14A.
In June 1985, completed factory testing of a new modification of missiles – AIM-54C ECCM/Sealed, and in July 1988 and military tests. In the same year, the missile entered service. This missile was known under the designation AIM-54C+ and characterized by high noise immunity of the guidance system and improved sealing bortovoy equipment, which allowed to abandon the conditioning compartments of the rocket during the joint flight under the media. Built-in control system on-Board electronics AIM-54C+ was to reduce operating costs by 15%.
After upgrading the F-14D received FCS AN/APG-71. For this variant during serial production performed another modification of the guidance system of missiles aimed at increasing its noise immunity. This modification is known under the informal name of the AIM-54C++.
In September 1992, released the latest rocket family AIM-54C with the serial number 90420. Only made about 2000 various modifications AIM-54C.
Initially, the end of the operation the F-14 was planned for 2008, but the successful introduction into service of F-18E/F allowed to do so before the deadline.
The last flight of the F-14D squadrons VF-31 and VF-213 were made on March 10. And September 22, 2006 they were removed from service with the U.S. Navy. Aircraft models and brought to the reserve yet. Currently, once the most advanced aircraft missile system intercept became part of history.

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