PZL TS-11 Iskra (Poland)

PZL TS-11 Iskra (Poland)The plane was developed at the request of the Polish air force jet training plane. It was the first jet car built in Poland. Work began in 1957, the First prototype with a British engine, the Armstrong first flew on 5 February 1960, the Following two prototypes had the engine “Viper”.


In a series of aircraft were equipped with the Polish copy of this engine, which received the designation WSK SO-3. Iskra took part in the competition on a standard training aircraft for the Warsaw Pact, but was worse than the other applicants. The new aircraft was adopted by the Polish air force as the TB-11 “Iskra bis”. During serial production, from 1963 to 1987, there were built 424 of the aircraft. 76 aircraft exported to India.

In 1964, TS-11 has set four world records in its class, among others – record speed of 839 km/h. the Plane is in the air force of Poland to this day.
Basic data of TS-11 Iskra
Engine – WSK SO-3, a thrust of 1000 kgf. Length of 11.15 m. Wingspan – 10,06 m. wing Area 17.5 m2. The empty weight is 2560 kg. take – off weight- 3,84 t Maximum speed – 720 km/h Practical ceiling 11 km, Range of 1250 km and a Crew of two people. Weapons (combat load): built-in cannon NS-23 or NR-23 23 mm caliber, four underwing pylons with a total load capacity of 400 kg. Possible suspension of bombs, blocks of NAR or machine-gun containers.

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