WINGED WAGON SU-25TMThe interaction between aviation and ground forces—one of the conditions for the successful conduct of modern warfare. The form of this interaction is determined by the accepted military doctrine. Local wars of the 1960s years has dealt a serious blow to the supporters of nuclear missile strategy, is now considered front-line aircraft as means of delivery of nuclear weapons. Vietnam and the Arab-Israeli war revealed the need to enhance survivability and effectiveness of tactical aircraft with conventional means of destruction under intense fire counter enemy air defenses. Partly these problems were solved by modifications and rearmament of the existing fleet of tactical guided missiles “air—surface”.

Radically to solve these problems could only a specialized aircraft of the battlefield — attack. To create such a machine in the spring of 1968 began the initiative group of the design Bureau of P. O. Sukhoi. Previous experience OKB to create fighter-bombers su-7B and su-17 was allowed to assess the advantages and disadvantages of machines of this class and form the concept of promising aircraft. During the visit of Soviet defense Minister Grechko and air force commander PS Kutakhov in the fall of 1975, with the prototype of the su-25, they were assigned to the Bureau the task of destroying tanks on the battlefield with missiles. System of guidance guided missiles, created at this time for fighter-bombing-jirovecii aviation, provides the most direct launches hitting the target. The defeat of the main scoring goals zachityvalis when blasting missiles in a radius of 5-7 m from the aiming point. The same precision was provided by the Kh-25 laser guidance system, part of the ammunition of the attack. However, the test pilot NII VVS E. M. the tuning Pegs on the su-17 in the tests missiles X-23 with radio command guidance system on the dispute pushed in the explosion of the warhead of the rocket two a truck and two of the following — killed by a direct hit of missiles. But the test-firing was conducted in good weather on a fixed and well-visible targets, in real combat situation, this task is much more complicated. Besides, pilots of such high qualification in the air force is not much, but the guidance system was to provide such opportunities to the average pilot.
Given the importance of the task, OKB P. O. Sukhoi began the study of accommodation of helicopter anti-tank missile system (ATGM) “Storm-In” on su-25 and a aircraft ATRA. The possibility of piloting the plane at any time of the day at low and extremely low altitudes and the need for a direct hit by ATGM in a moving armored target determined the choice of a double layout: the pilot and the operator as combat Mi-24 helicopters with ATGM with radio command guidance system. Logical in this situation was the choice of the bases being at the stage of conceptual design Sparky—su-25UB. This approach to the development of new modifications ensured the continuity of the airframe and airplane systems with the su-25UB 85-90%.
Further preference is given to promising ATGM “Whirlwind” with latinolicious guidance system developed for the Ka-50. ATGM “Whirlwind” is allowed to attack targets without entering the air defense zone of their High degree of automation of processes new operational guidance was designed to use a pilot who, at the same time a winged car. Single-plane sighting system “Squall” was developed under the factory code T-8M.
Since the summer of 1976, work on anti-tank versions of the attack aircraft were supported by the decision of the Military-industrial Commission under the USSR Council of Ministers. After coordination and approval tacticaltech the requirements of the new attack aircraft was renamed su-25T.
Detailed design of the su-25T graduated in 1982. the next year machine-building plant.P.About.Dry started to build the first prototype of the modernized aircraft. To expedite the process, the leadership of the Bureau took the decision, supported by the order of Minaviaprom, on the construction of the su-25T using those on the Assembly of the airframe of the first prototype su-25UB.
In June 1984 by the construction of the prototype of the su-25T made up and moved on litosfernyh station EDO in the Flight research Institute.M.M.Gromov. August 17 test pilot A. N. Isakov was first raised in the air attack modernized. In 1985 and 1986 for the tests was connected to the second and third prototypes. Because of improvements aiming and piloting complex with the fluorescent optical-electronic sighting system ([OEPS]) of the “Squall” and ATGM “Whirlwind” stage of flight tests, was delayed so that its end had to combine with the first stage of state tests, which successfully completed at the end of 1990.
Modernized su-25T planned to replace the production of su-25 during the 1990s the Tbilisi aircraft production Association named.G.To.Dimitrova, where in 1987, the design Bureau was transferred to the design documentation. Serial factory in Tbilisi started manufacturing snap-on head part of the fuselage of the su-25T, and at the end of the year the final Assembly passed the glider the first production aircraft. In 1988, the plant produced two glider su-25T. In 1989 in Tbilisi has begun the final Assembly of the first two production aircraft of this modification.
The first of these flew on July 26, 1990, the factory test pilot V. P. Korostiev. Until the summer of 1991 in Tbilisi produced the installation batch of upgraded attack aircraft, most of them intended to continue the test.
The plane for the first time publicly demonstrated in November 1991 at the international exhibition in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), under the designation su-25ТК (anti-commercial). One time in 1993-1994, this modification of the aircraft called the su-34 Strike Shield.
For effective work in the conditions of market economy in November 1992, the chief designer of aircraft Vladimir Babak P. had organized a Scientific-production concern “Attack aircraft Sukhoi”. Part of the group consisted of 46 companies related to the development, production and sales of the su-25.
The production of the su-25T and its improved variants organized in JSC “Ulan-Ude aviation plant”, which produced up to this combat training version of the su-25.
In 1993 he successfully completed the state tests of the upgraded su-25T, and it entered service with the Russian air force.
In the process of development of the su-25T in January 1986, the decision of the military-industrial complex of the USSR about the development of all-weather and round-the-clock version of the su-25T, su—25TM.
For round the clock use of weapons new attack Krasnogorsk mechanical plant them.With..Zverev has developed a sighting complex And 251 with an improved OEPS “Squall-M”. The complex provides detection, automatic tracking of small-size and moving targets, the results of targeting (TSU) and automatic guidance of missiles and fire control missiles and gun armament.
For air strikes at night and at low light levels in the composition of sighting system included low-level television sighting system “mercury”. As the volumes of the airframe is limited and everything is not enough, the new system created in the container.
Kruglosutochno and automation of combat use, advanced composition modern managed aviation precision weapons, airborne reconnaissance, target designation and electronic warfare—these areas become a priority for the M3 im.P.About.Dry in increasing the combat capabilities of attack aircraft at the stage of its development. This was facilitated by the development of the design Bureau in 1989 conceptual design of another supersonic fighter-bomber C-37. Despite positive conclusions, because of the changed conditions in our country, the development of the project stopped. And technological advance used to expand the range of tasks performed, the su-25TM.
In the initial concept – attack aircraft with precision weapons has made adjustments. This was due to the international market, where in peacetime the highly specialized combat aircraft which is the su-25T, could afford only a powerful force, when it is economically justified exploitation of the many and diverse aircraft fleet. With limited funding and a stable regional political environment is more advantageous to effectively upgrade available military equipment. Renewal of the fleet is made appearance on the aviation market advanced aircraft with foreseeable future, with preference given to a multifunctional aircraft, able to solve most of the tasks defined by the national military doctrine. Multifunctional aircraft maintains the required level of professional training of flight crews and combat effectiveness is ensured by the modification, taking into account the peculiarities of TVD, and a planned upgrade in service. Given these circumstances, in 1995, was upgraded su-25TM, is aimed at expanding its functionality. Its export version is known as su-39.
The su-25TM:
1—rod LDPE; 2—front antenna system of national recognition “Password-2D”; 3—movable part of the lamp; 4—antenna of the automatic radio compass ark-15M; 5—radio-for-the ending of the keel —fairing antenna connected radio VHF and UHF P-862; 6—rudder; 7—station optical-electronic interference “bulk carrier”; 8—drag chute container; 9—antenna HF radio communication with the ground forces R-828; 10—step; 11—fixed gun mount NPPU-8M with the cannon GSH-2-30; 12—cap sensor slide; 13—aircraft ejection device AKU-58-1; 14 protivorechia-radar missile X-58Э; 15—launch container PU-0-25-L guided missile of class “air—surface” S-25L; 16—guided missiles S-25L; 17—main air receiver pressure LDPE-18; 18—antenna antenna-feeder system “Pion”; 19—five-section slat; 20—the radio waves radomes electronic warfare complex “Irtysh”; 21 —starboard navigation light (green); 22—dischargers static electricity; 23—cover filler wing fuel tank; 24—wheel KN-27 (680×260 mm); 25 — 800-litre external fuel tank; 26-1150-liter external fuel tank; 27—wheel, CD-207 (680×260 mm); 28—left side of the cabin; 29—instrument panel; 30—starboard side of the cabin; 31—left panel; 32—right panel; 33—emergency PVD-7; 34—illuminator optical-electronic sighting system “Squall”; 35—radio panel antenna Doppler velocity meter and drift angle of DISS-7; 36—beam holder BDZ-25 (with the use of weapons and the PTB mass from 500 to 1000 kg are replaced in the suspension points 3,4,5,7,8 and 9 universal beam holders); 37—pole-holder PD-62-8; 38—left on-Board air navigation light (green); 39—\,-shaped brake plate; 40— landing-taxiway spotlight; 41 container with a compact station active radio interference МПС410; 42—system heat shooting traps HC-26; 43—container radar “Spear-25”; 44 container system “mercury”; 45 container system “Course-Dagger”; 46—anti-ship missile X-35; 47—tank incendiary ZB-360; 48— air bombs KAB-500Kr; 49—aircraft launcher APU-60-1МД; 50 short—range missiles of class “air—air” R-60M; 51 — aviation launcher AAP-68УМ2; 52—a guided missile of class “air—surface” KH-25ML; 53—universal pylon

In the process of modifying the aircraft was equipped with a modern multifunction radar sighting system (RLPK) “Spear-25” three-centimeter range, and enhanced [OEPS] “Squall-M”, which greatly increased the range of combat use of the su-25TM and allowed to talk about him as an all-weather multipurpose tactical aircraft. RLPK “Spear-25” also placed in the ventral container.
In Ulan-Ude was able, using available production backlog in the su-25UB, to produce four copies of the prototype su-25TM—that’s when it came to the court, under the current economic situation, the high degree of unification of the modifications of the attack aircraft the Sukhoi design Bureau. First assembled in Ulan-Ude to su-25TM was presented in August 1995 at the MAKS-95 in Zhukovsky with the layout of RLPK “Spear-25”. Since mid-1997 in the second instance, the su-25TM has bound a new missile to the new onboard weapons control system and has launched flight tests on RLPK “Spear-25”. In August he was joined by the third prototype.
To date, the su-25TM is in the final stage of testing, the completion of which was delayed due to lack of funding.
Like su-25, a modification of the su-25T in the process of testing tested in actual combat conditions. In October 1999, at the airport in Budennovsk landed 4 su-25T for combat testing in Chechnya. In the course of their military pilots flew about 20 sorties, which had positive results. For operations in Chechnya, the main difficulty has been the detection of well-camouflaged targets, even in coordination with army intelligence. Heavy clouds and constant mist of the mountainous terrain and the limited accuracy of the guidance provided by the navigation system used by aircraft su-25, let the operations for accurate bombing.
In these conditions, the system “Squall”, has a television channel with a narrow field of view and with 23-fold magnification, has brought many benefits. The pilots could detect, identify and capture the target to a distance of 20-22 km. and UR OFFICE starts from a distance of 2-3 km and 3-4 km altitude
In the fall of 1999, the su-25T missile KH-25ML destroyed An-2—the last plane of Chechen militants at the airport in Grozny, the station space communications, repeater and other purposes.
The accuracy of hitting the target, according to published reports, when using the KAB was 1 m, and UR is 0.5 m. during the tests it became obvious the need to equip the aircraft for more accurate satellite navigation system, improving the capabilities of avionics, including communications systems.
In may 2000 against the Eritrean separatists, the Ethiopian government has used two su-25ТК, shortly before it was purchased in Russia. Stormtroopers destroyed during the two sorties anti-radar missiles X-25МП and missiles with TV-guided KH-29T two SAM “Square”. According to others, the complexes were destroyed by rockets s-24, released from the aircraft su-25UB. In the may — June 2000 in Ethiopia, the su-25 was carried out 8 sorties. This is due to the lack of decent targets in the combat zone. The command of the Ethiopian air force, vysokooktanovye results of combat use of the Russian su-25ТК.
What distinguishes the multifunctional su-25TM from its battle-proven predecessor, the su-25?
A further development of the complex of measures for increasing the combat survivability of the aircraft with increased flight time and capabilities of modern means of air defense of ground troops.
The pilot and the su-25 is located in the cab, welded aircraft titanium armor ABVT-20, the total mass which the airframe is reduced by 153 kg, or 25%. At the same time almost as much increased weight of the polyurethane foam and the outer tread bistronomique fuel tanks with increased capacity. The filling of fuel tanks with interconnected compartments elastic porous material prevents the pulse splash of fuel through the holes in the tank from shells and their fragments, preventing the fire in the compartments. The gaps between fuel tanks and air intake ducts virtually eliminate the risk of fire from contact with the fuel at the inlet of the engine. Enhanced design of the Central fuselage, highways, fuel system and linkage control system.
Combat survivability of the su-25TM is ensured not only by the durability of its design to damage by projectiles and fragments. It was important to decrease visibility of the aircraft over the battlefield. To reduce the optical band plane coated with a special radar absorbing paint and coating to reduce the effective reflecting surface in the irradiation of the radar.
Portable anti-aircraft systems used to attack mostly from the rear hemisphere. The pilot is almost impossible to detect launch of small missiles with thermal homing heads (TGSN). Protects the aircraft from missiles with THSN mounted at the base of the keel optoelectronic station interference “cargo Ship”. Powerful 6-kW cesium lamp creates amplitude-modulated interference coordinators TGSN, shaking the contour of the missile guidance and interception tearing. Not forgotten the traditional means of software setting false thermal purposes. In the device ejection УВ26—192 jamming of the cartridge.
Its contribution to reduce the visibility of the su-25TM was made by engine specialists. The nacelle was modified for the installation of basfor-Sanogo turbojet engine with a fixed nozzle R-195 with 10% greater maximum thrust, and reduced several times the thermal signature. Thermal visibility of the engine is reduced due to the installation of an enlarged Central body and profiling the flame tube, excluding the direct visibility of the turbine blades, as well as lower exhaust gas temperature by blowing atmospheric air through the annular gap. Cooling atmospheric air is fed to it via engine compartment from the air intake on the upper surface of the rear part of the nacelle.
An important component in enhancing aircraft survivability is the use of electronic warfare (EW). Skillful use of complex EW enhances the probability of successful overcoming of the modern enemy air defenses.
The basis of the information system of the electronic warfare complex “Irtysh” installed on the su-25TM, station electronic intelligence (SRTR), for the detection of circular and azimuth direction finding radars in the sector of ±30° in elevation. The SRTR range of 1.2—18 GHz covers almost all the operating frequencies of existing radar detection and fire control. In preparation for the possible departure reprogramming station by prioritizing the most dangerous sources of radiation. Information about the irradiation of aircraft radar and displayed on the indicator in the cockpit, indicating the direction to the source of radiation poses the greatest threat.
The type and number of engines adopted………………………………………………………….2hr-195
Besforsazhny takeoff thrust, kgf………………………………………………………………………………2×4500
The length of the post MIA m…………………………………………………………………………………………15,33
Wingspan containers. m…………………………………………………………………………………14,36
Height in the Parking lot m…………………………………………………………………………………………………..5,20
The base chassis in the Parking lot m………………………………………………………………………………………………3,58
Track chassis, m…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2,50
Normal “”flight weight, kg………………………………………………………………………………….16 870
Maximum taking off weight, kg………………………………………………………………………………21 500
The weight of fuel in internal fuel tanks, kg………………………………………………………3840
The maximum flight speed. km;h……………………………………………………………………………..450
The maximum number M………………………………………………………………………………………………..0,82
The maximum flight altitude, m………………………………………………………………………………..10 000
The range with a combat load of 2,000 m. km:
have Zemli………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………400
on vysote………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….800
The range with a combat load 1540 kg (2xx-31A + 2 x R-77) with 4 PTB-800
when flying at high altitude, km………………………………………………………………………………..800
The take-off speed, km/CH………………………………………………………………………………………………..250
Landing speed, CC/C…………………………………………………………………………………………….240
The length of the run from GNP without coating, m………………………………………………………………….600-700
The length of the path on the runway without cover, m………………………………………………………………600-700
Maximum operating overload………………………………………………………………….6,5
Maximum payload weight, kg…………………………………………………………………….6000
Ferry range (2 PTB-1150 and 2 PTB-800), km……………………………………………….2250

Having information SRTR, the pilot depending on combat tasks can: bypass the affected area of SAM; to strike on the radar protivorechivoe-diation missiles; to put active electronic jamming station “Gardenia,” or to produce software shooting aircraft decoys to ensure evasion of enemy missiles with radar homing (rgsn).
Two small container with the station, “Gardenia”, located under the wing, provide in the sectors of protection of ±60° in azimuth and ±30° in elevation spoofing, noise, scintillating and re-targetable to underlying surface interferences.
Sealed in the cockpit of the su-25TM at high altitude is automatically maintained excess pressure of 0.25 kgf/cm2. This allows you to improve the working conditions of the pilot and to raise the maximum altitude up to 10 km to increase ferry range, combat range and detection range of radar-contrast targets.
In order to destroy a given target, you need to go to the specified area to detect and accurately classify.
In the navigation systems of the aircraft included instrumentation radio system long-range navigation (RSDN) using the modulated signals of ground stations domestic system “the Seagull” and the international stations “Loran-C” by providing a global navigation civil and military aviation. In this case, the positioning accuracy of the aircraft using RSDN is significantly increased: from 0.5% of the value of the route plus from 0.5 km to 100 m. it is also Possible Autonomous flight to the target using inertial navigation system with correction of the radar. Equipment aircraft, block A-735 of satellite navigation equipment allows you to work with “Hurricane”, NAVSTAR or GLONASS and reduce the errors of determination of coordinates to 15 m regardless of the range.
In order to significantly reduce mental and physical loads on the pilot process of the combat mission multifunctional aircraft su-25TM are automated. Installed on the aircraft, automatic control system SAU-8 delivers in all weather conditions, day and night precision-automatic and Director control while pointing at the target during the flight along the programmed route through specified intermediate points (points of change of route), access to the area of target detection, re-entering on the attacked target, return and landing approach on the programmed airfield to a height of 50 m according to the signals of the weapons control system SUV-25T Voskhod.
In extended and extended forward fuselage and placed in the compartment [OEPS] “Squall-M”, a television image which comes mounted in the top right of the dashboard, the television indicator. When approaching the estimated location of the target at a distance of 10-12 km [OEPS] starts operation in scan mode. System “Shkval-M” has a field of view of 10° and provides a 23-fold increase in the target image. Depending on altitude it scans a band area with a width from 500 m to 2 km. an overview of the space is carried out in the scanning mode of the sighting head. Seeing on the display screen an image similar to the target, the pilot can stop the scan by pressing the button bound to the targets on the aircraft control stick. After target recognition pilot provides accurate target designation overlay of the aiming mark on the target image and by pressing the anchor button.
To strike the pilot is holding the combat button in the pressed state until, until the separation of the munition with the passage of the design of the discharge point. The results of the missile launch and firing of the cannon installation, the pilot observes on the screen of the television display. If necessary, it will automatically re-set the target and exit the attack.
System “Shkval-M” allows to detect targets at ranges significantly exceeding the visual. For example, detached house is recognized at ranges up to 15 km, a tank—8-10 km. Discovered and selected by the pilot is taken for the purpose of tracking remembering the image of the television machine that are part of the OEPS. System at any spatial maneuvers of purpose holds it on the support, with simultaneous precise determination of the distance to her. This ensures a direct hit with guided missiles, and precision use of unguided weapons, including free-fall bombs, increases several times.
OEPS provides the detection of targets illuminated by ground air controllers. This attack can be performed in automatic mode. This is particularly necessary on the line of contact to eliminate the possibility of a strike by its troops and improve the accuracy of the use of weapons.
Low-level television surveillance and targeting system “mercury”, developed by the Moscow scientific research television Institute, provides detection and recognition of targets like the tank at night, under the light of the moon in her first quarter at ranges up to 3 km and This is sufficient for the use of guided and unguided weapons. A major goal of the type of the railway bridge is recognized under these conditions, at ranges up to 6-8 km and the System has a switchable field of view—40 min and 120 min. the Principle of operation of the system based on the electronic processing of the TV image to increase its contrast and brightness to values, providing recognition of on screen objects.
Equipping the su-25TM radar aiming complex “Spear-25” with a slot antenna array gave a number of significant advantages compared to the original aircraft.
The main advantages include the provision of separately flights: detection capabilities and advanced MC for all types of weapons used by the attack, as well as mapping, significant expansion of the range of combat tasks of the su-25TM as multi-purpose aircraft.
When working in the mapping impulsotherapy radar provides the beamwidth of the main beam 4,5°, which provides a General orientation of the terrain, allowing one to distinguish only major elements: roads, rivers, etc., Digital signal processing, known as the “Doppler oburzenie beam”, as it narrows the beam of the radar 10 times, and the quality of the radar maps on the display is acceptable.
Further improvement in resolution on the radar map is achieved by a synthesized instrument antenna. This method provides a narrowing of the main lobe of the source radiation pattern 20, 45 and 90 times.
The use of the method allows to detect in all weather conditions group of tanks on a forest road at a distance of 25 km, the railway bridge up to 100 km, and the missile boat at sea is 75 km away. After receiving the radar map on the display screen, the image can be “frozen”, and the radiation radar for more stealth disable: high-precision navigation system will ensure access to the target area. The visual appearance of the provisional CO from radar complex “Shkval-M” significantly increases the likelihood of a successful attack in one go.
Su-25TM for effective implementation of military tasks has an impressive Arsenal, including cannon, bombs, unguided and guided missiles.
The creators of the su-25TM has replaced the built-in cannon installation VPU-17A on NPU-8M with the same 30-mm cannon GSH-2-30 (А017А) and the ammunition load of 200 rounds. When the installation is “moved” from predominio compartment and down under the middle part of the fuselage, offset to the right relative to the axis of symmetry. This placement of the installation helped to solve several problems: reduce the load when firing the instrument sighting system while providing a rigid mounting of the installation in the strongest part of the airframe, and to reduce the influence of the powder gases when firing on the stability of the engine. Cannons attack may be exacerbated by two removable movable gun mount SPPU-687 with 30-mm cannons GSH-1 -30 ammo 150 rounds, suspended under the wing.
Tactical aviation precision weapons (WTO) is very expensive. According to the calculations of the cost of the combat mission at the scrapping of the concrete runway at the airport of tactical aircraft with the use of guided aerial bombs in 10-12 times higher than the cost of performing only conventional means of destruction. Share of WTO in the fighting in Chechnya does not exceed a few percent of the total number of used aircraft weapons. This is primarily due to the bad weather and the lack of WTO, suitable for use in these conditions, and the absence in the army the means to produce accurate reference purposes and the transfer of this information for operational targeting.
The current Russian air force rely on the combined use of unguided and precision-guided aircraft weapons using precision munitions only on the most important enemy targets. Su-25TM provides defeat the important objectives of several types of precision weapons.
Guided aerial bombs (KAB) are relatively inexpensive and the most effective types of modular precision-guided weapons designed to destroy ground and surface targets. The modular design of the 500 kg bombs allowed them the use of standardized GSN (TV and laser) and a few combat units (CU): penetrating, high-explosive, cluster, and volume-detoni-roudou.
500-kg KAB with a penetrating warhead: KAB-500Kr with television and KAB-500L laser seeker is designed to engage highly durable stationary ground targets such as bridges, command posts, fortifications, and missile launchers on the launch pad, ships in port.
KAB-500Kr with television guidance system of the correlation type, which provides target acquisition at ranges up to 5-7 km and, unlike similar American CAB AGM-62 Walleye, suggestive only on the optical contrast targets, provides lose and soft, concealed targets, fixing the position of the conditional point of the aiming mark relative to the contrast reference points in the field of view of the GOS. After resetting media bomb is completely Autonomous. The presence of GOS built-in microprocessor provides the correlation processing of the information coming from gyrostabilized television cameras of the GOS. When approaching KAB-500Kr with the target video periodically and automatically overridden by the microprocessor, providing digital zoom, image. Such homing using a single lens with a fixed focal length, provides a pointing accuracy of less than 3 m. the Effective combat application KAB-500Kr does not cause difficulties even for young pilots. The Russian air force developed a number of tactics for enhancing the effectiveness of target engagement and providing kruglosutochno application.
Precision-guided weapons with semi-active laser guidance system is the most common and provides round-the-clock defeat the purpose. Fifty percent of these bombs lie in a circle with a radius of 4-6 m with the center at the aiming point. While laser illumination of the target can be a carrier of weapons, special aircraft or ground station. Su-25TM provides the use of four types of such weapons: it is already mentioned the bomb KAB-500L, and three guided missiles: KH-25ML, KH-29L and S-25L.
Not forgotten also is the traditional weapon of attack aircraft as unguided rockets of class “air— surface” caliber from 57 to 266 mm and bombs caliber up to 500 kg in various embodiments, a total weight up to 4 tons
Damage to small, armored targets is a priority combat mission su-25TM. The primary means the solutions are supersonic (the maximum flight speed of 620 m/s) ATGM “Whirlwind” with a laser-beam guidance system created by the Tula instrument design Bureau. Today, this guidance system is optimal from the standpoint of combat effectiveness. On-Board equipment guidance system based on this principle, and the rocket as a whole have a significantly lower cost than traditional missiles with semi-active laser seeker. Guidance station Manager creates a coded laser beam. This beam is detected by a sensor in the tail of the missiles “Whirlwind”. On Board are automatically produced commands to the deflection of the rudder to adjust the flight path of the rocket. The pilot can adjust the position of the aiming mark with the joystick (moving button on the handle control plane), if it will slide with purpose. Anti-tank complex “Whirlwind” is an effective high-precision weapons capable of hitting the most modern foreign tanks (penetration up to 1000 mm) at ranges from 500 m to 10 km: the probability of hitting small mobile targets such as tanks with a single missile is 0.8.
RLPK “Spear-25” ensures that the tactical aircraft anti-ship missiles (ASM) supersonic X-31A with active radar homing and subsonic Kh-35 the combined guidance system (inertial + ARGS). The su-25TM can carry four ASM. A squad of stormtroopers is a real threat task force of surface ships and can attack the destroyer “Spruance” with a displacement of 7800 tons, without entering into the zone of action of its fire defenses.
No less dangerous su-25TM and in a dogfight: [RLPK] “Spear-25” encounters the fighter with RCS 5 m2 on a collision course at a distance of up to 57 km on the Dogon is 25 km, accompanied at the same time to ten and fired up the two goals; all-aspect missiles “air—air” RVV-AE with a combined guidance system allow to equal to dogfight at medium distances with the fighters, armed with missiles “Sparrow” and AMRAAM. And in dogfighting new attack “not present” for enemy: the Russian missile R-73 are considered the best in the world, and station optical-electronic suppression “cargo Ship” is an effective means of preventing such common missiles as “Sidewinder”. To defeat the su-25TM fire 20-mm rapid-fire aircraft gun “Vulkan” is required not less than thirty hits is not an easy task, especially at low altitudes where the radius and time of turn he had less than existing fighters.
Finding new quality multi-purpose aircraft, the su-25TM has retained a reputation as a highly effective attack aircraft. This is provided by a wide range of weapons, a perfect airborne equipment with a high degree of automation, ensuring high performance survivability. The effectiveness of the implemented modifications is confirmed by the findings of head domestic research institutions and industry and the Ministry of defense, remodelirovania execution processes of the su-25TM major combat tasks.

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